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Why were these guys so hated again?
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Why were these guys so hated again?
Glazed donut and Pulitzer prize winner.
Snipers are always hated by the people they've been tasked will killing. with a sniper it isn't indiscriminate, its precise and targeted, they shot YOU specifically on purpose. These guys did wetwork in Laos and somebody from there hired you to take them out. Ain't complicated.
They were Russians, though. Russia wasn't involved with Vietnam.
I've sent the targets' VIs to your iDroid
The eye and the finger...
phantom pain mixed their names up

Because moralfags think kill people in Laos is bad
because they have shit ranks

b and c? really
Yeah these.

They're American.
no, by the time of TPP they've been infected with vocal chord parasites that switched their identities
Morals built society. You owe your life to morals.

>Black Russians
I hate them because I can't remember their names. What were they?
Wasn't that what the russians called them?
that's their nicknames idiot


not only are you people retarded as fuck but you're completely uncultured, no wonder other countries on /int/ think we're stupid
don't worry though, they had nothing to do with za doorknob
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