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Is he right? Should we judge games by their fandom?
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Is he right? Should we judge games by their fandom?
Yes, he's 100% right.
Every person who considers a shitty fanbase to be a factor in a single-player game's worth is clinically retarded.
I hope this faggot gets cancer and dies
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Either way, you are a faggot for making this thread.
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Communities can affect further games. It's why any souls game after Dark Souls is garbage
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John Bain?
Ass cancer man.
It has multiplayer
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This is why I haven't touched Witcher 3 or Undertale
a big guy
god cancelled his life
how much longer do we need to put up with this insufferable faggot until he's 6 feet underground?

You don't have to, but you might want to talk about it and then just end up with a bunch of memers. Can you imagine if every game had the Undergayle fanbase?
Multiplayer games yes, singleplayer games no.
Good community is a huge factor for singleplayer games as well.

Consider the modding community. Consider people making old games work on modern systems. You can't ignore things like that in this internet dominated age, unless you're really unsocial fuck.
What is wrong with wanting to discuss a single player with other people who played it? And what is wrong with calling those people retards when they say autistic stuff when you are trying to talk about the game?
Yes, it's a very sensible opinion, but let us now take this thread to the bump limit because someone remembered that TotalBiscuit exists and needs to remind us all of how much he hates him.
You're really reaching hard with this one
What's your point?
The problem is that if you don't 'approve' the game to begin with and try to find any way possible to shit on the game or not to play it based on some mostly unrelated thing outside the game which won't affect the gameplay itself. It's pretty much "This game is shit because the community is shit" argument.
Stay mad Blundertale faggot
This literal self-contradiction >>321813832

>taking it seriously

This is the kind of faggot that likes blundertale.
That's decent, at least.

Underfail would be better, if outdated. Blunderfail for maximum retardation.
No it isn't. He compares the situation between the two himself.
Literally who cares about "John Bain"? You have no reason to ever involve yourself with it.
if you spend your time here it's unavoidable. He's right, but it is understandable under the circumstances
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>manages to contradict the fuck out of himself in less than a week

the cancer must be messing with his head
>Thing is liked by a bunch of idiot retards
>If I like it then I'm no better than they are
>Be a normal person
>Avoid undertale fanbase by not interacting with it
>Be a famous guy
>Unable to avoid people contacting you

Pretty big difference desu senpai

overviral would be the most accurate

I mean... this doesn't really diminishes the original point at all, does it.
You shouldn't let the community affect your perception and enjoyment of a game. The fact that it happens to him only serves to illustrate the point.

The first thing I want to do when I finish a single player game is talk about it. Talking about it involves the community. If I visit the community and it's a pile of shit flinging, meme spouting and general trash talk then it kind of ruins that post-game feeling.

>inb4 hes not famous it doesnt count if you got famous through youtube
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Has he never heard of the Doom community?

After 20 plus years, the community is still active and cranking out some seriously awesome projects, sometimes collaborating with one another.

Games nowadays, maybe, but developers are to blame for the games they make being so hollow.
Pretty sure he's talking about The Witcher fanbase.
It's not, though. It's only shit because it keeps trying to spout shit at people who haven't played the game. If you've played it, it's fine.
shut up normie

He actually refused to review it because he was receiving considerable amounts of money from GOG and recused himself from reviewering it when it was new. He doesn't see the point of doing a review now because the game has been out for ages so it's not topical anymore and he suspects people just want him to validate their own opinion, which he doesn't want to indulge.

He's talking about people who still ask him/demand he play W3 despite it being half a year after it came out.
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He's right.
And in a select few cases it doesnt even matter for multiplayer games.
It's more of a point regarding letting your perceptions of what a community is like to taint your enjoyment of a game, or color your attitude towards it before having played it and formed an opinion yourself.

Think about how damaging it is for some fool to just constantly adopt the outlook of "I haven't played this game, but its fanbase is annoying, so it MUST be terrible!"
>tfw the mods will never start handing out permabans for twitter threads

He's saying that if a community is bad, you can ignore it. He's not knocking good communities that elevate a game.
Good games dont need mods to be good.
Not talking about the multiplayer. In fact it is the SP community that did it. The general "OH MAN THIS GAME IS SO HARD!!! OH MAN!!!" made any souls after Dark Souls fucking terrible. The developers took it and made changes that took it from being "Hard, but fair" to the crap it is now
Yet a game can be significantly improved by them, too. Maybe even turn a bad one into a good one.

I'm talking in general terms. Didn't mention any specific game.

For the record though, if you're talking about TW3, I did play it. It was good I guess, didn't really leave any sort of lasting impression. So if the community is shitting on people that didn't play it, then that's a pretty shit community, likely filled with buyer's remorse.
I was talking about Undertale. That's the game TB's talking about in the OP.
>The developers took it and made changes that took it from being "Hard, but fair" to the crap it is now

Well it look like the listened to your whining and DaS3 will be backstab city once again.
So in in other words; A Single-Player game can be made better by it's community.
But can we agree that it cannot be made worse by it's commuinity?
Couldn't be more wrong.
What would RPG games be without a good community. Morrowind, gothic, Souls games (yes those have MP elements, but at heart those games are SP-ARPGs)
this fat retard isn't dead yet?
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I love Gothic2 and I have not once communicated with its community.
Good game is good either way.
A single-player game can be made better by its community by means of modifications that you, as the player, has the agency to install or not. Basically, you have to "let in" those modifications so they can become a part of your experience with your game. That's an important difference.

A bad fanbase that spends all day making drawings of game characters kissing one another is an experience entirely detached from your personal experience with the game. You also need to let that bad experience "in", so to speak, for the game to be tainted by its community. In that case, it's your failure as a gatekeeper that leads to it.

It's akin to installing a bad mod, and then blaming the game.
Good one
I do not think you understood his post. Not surprising, though; Twitter's shit.

He means that you shouldn't dislike Undertale because of its cancerous fanbase. You should dislike Undertale because of the game itself.
No surprise that TB is supportive of cancer.
Prepare for karma.
Pretty sure that's the exact opposite of his argument.

I mean, I wouldn't enjoy cancer either in his position.
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Imagine, if you will:
>like game
>want to discuss game
>the only people you can talk about it with are autistic freaks
>Doom community
Literal cancer.
And that's coming from someone who made a doom mod.
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>tfw part of the based Pikmin community

He's literally ass ravaged.
Not any more. Liver cancer, not asscancer.
It's not like he's missing out on anything.

Witcher 2 was fucking great, but W3 is just shit.
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>/v/ and 95% of games
I want off this 4chan ride
That's more blue balls than actually having a bad experience with the game
>tfw Final Fantasy threads
>being a fan of V and IX
Video games are for nerds
Not video games.
you have autism
Definitely autism.

Doesn't /v/ have it's own version of the Commander Keen ruling?
>be playing splatoon
>fucking homotale memes everywhere

Because you fat british cuck, these communities form and permeate themselves into other shit. Much like how the cancer has spread from your bowels, to all over your body, and even into your wife's son.
That's a big tumor
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Still not the game's fault, fuccboi.
Not anymore than one can blame MOBAs for indirectly killing RTS.
did you honestly spend all that time quoting every post? do you realize how autistic that makes you look?
No, because then you get instances of people hating good series only because of the bad fanbase

Example: Invader Zim
What's with the sudden immense snobbery?

Does he suddenly hate video games?
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If you want to play the game, then yeah of course he's right.

If you want to discuss the game, then no he's mistaken.
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Let me get this straight.
>gets buttcancer
>he is too lazy to play a vidya game that is about 40 hours or something.
>his final words is an autistic rant on why 60fps is best and consoles is shit.
ofcourse not you faggot, if you do you probably don't like videogames
It's okay when Undertale does it senpai.
I like how nobody replied to this when it's exactly what a respectable reviewer should do.

I don't watch TB because his voice annoys the fuck out of me but he almost always has a logical opinion.
STILL not videogames though.
You just convinced me to play Witcher 3, because Witcher 1 was great, and Witcher 2 was garbage. If your bad taste made you think 2 was good, then that must mean 3 is actually good.
>V and IX
My brother from another mother
He seems egotistic, I might want his opinion if a game is good, rather than just wanting it to validate how I already feel about something.

I mean he can behave however he wants, he's living on borrowed time I guess.
Because TB basically is /v/. It's why he so hated here.
He's probably right, but I can't get past how fucking annoying the Witcher fanbase is. I don't want to deal with witcherdrones if I feel like talking about Witcher, in the event that i like it.
It speaks about mentallity of the kind of people that likes the game. Like how MLP being about friendship and colors i liked mainly by adults that never had friends, gays and pedophiles, or like how undertale attracts only retards
Normally I don't mind TB's BS ... however ...

... video games started life as single player experiences with varying degrees of fandom, from underground to unapologetically massive. Clearly, he's gone full fucking retard and forgotten his roots.

Self-made newfags.
The summit of human stupidity inches forever higher.
What the actual fuck did I say about a game?

I'm saying he's fucking wrong because autists circlejerking IS a blight on many things, even if it isn't their own game.
but that's not true anon, you just replied to it
I'm so sorry anon
Undertale is really popular everywhere so /v/ hates it now.
This is the gayest answer I've every read.
I don't care about faggy e-celebs like him but he's right.
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>video games started life as single player experiences
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>video games started life as single player experiences
Can't stand the guy but he's right.
You're an insecure idiot if you disagree.
He's right.
If you can't enjoy something because most of the fanbase is retarded, autistic or degenerate then why the fuck are you on /v/
>... video games started life as single player experiences

Also they started as pay to win (arcades)
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How the fuck are arcades pay to win? Yeah they're pay to play, jewish, and filled with artificial difficulty, but not pay to win
>fuck I ran out of continues
>shit bro just pop in quarters

NES was harder.
>This game has a shit fanbase I'm not buying it!
>These people keep plaguing me telling me to play this game which lowers my will to do so.
Based Totalbiscuit
What a fucking faggot.
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>too stupid to use Inspect Element
If a game attracts an incredibly retarded fanbase, what does that say about the game? I don't let a shitty fanbase affect my opinion of a game, but there usually is some sort of correlation.
not true
no you're a faggot and so is this limey cunt. singleplayer game communities are the reason we have things like mods.
Has he ever actually visited this place? 4chan has a massive superiority complex towards reddit, as if it was so much better.

What's better about4chan is that you can't get downvoted into oblivion for going against a circlejerk, in addition to the fact that threaded forums are simply not conducive to long-running conversations. But that still does nothing about the massive amounts of shitposting which makes having a decent conversation all but impossible.

This is literally his point.

If I judged something based on its fanbase alone I wouldn't buy anything. The internet being widely used and available to every mouthbreather, neckbeard, furry, pencilneck, autist, clueless child and raging cunt means that there will be nightmare fans and opinions everywhere. If you don't have to directly interact with them, fuck it enjoy whatever you think looks good.
Will this faggot ever stop pandering to /v/?
>You don't have to, but you might want to talk about it and then just end up with a bunch of memers.
this is exactly the problem
when you're told "just ignore the fans" it basically means "never discuss the game with anyone else who played it"
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No, it means learn to use a goddamn filter which you should already know how to do if you post on 4chins
In this tweet he is referring to Undertale fanbase, so given the context, he's right. Of course it doesn't apply to every game.

I think he's kinda right, because appearance of typical anon comes down to "not giving a shit", whereas typical redditor cares too much about everything.
edgy cancer-joke here :^)
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I dont know how the faggots at reddit behave, but denial is 4chans strongest attribute.

People claim they dont give a shit but they give more of a shit than most.
Nobody else gets this assblasted over the most minor things.
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