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>friend proposed to his gf on Christmas Eve >immediately
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>friend proposed to his gf on Christmas Eve
>immediately think of pic related
Is proposing on Christmas romantic or man ipulative?
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It can be any and all of everything.

Did he do it in front of a crowd? He's trying to pressure her into marriage.

Did he do it in a private place? He wants the truth, and that bitch will give him the truth.

The time of day does not matter, for the lord has given us a voice to speak out, and a hand to give and to take, to hurt and to protect, to masturbate and to help orgasm.

The spirit of the warrior will always be with you.
man ipulative
What in the fuck are you talking about?
This anon is wise.
Listen to him anon.
You know, as opposed to woman ipulative
Really? You think of fucking Facade of all things?
Normies would say romantic. We all know better though..
So did my brother but they had been in talks about it for a long time anyway, the proposal just making it official.
How fucking terrified of confrontation do you have to be to let yourself get pressured into marriage? I know it happens, but it's so stupid to me.
Women can't be manipulative without mansplaining.
>In before that video of the guy proposing live on TV at a basketball game and getting turned down

I don't want to post it because I literally cannot handle that level of cringe
I wish the normal social convention was to rationally discuss whether or not you both want to/if it's a good idea for the future etc rather than spend thousands on a ring for a question that might not be answered with a yes. Not to mention the tension left over when a couple realises one wants to get married and the other doesn't.

>implying women can rationally understand that spending half a years salary on a shiny rock is fucking retarded.

She's going to want that ring even if she says she doesn't, and then be mad when she doesn't get it.
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So, I've never really been interested in any romance bullshit, but I've gotta wonder, in a situation like this, is it more polite to say yes and just turn them down later, or to say no right away in public like this?

Like, in one case, you're raising a dude's hopes just to dash them later, but in the other situation they get publicly humiliated. On the other hand, the guy put himself into that situation so he kind of has to be ready for something like that.
Talk to a woman in real life for once rather than taking girl advice from a website notorious for being full of virgins
A ring is one thing, buying a ring just to ask if they want to get married is another.
If I thought that was something that would work then I would try and avoid public humiliation too, but in the end having an entire room potentially full of relatives/friends think you're getting married might be more trouble than it's worth.
That's the point, it's so cringeworthy that the guy was hoping she would say yes to avoid embarassment. And if she said yes out of pressure he would basically imagine some shit about both of them being deep in love when she really just wanted out the whole time. Good on her for having more balls than him.

There are many guys that have rationalization hamsters too and rewrite their memories about how relationships are going. My brothers wife basically ignored him until she turned 30, and he starts talking fondly of memories from their relationship at that time and she's like no that's not what happened I was ignoring you. He played it off and went back to his fantasy of how he romanced her since high school or some shit.
Turn the idiot down. He's a fucking dumbass if he thinks proposing at a televised event like that is a good idea.

Unless it was a situation where you both already agreed to get married, and he said he wanted to propose in a big way later.
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>Facebook is inundated by friends' friends getting engaged and they're sharing it as if anyone outside their family should know
Read this:

Say no immediately, leave no confusion. Alot of retarded guys out there. I remember in high school this idiot struck out with a chick I was friends with and he started making an ass of himself in front of the class, he was calling her out in the middle of a presentation and I was just face palming.

I meant to add, 'tis the season. Four engagements to people I don't know on a single day.
It's always better to be truthful regardless of how humiliating or embarrassing it may be to the other person, especially if it's a live or recorded event that could be uploaded to Youtube and used by news outlets. It's better to have "Person gets turned down live" rather than "Person fakes accepting marriage months after proposal" or some shit like that.
clearly the best playthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcvVa_FWXDA
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This. Now answer his question.
You should fuck your friend's dad
>looking at your news feed
>The spirit of the warrior will always be with you
Sorrow, is that you?
I cried manly tears

>not being excited to tell people you're getting married

I don't really see the problem. Only close friends and family can know?

Maybe a pregnancy I would get, just because you wouldn't want to lose the baby and have to tell everyone. But facebook is literally for updating your friends on life events
>But facebook is literally for updating your friends on life events

Only boring people need to broadcast every life event over facebook, it's really only good for chatting and keeping in touch
my fiancee didn't want anything when I proposed to her(long story) but I wanted her to have something of value to me(she gave me her rosary ring) so I gave her the key to a place I went to a lot as a child. it was very personal and heartfelt
I did buy her a ring later though because I wanted to(she doesn't like when I spend money on her so it took a bit of convinving). She picked it out herself at a flea market. Cost me 30 bucks and she loves it

what I'm trying to say is, go out and actually talk to real life people

These are friends of friends, people I don't even know from the folks I'm already acquainted with. Maybe the engagement notifications are useful knowing that a friend's going to be away for a wedding months down the line, but still.
As long as it is private it's fine.
I'm not a SJW or feminist or some shit but I find proposing in public places to be manipulative as fuck. How can people not see it that way? I'm sure not everyone who does it does it for that reason but ofr the most part? It's fucked.

Marriage in general is fucked.

Video games.
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