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If Final Fantasy got a second rep who would it be
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If Final Fantasy got a second rep who would it be
my dick
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Blocky low poly cloud model. Think of it like toon link for cloud.
Black Mage.
They love throwing this faggot in anywhere cloud goes
literally ass pirate buddies
Black Mage


well hopefully sephiroth
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Black Mage or a Mog/Chocobo combo.
Cecil most likely.
Black Mage
Onion Knight

All those nintendo FFers
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Castan my vote
I'd prefer Cecil or Terra
Zack only because he would be an easy clone of Cloud with same moves and everything.
It'd be Sephiroth and you know it.
Why would it be anyone else?
Either Cecil from IV, or Sephiroth
best taunt
Please talk about Lightning some more
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Marina Liteyears because fuck you we don't need 2 FF reps
Serious answer Black Mage or Sephiroth
>One-shot N64 game by a dead company which isn't even their popular series
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>Thanks to always dimension-hopping all over his own series, him being in Smash could be a CANON event.
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Anything but Tifa would be awful
Cecil if they brought back morphing characters
I voted for Cecil in the ballot so hopefully him.
Black Mage
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Tifa of course
Fighter or Black Mage
Chocobo would make sense.

But Sakurai loves pissing off everyone so probably the moogles.
Cecil if they brought back transformations. Otherwise, Kain.
He's kind of legendary in the most destructive way. He's got a secret hideout, he's got the fancy swords.
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>Not wanting the Prince of Faggots.
This, unfortunately.
How about a Dragon Quest or Eidos character?
Sephipooh for a villain
Lightning or the new MC for the upcoming FF
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great taste, anon
why the fuck would it possibly be Lightning? Never been a main character on a Nintendo console without Cloud's icon status
Zidane obviously
>What will probably happen
Lightning or Sephiroth
>What I would like
Squall or Zidane.
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oh great another sword user
I really want Cloud to return next Smash but if he does they'll probably end up nerfing him or removing his limit break
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Honestly, I think it might be Lightning. I'm not even joking. Other candidates could be Tifa or Sephiroth. I'd personally want it to be the Warrior of Light.
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Gil would be neat, but still a bit too obscure unfortunately. That and more complaints about another anime swordsman
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Fighter isnt as popular as Black Mage. Black mage would definitely get in.
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Here's my guess if 3rd party candidates were given the chance to get a 2nd rep


-Tails or Eggman


Street Fighter

Final Fantasy
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Daily reminder that Lightning is pure cancer and almost singly killed the entire FF franchise.

You know this is the exact type of shit Sakurai would pull.
I swear to god, I would literally shit blood if he pulled something like this
a chocobo
Sakurai hates making villains playable. The only villain fighters in Smash are Bowser and Ganondorf
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>There are people who actually think a second rep would be anyone other than Sephiroth

Fucking really?

You don't even have to like him to know that he would be the next most wanted FF character since Cloud already got in.
Only tifa

If we're talking square, jessica or gtfo
Does he live with his mom?

Ms Pac-Man, obviously

>implying "Most Wanted" has shit to do with anything int his game
Doesn't Ms. Pac-Man have some legal issues behind her or something?
Lightning is not an icon just because she hasn't been around for 19 years like Cloud. She's very much SE's waifu and she's being pushed to become the new (female) Cloud.
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It would be Lightning and we all would hate it. Probably.
Even if you assume that's true, which I don't, not sure why Nintendo should care

>Hey Sakurai could you please put my waifu in
>lol no
The actual scenario that would piss everyone off.

>Hey Sakurai can you please put my waifu in
>She has a unique moveset. Of course I'll put her in.

Agreed on Eggman

Dig-Dug, those old ass Namco series are pretty connected


Nah man, Black Mage
It does when Sakurai admitted Cloud was the most requested Final Fantasy character.
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I would like to see Cecil(as a transforming character). Terra/Celes are fine too but I think we've got the mage swordsman angle down with Robin already. They've been pushing Cecil using a spear instead of Mythgraven/Excalibur.

I think a kind of movement duality between Dark Knight and Paladin like you see in Dissidia would be neat too, regardless of sword/spear gameplay. Plus a character that could deliberately cause damage to himself to do extreme amounts of damage I think would be neat.
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It's going to be Bartz and you're going to like it.
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Cloud, again.
I think it'd be nice to get a few more Nintendo characters instead who aren't FE.
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Two FF7 characters would be probably to much but I really fucking want Tifa to be in this game
Don't be absurd. 3rd party/swordsman characters are what Smash is all about.
Black Mage. Leaving it there.
What they would obviously go with: Lightning

Who I'd want to see: Tifa, Shantotto

Pipedream mode: Agrias, Faris, Auron, Beatrix
Bahamut is too big
I would be ok with Lightning because I would be able to beat the shit out of all the Lightning waifufags

Latest results from Final Fantasy character popularity polls in Japan:



Squall probably.
Tidus or Lightning
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Holy fuck I keep forgetting what shit taste the Japanese have. Female list is decent except for the top two at least.
Mitsurugi in Smash when?
My heart wants Cecil, but it'd probably be Lightning. Or maybe Tidus.
>Zidane is 2nd

How? No, seriously. How the fuck is he ranked that high?
Daily reminder that Lucario in Project M is a better Street Fighter character than the Street Fighter character in Tr4sh.
Oh fuck off, you white faggot.
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Let's say she does make it in. What would be her stage?
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>Reina not even on the list

Holy fuck this is horrible.
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>implying it wouldn't be Zack because lol clone characters in smash
Still be a better idea than Dark Pit
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A straight line. In purgatory.
surprised we never got a Zack costume. Not even an alternate, just Cloud with black hair
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It should have been Cecil instead of Cloud to begin with.
It never would've been Cecil
>Zack has better frames
>Zack has more colors
>Zack even has the crossdressing alt, cause why not
Zack, the fighter DLCs of all DLCs when?
>why the fuck would it possibly be Lightning?

Because they can just reuse Lucina's character model.
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>mfw I tried that shit at the donair place the other day
No, but she comes close to being as iconic, and she's also extremely pushed to be such.
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>Squall not in 2nd
>Rinoa is nowhere to be found in Female list

What a fucking shit poll
>No, but she comes close to being as iconic
no she doesn't. I wouldn't even say she's top 10 iconic in the series, much less video games
It's not a poll for worst character
Probably wouldn't get in because muh 3DS version
>no she doesn't.
Not to you and I maybe, but to the Smash kiddies she's the only one that comes close. And even then yeah man, she's up there.
>Cloud and Yuna is in first

Are you sure about that, anon?
Lightning for sure.
I'm sure Lightning was SE's first choice to push to Smash, but Nintendo was smart enough to tell them to fuck off and give Cloud.

Was probably Nintendo telling them that everyone hates Lightning and loves ff7 that SE finally bit the bullet and remaking ff7.

However Lightning will be a second rep as Nintendo will have to back down the second time I further risk upsetting the ff13 lovers at SE.
Please Nintendo don't make Toriyama mad, he will make another 3-5 ff13 games... And I cannot take more.
My nigga.
no, she isn't iconic to anybody. Why would Smashbabbies know the protag from the 4th most selling game? Might as well call Tidus or Yuna or Squall iconic
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The person it should have been. Cecil.
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Not him, but who the fuck doesn't know who Lightning is at this point? She's been pushed into everything. Hell, most people in my campus who've only played VII know who Lightning is.
You're overestimating her. You and I know her but it's not like people who aren't into FF know who she is. She's a protag who stayed around for a while, doesn't make her iconic
i only want motherfucking Galuf
Galuf is a hero

Agumon you niggertard.
I still find it weird his logo is FF in the final fantasy font rather than the meteor or something. Made me think it's so the logo could be used for other FF characters.

Eh DLC's over anyways, Cloud + Cecil or Squall in smash 5 would be sick
Leon pls xD
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Always you faggots sniff these threads out.
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I'm not saying she's iconic, but she has become well known in recent years in both a negative and positive way.

Obviously, that wont help her get into Smash, but she's not going away anytime soon. I don't think it helps that she (along with Cloud) will also be playable in Explorers on 3DS.
Fuck Advent Children and beyond for turning her into a chink. Her boobs aren't the problem Gen II Tifa. It's the lost girl-next-door look. Unless you have chinks next door.
she'll be going away to the same point any ff protag that isn't Cloud "goes away". SHe'll have a presence somewhere but her era is over
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This. The fucker has had his game and sequel on Nintendo consoles. I guess they don't think he'd be recongnizable but I don't give a shit, I want him in.
Is that a spear? I thought it was some weird looking Amano sword considering Kain has a spear in Dissidia that looks like an actual spear to some degree.
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she is such a cutie
too asian
>muh kawaii realdoll thank you superior Japanese overlords desu
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>dat look at the end
The protagonist of the second most popular FF game or sephiroth
A corridor
>The protagonist of the second most popular FF game

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The Hanging Edge seems like the obvious choice.
That or her throne room from XIII-2
Black Mage. Besides the game needs more people of color.
tourneyfags would love that too much
They wouldnt because it will be a walkoff, kinda like the FE Colisseum without the rising platforms
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game needs more villains
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Since Noctis's home kingdom Lucis is in Theatrhythm on 3DS maybe Noctis

And it would actually be better due to the sheer variety of what they could do with him.

Guns, swords, hammers, daggers, lances, magic, summons, warping
If Final Fantasy XV is on the NX then I can see this happening. It'd be the first main title in years to get a release on a Nintendo platform.
It will not and FF7R wont either
Considering SE said that DQ11 might come to NX that implies NX is DX11 capable since DQ11 is being made on UE4

That would also let KH3 and 7R come to NX since they are also UE4, and XV is Luminous which is DX11 too so that could also come to NX

I even remember them saying they would consider any platform that supports DX11
I'd like a Red XIII to get a bigger story.
There is no reason it couldn't as long as it supports DX11 and equal hardware wise to PS4/Xbone
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I believe this to be true and it makes me sad, however I would vote for a black mage or a Moogle. Preferably this guy. Or Vivi.
Tifa as a little mac clone would be nice - just piss you off.
It's also worth mentioning they said they'd also considering porting over XIV on the NX. I'm not too interested in the MMO, but it's something.
It might as well. It'd give them an excuse to finally get some version of FFVII.
So a better Little Mac? I'll take it.
I don't want to be an asshole but if you think the answer would be anything but Sephiroth you're a fucking lunatic.
Wow, asshole.
Game with goofy Klonoa when?
fat chocobo or choco/mog

Still its retarded to have "this game kills the n64" have a character rep

Bowser Jr/Koopalings
Dark Pit
Donkey Kong (He been a villain in a couple games)
King Dedede
Meta Knight
IDK but it'd be better than Bayonetta.
I'd pick Wakka just for his moveset.
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My vote goes to Terra, but she's not as popular as the other recent characters. Sephiroth would be next one, FF7 is really the epitome of Square's financial success, (although not their best creativity wise).
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She would be far more appropiate than Cloud because FFVI is the most succesful FF for SNES
white mage
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