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classic kotaku
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Steam DB has nothing to do with Valve

classic shitposter
>Steam DB has nothing to do with Valve

>Going forward, we strongly encourage you not to store your billing information on the Steam store. Valve have proven multiple times that they’re unable to keep their security standards to a high level.
Yep, it's even in their twitter description.
>>Going forward, we strongly encourage you not to store your billing information on the Steam store. Valve have proven multiple times that they’re unable to keep their security standards to a high level.
you shouldn't do this on any website, period
Are you retarded? Remove what you can while you can before some nig or polak will take your info.
Hey goy, let's not be too rash about this.

Just call your bank if you see anything suspicious on your bill

That simple
Valve seriously need to lawyer up and tell steamdb to change their name or fuck off.

Its getting pretty tiring seeing people think steamdb are valve
Don't listen to him, goiym. Your account is safe, tak kurwa.
not their fault that people are retarded and cant read.
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We have received information that a hacker known as 4chan hacked into steam headquarters computer and is going to use the credit cards of every steam user to buy all the games for himself, we know you are here, the NASA has sent EMPs to your computers and is reading the LOIC canon, you cannot hide from anonymous we will find you and we will expose you to the internet.
Have fear
t.the messenger
steamdb was made by some russian redditor and has nothing to do with valve
Yes, but them coming out of the woodwork and telling people 'its not a security breach' or 'dont do x do x' is fucking stupid
if they don't, who will
What they say is sound though. The issue is on Steam's servers, not on Paypal's. Kotaku is giving horrible advice.
The people who actually know what the fuck is going on and who work at the company?
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Clearly Valve themselves isn't doing it.
Fuggin misogynists on steroids
We are still talking about Valve, right?
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>knowing what the fuck is going on

Yeah, they're known for being always at the top of their game.
Just because you say something here doesn't make it true. Especially with an anime image. This isn't a data breach. You're saying we should just start taking advice from people who aren't affiliated with the situation in any way?
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this 10000 times
Kotaku has nothing to do with Valve

classic shitposter
If you know anything about technology then what SteamDB is saying makes perfect sense.
Please explain.
I like all star better than classic.
It's in their blog post. If you don't understand that then it takes more than I can possibly write in a single 4chan post to fill the gaps. Read a book nigger.
So, uh
How does removing my cc details put me to risk?
Did you just equate someone's blog to reading a book?
He means get smarter you fucking dipshit

God damn ESL's fuck off
I don't think so, not any more.
I sure as fuck hope not. Just removed mine. Gonna be watching my email like a hawk for notifications.
I can't even access my bank account because of how fucking retarded the system is over here.
/r/ing that picture of skinner as kotaku assuming the gamers are out of touch
You have to log into steam to do it and putting more details onto the cache could make it more likely for your details to be accessed by random people.

Removing PayPal details YBFugh PayPal is fine since it doesn't involve the steam servers
The issue is already fixed. The store page is back up and acting normal.
This comic could just as easily apply to people who blame spooky scary SJWs for everything. Both extremes are absolute retards
>blame spooky scary SJWs for everything

They don't get "blamed" for things. They do things and then are held accountable.
>mfw the only card I use on steam is AMEX
>mfw if any weird shit happens I can just call them and tell them some weird shit happened and they'll sort shit out for me
>mfw the amount of restaurants I can buy food at with said card has been getting smaller because of chargeback fags

Gamergate really is evil though. Fortunately they're utterly incompetent at everything.
nice try.
>Gamergate really is evil though.

In what way?
>five years from now people will still be complaining about Gamergate

I always thought twitter and hashtags were stupid and did nothing but it seems like they are actually very effective.
In the same way Donald Trump made shit like MRAs and fascism popular again
ignore this poster: >>321455069 >>321455394

it's just a troll.
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>Gamergate really is evil though
I just like hearing them attempt to articulate their points.
Steam is such a shit company when it comes to communicating with their customers.
gamergate is just very gay but not very evil
They support the continued dominance of white supremacist patriarchy, for one.
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