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Is it ever explained how a woman can beat up male raiders with
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Is it ever explained how a woman can beat up male raiders with her bare hands, wield a mini-gun and fire it from the hip, and etc.? Is it implants she doesnt know about or something? How come nobody else comments on it?
Your fucking ignorant. Anything a man can do a woman can do just as well if not better.
>how can a woman wield a 27 pound gun?

90% of /v/ couldnt carry 75 pounds around all day how about you start there and not fag shit
The male character is an ex-army veteran right? He's not a /v/ guy
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A pre-war Army vet surviving in the wasteland I can believe, but how does a lawyer with zero combat or survival training do it?
Give three examples.
giving birth
Giving birth doesn't count as "something women can do better". It's something only women can do. But hey, I'm sure you'd be great at it, bud. :^)
You were originally only going to play as Nate.
is it explained how pre-war safes survived 200 years without being opened, and why they have makeshift duct tape weapons inside them

why is the ammo fairly putting high caliber ammunition inside every lunch pail and school desk

it breaks down more and more if you choose to think about it
it's a fucking video game
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It does break the immersion for me whenever I see women effortlessly beating up men unless they're like ultra-ripped seasoned athletes and even it's close
High strength.
>how does a lawyer with zero combat or survival training do it?
Also weird that she can have low int, a lawyer dumb as a brick is impossible. An Army guy makes sense to be all over the place, an army engineer or doctor could have very different stats from a frontline soldier.
>caps stash and ammo boxes sitting on a table in the middle of a shack unguarded instead of cached somewhere

Nothing about Bethesda games makes sense.
Nobody could have ever survived after the bombs fell... except all those people who survived, picked the lock and then put their shit in there afterwards.

Why does it have to be prestine? The one thing I would give you is the food... there is a lot just hanging around for 200 years.
No you weren't, now fuck off
The script was leaked for the longest, you retard.
It is called suspension of disbelief. This is required to enjoy most mediums of entertainment. I don't even like FO4, but this argument is autistic as fuck.

>how can a plumber shoot fireballs guys?
>source: my asshole
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What the fuck? Where the fuck is this from? The new Assassin's Creed?
Why is she haphazardly breaking those arms? Thats very rude.
>You were originally only going to play as Nate.
Thread replies: 26
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