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Who is the best summon and why is it Pariet?
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Thread replies: 42
Thread images: 12
File: 008-(1).png (611 KB, 960x1280) Image search: [Google]
611 KB, 960x1280
Who is the best summon and why is it Pariet?
>0 resutls
>0 resutls
>0 results

Gonna need an artist name
literally who
its the slut from summon night 5.

Watch your mouth.
No idea since I'm waiting on a patch for voices.
Look at what she's wearing
Yes, it's real cute. What's your point?
>Is nearly naked
>can't see what's so slutty about it
>im a terrible homosexual!
i know anon
File: Untitled.png (84 KB, 627x568) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 627x568
let me open your world family

add &safe=off to the end of the address of the google image search result
Seriously though, is someone working on this?
You gotta be kidding me. I found it with google in 3 seconds.
File: 1449830172825.jpg (104 KB, 682x896) Image search: [Google]
104 KB, 682x896
I feel like a fucking retard

But doing >>321474831 helped, even though SafeSearch is already set to off
File: Capture.png (496 KB, 604x706) Image search: [Google]
496 KB, 604x706
now try adding "&safe=off" to the end of the address of this search result and hit enter
I replied to my post with the image I forgot to include
I'm going to yuri it up with her once somebody hopefully patches the voices back in.
oh ok then, please do remember to add something along the lines of "forgot my image" because not everyone can see the (You)
File: Capture.png (14 KB, 934x318) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 934x318
the fuck is going on
>too big
>611kb image

this is definitely a problem on your end.
4chan doesn't like hotlinking

>google safesearch is turned off by default
>still have to add &safe=off to the end of the URL for it to display results

Something about the setting only being actually accessible by network administrators

They have no intentions of fixing this
I'm gonna yuri it up with Spinel even tough I'm a man

This looks pedophile as shit.
I never knew this. Thank you.
You look like pedophile shit.

At least I'm not playing this horrible piece of garbage. What the fuck is this shit, really? What is the appeal?
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Yeah well you look like horrible piece of garbage.

Case in point/I rest my case all rolled up in one
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File: magic.jpg (115 KB, 1316x999) Image search: [Google]
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The appeal of TRPGs is pretty obvious, as far as I can see: there's more of an emphasis on planning and positioning then in a traditional JRPG and the increased tactical depth makes the gameplay more varied and engaging. What specifically do you dislike about the genre?

>once somebody hopefully patches the voices back in.
I just wish I knew whether that will take days, weeks, months, years, or forever.

And yet, with all that tactical knowledge, fans of the series tend to discuss which underaged charachter they'd like to fuck.
Just /v/. This is true for most games.
File: dvth.png (213 KB, 460x738) Image search: [Google]
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Posting bro bot
File: Summon.Night.5.full.1450435.jpg (282 KB, 900x1200) Image search: [Google]
282 KB, 900x1200
Should I pick Spinel or Pariet?
One of them is fucking penguin, do you like bestiality anon?
Please add voices soon, anon. I'd really appreciate it.
Thread replies: 42
Thread images: 12

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