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How much of an Uproar would the west make if someone made a game
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How much of an Uproar would the west make if someone made a game that lets us romance a Dragon no erotic sex scenes like in ME or DA just an ability to have a nice sentient talking dragon character in game you can snuggle as more than just a pet.
That dumb ass dragon better turn into a Christmas Cake.

Or Loli.
I used to play NWN a lot. I was in a long-running RP group, and one of the players went deep enough into Druid to get Dragonshape, and proceeded to just use it all the time.

Later, she 'kidnapped' my character to a lair she had found and begun to build a hoard in, dressed him up in pretty dresses, kept him as the crown jewel of all her treasures, and ended up killing the rest of the party when they tried to come take me away from her. 10/10 would do it again in a heartbeat.
Thread ruined at first reply. Good job, tard.
Nobody would give a fuck.
/pol/ would call you a degenerate speciesmixer
What kind of faggot doesn't want to fuck a dragon?
Inda Reijoku
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It's hard to say. It can go both ways - perhaps it's a great example of how love doesn't need a male/female couple, of how your shape and size isn't the most important things. Certain people would love that and claim it as a victory for trans-whatever people.
On the other hand, it might be a horrific example of how men sexualize everything (yes, even if sex isn't involved), of how it's just about fulfilling the fantasy of getting a girlfriend, of how the dragon is just there to be meat to be hugged and used.

You can never tell. Some people are always looking for an angle to further their cause - be it by vilifying stuff to make others appear worse, or by praising stuff to make themselves appear better.

Drakengard 3 lets you cuck your pet deagon
I thought the whole point of this whole SJW bullshit was break from the "cis" norms? So surely the uproar would be less compared to say, that whole no gay marriage in Tomodachi Life. Then again, they'd find some reason to complain about the dragons taking away all the attention from them or something.
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>you will never have a girlfriend who could tear you apart with her claws, but she handles you like a fragile snowflake, careful to not so much as scratch your thin, scaleless hide as she holds you close to her chest, dull crackling of the fire inside of her audible through her flesh

Why must I continue this hellish existence?
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Dragons in darken guard dont have gender and i think they reproduce asexually or using Reincarnation.
So at best you can snuggle but you dont have sex.
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Imagine how heartbroken she'll be when he dies.

I mean, dragons have incredibly long lifespans so she'll outlive him.
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>not wanting to fuck a Gyaru Raptor Girl

I like Sanzo
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>Literally just a normal girl with wings

People die all the time.
I am quite sure a regular lifespan person is just as sad as someone who lives longer when loved ones die i doubt the lifespan is relevant.

Like imagine if your kid dies in a Accident.
Would you be more sad if you ware immortal?
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>Literally just a normal girl with wings
Isn't that just that kickstarter game? Angels with Scalely Wings or something?
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Have some Tomboy T-Rex

If you're immortal, that means you'll be lonely forever instead of for a few decades.

That crushing loneliness will eventually shatter your sanity, so you'll be insane forever as well.
>If you're immortal, that means you'll be lonely forever instead of for a few decades.
But what about the elves in Tolkiens Universe
Elves are faggots so they don't count
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>tfw no dragoness to cuddle with and use her belly as a bed
there is an unusually cruel force that conspired to put me in this universe with no way of fulfilling this fantasy

You find a new love.
Like most normal people do.

Unless you are some kind of fagot who is capable of loving only 1 person.
>not being evolved enough to overcome the urges of polyamory
fucking subhuman, this is why you're not immortal
>Wanting to die in the worst possible way
nigga you'd be on the outside of her stomach
The image implied otherwise.
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>draw generic big titted bimbo slut that looks like shes wearing a costume
>lets call it a monster girl
I'll imply YOU otherwise
Arwyn's greatest fear was Aragorn dying of old age while she stayed young. Elrond played on this fear to try and dissuade her from being together with him.
Just how monstrous should a monster girl be?
Nobodies posted Drakengard yet? Christ.
Xenophilic levels. But should still have feminine qualities despite not being human.
Barely human but not monstrous enough to be furry.
See the OP
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There. Also,
>not wanting to be the dragon
not that shark
That's furry
How? Sharks have no fur.
Are you really going to do this stupid bullshit, Anon-sama?
Don't play dumb anonymous..

It's been a while.
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Draguns r hot
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>tfw no shark-fu to help put pants on
I want to be inside your belly!
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H-Hi c-cutie, I was just w-wondering if we could... um.. get a drink sometime
I want to ride you with which the intensity I ride a rollercoaster. So fucking hard.
>tfw can't be bros with Grigori and listen to him talk in that syrupy smooth voice all day
It's a bad feel
Retards missing the point of Monster Girls.

I bet half the retards in this thread would label Smaug a Monster Boy.
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Post it
>>Imagine how heartbroken she'll be when he dies.
In a setting with magic and dragons? Come on, son. If you really love your dragon waifu you'll plumb the depths of forbidden magic to transform your pathetic mortal husk into something more formidable and hardy. Apotheosis or bust!
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please? I'll be your friend
You into dolphins?
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I would prefer to become your arch-nemesis
towergirls / dragon princess 1
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>Shitshark retards ruining a dragon thread
Fuck off
That's the highest possible test right there.
>the least creative most overdone pieces of shit
>there are people who put fur, weight, and perfect dorito ended tails on dragons

>call us the shitty thinkers
Sharks >>> dragons

deal with it, faggot
biggest problem I have with both is the artist interpretations leave for too many goddamn variations across them

Sharks either get snouts like nipples or ones straight as knives, tail curve at the end is never the same

Dragons get horns, fur, spikes, stomachs, hair, sharp ended snouts, snub snouts, dorito ended tails, rounded tails, etc.
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And only acceptable one at that
Man on Dragon romance was already done.

There wasn't any uproar over it because there were worse things to uproar about in the game in question.
best momster
guy's other stuff isn't too bad either, that getter character he has is pretty qt
Genocide is perfectly fine.
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Very well put. Maybe it's just because I'm older and am more aware of stuff happening around me but I honestly feel like the response to media has changed more then media itself. People praising or getting upset over things most people wouldn't even bat an eye at 10 years ago. Maybe they did and it's just that social media makes those voices louder.
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