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How would you fix MGSV's story?
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How would you fix MGSV's story?
finish making the game on time
Remove Wolbachia

The ass to ass disease is just so fucking stupid. Even more stupid than Nanomachines somehow.

Let me play as Big Boss and actually have a descent into madness

>"I'm already a demon">
>pick flowers
>rescue animals and children
>exile a beta autist instead of stringing him up

Come on
Put back Big Boss's dialogue, focus on making the game actually finished.
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>Story and playing missions are not separate compartiments; fuck tapes
>Actually finishing the story and develop the loose ends. It feels like the game has some little stories with not much relation to each other (Skull Face-Eli-Huey-"Vic" Boss...) Write something decent and stop shoehorning English 101 recommended readings references
>Make Ocelot great again
>Deploying in the helicopter is a pain in the ass
>Players are already aware of Kojima's directing/writing/kojimaing the whole thing. Stop shoving credits every five minutes
>Forget constant references to Peace Walker
>Not so much emphasis on facebook tier Mother Base stuff
>Waiting hours to develop an item it's not cool, remove that shit
>May be add a couple of cool boss battles
>Difficulty selector
>You can keep the twist but it must match the rest of the story, not only being there for the sake of having a twist
>Since the game has an open world, make it feel alive, worth to explore it, etc. and not so full of copypasted CPs
>Secondary missions are awful; VR Missions from MGS1/2 felt much more fun
I'd get rid of it since we don't need anymore prequels.
Remove basically everything and make it a straightforward story that just indulges in Big Boss becoming a dick.

It's a game in a place in the overarching story that really isn't necessary, so you can't create new storylines without ruining what's already in place. Which is what they did.

If they really wanted to make this game, then even though it wasn't needed, it should've just been a simple way to bridge what we know.
Make it about Venom learning he was sold out by Big Boss from the very beginning, and he sets out to surpass Big Boss with his very name. In the end he is assassinated by Solid Snake.

Cut out everything else.
The twist is that Big Boss is actually Solidus Snake. Big Boss returns and kicks Solidus' ass out of Motherbase and uses it to construct Zanzibarland and Outer Heaven and all the other shit. Solidus is forced to kill many of his former men who now know he is an impostor.

Third act takes places in Liberia in the late eighties where Solidus fully embraces who he has become. Game ends with him killing Raiden's parents and forcing Raiden to fight in his child soldier battalion.

No vocal cord parasites. Remove 90% of the tape decks, or release them after they are shown in cutscenes for later use.
Take it out behind the shed and shoot it
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>Remove Motherbase altogether except for very very specific moments of the game.
>Force the place to be in the wilderness hunting for food,
>no idroid
>Equipment like in MGS3 (Equipment availabilty based around difficulty , OSP for harder difficulties)
>No Marking shit
>Limited inventory / item weight mechanic to be constantly changing
>No fulton
>Make the story to be what the trailers showed instead of the fan-fic tier storyline we got.
>Metal gear sehelantropus being based on the designs of the First METAL GEAR.(MSX one) (Also being fucking relevant to the story , after all you are naming your game after a War mech)
>No Companions
>Making ocelot useful, perhaps being on the enemy lines as a spy. doing what he does best.
>Actual boss fights
>Focus on PTSD trips and encounters (like being covered in the blood of your victims make the man on fire appears or other bosses from earlier games)
I could go on and on. Fuck you kojima. I hate you. I pre ordered your fucking game out of nothing but hype and the brand name alone.
Never fucking again.
>The twist is that Big Boss is actually Solidus Snake.
You already fucked up, because that's even more stupid than what we got.
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Can it even be fixed? The thing was a wreck from the start.
MGS story in general has been shit for a while, the only backstory Big Boss needed was MGS3
Give Kojima the resources to finish the game.
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>the only backstory Big Boss needed was MGS3

Exactly this.

Trying to expand even more on Big Boss' backstory drove what was already a convoluted plot into even more shit.
We play like BB and he is actually a good guy all along, and people believe he is bad for cipher's propaganga.
Also smaller areas but a lot of more zones and all kind of places to infiltrate, similar to shadow moses, other mother bases like in big shell, the old base from mgs3.
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