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I'm 29 now, almost an old grampa and been here for many
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I'm 29 now, almost an old grampa and been here for many years but now I feel in my oldness, I'm getting left behind. So help me /v/ to understand

What is a "meme" game/concept
What is meant by unironically playing a game, do people ironically play games?
28 here. You would know what it means if you weren't a newfag. Now fuck off.
I've been here for almost 12 years now, just do what I do.

Don't reply to it and keep lurking.
This has nothing to do with video games.

>been here long enough to remember wt snacks as a mod
What now?
30 here, lurk moar faggot.

>What is a "meme" game/concept
Game or thing I don't like
>What is meant by unironically playing a game, do people ironically play games?
People playing games I don't like
>What is a "meme" game/concept
it means "something i dont like and it is popular" 90% of the time.

>What is meant by unironically playing a game, do people ironically play games?
hipsters/SJW/neckbeards/fanboys do it all the time.
>wt snacks
Watch him reply to this.
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Meme means mainstream, its what's the kids call it these days to feel good/insult the sheep

Ironically playing a game means you hate it but still play it which explains why fallout 4 despite getting so much hate was still and is still posted about so much. It comes from the mw2 boycott on steam group which showed 75% of the members playing mw2 on day 1 of release.

Hope this helps.
A game that is not loved for how good it is, but for it's ironic humor which people unironically enjoy
or just straight up bad humor that people ironically, but unironically enjoy
>29 is now considered old grampa

Kill me
that pic
man, I am getting old

Put it to a vote.
quit being a faggot, you're not that old
just a few more months until i'm a official wizard...
Born 27/12/84, I am that old.
Ayyyyyyyy I just turned 28 yesterday. Any way "meme game" quite literally means "game that you don't like"

Glad i could help a fellow old man get back in the loop of these young contrarian faggots
>27 months
Not sure if troll or idiot
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Thanks guys. I suspected it meant that but I didn't think the kids of today had that much faggotry. No wonder why /v/ is such a shithole now.
Calling something a meme game is a meme in of itself. It's one of /v/'s parroted words along with cuck and autistic.

Anytime you see 'unironically' in greentext means you've got an Australian chucklefuck behind the keyboard.

Eurobro that's not how you pretend to be an americuck.

Apply yourself.
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Your average amerifat everyone.
Fuck off America, you're the idiot with no idea how scaling works
Fucking Australians. I should have known.
Nice but add in "cuck" for "person I don't like".
I actually love this image. Thank you.
>that MW2 boycott steam group

Holy fuck, I wish I saved the pic of anon showing the member list playing MW2.

Pure gold.
Don't insult them by mixing them up with /v/'s bitter ToRtanic survivor manchildren.
no retard. I meant you aren't so old. In fact you are not old at all. Would you rather be 50 years old right now? fuck you
I thought comfy was a game you could just sit down and enjoy regardless of how stressed you were and pretty much immediately unwind due to the atmosphere and comparatively laidback game mechanics.
Like a Kirby game, or a Lego game.
...are you 50?
Seconding this image request. I need a good laugh today.
It is. I don't think what "comfy" means was ever a mistery, like that image implies. Maybe for newfags or actual redditors that only lurk once in a while.

I haven't seen much people use it that way though. Words keep changing.
What does subjectively mean then?
A meme game is a game that doesn't offer anything of value but is somehow immensely popular.

30 in 4 months...
It's not a word /v/ parrots enough.
>People really think "Meme game" just means "Game I don't like"

It means when a game it popular for a "Meme" reason. Bad rats for example, would be a Meme game. Other examples would be I am Bread, any "simulator "game, Battle Toads, E.T, Super 3D Noah's ark, FnaF, etc.
I hope this clears any confusion anyone would have had
Sounds like you just don't like those games.
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So um what the fuck is a meme reason?

Why is Battletoads a meme? Just cause of ancient GameStop raid calls?

Thank you kind anon.
Now there's a slice of /v/ history as funny as it is sad.

Cheers anon.
Because it has meme difficulty.

What the fuck is meme difficulty? Did some kids invade this thread suddenly?
God damn this thread is so bitter.
Don't worry about it OP.
It's literally a meme in itself.
The majority of the /v/ userbase is man-children and literal children.

I don't know why I'm still here.
I fucking hate this place, but at the same time, I've got nowhere else to go.

I'm guessing you're not going to elaborate on that, huh?
Damn man, I know that feel.

What else did you expect from a thread made by and subsequently filled with senior citizens?
It's gonna happen anyway. To all of us who make it there.
Months, days, and years are not a pyramid.
Not a fucking idiot here,
examples of meme games can be found here:
Enviro-Bear 2000, Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors, Takeshi no Chōsenjō, Undertale.
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fun fact: Desert Bus has raised over $3 million dollars for charity. That's a helluva meme.
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It means you should filter "meme game".
Thread replies: 61
Thread images: 7

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