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Now that Kojima has been abandoned by Konami, is he gonna do
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Now that Kojima has been abandoned by Konami, is he gonna do the trendy thing all Japanese devs are doing now and make the same game but slightly different to avoid copyright issues, and make a huge kickstarter with empty promises?

I can imagine it now
>Iron Gear Solid
>Only need 55 mil on kickstarter gib monie pls

Did he really say this? What's the context here?
He wants to make games like Zone of Enders, so watch out for Place of Finales.
there will be no kickstarter you idiot
He's wanted to make something that wasn't metal gear for a long time but konami wouldn't let him.
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He's slowly turning into Anno
No, it's some shit meme. Calm down, also - who gives a shit what people think about people who identify as 'gamers'.
how new
He said none of that. In the actual interview he merely announces that he is making a new game with his new studio and that it will be on PS4 first.
I just want to know why kojuma-san is on the verge of about to crying
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
No he didn't, it's just photoshopped
>on the verge of about to crying
that's just how he looks
Should we also be on the lookout for new titles inspired by other great classics?

>Astro Cops
>Ultraviolet Fighter
It's called "Asians". Their eyes actually look like that all of the time!
Fuck off, gamer.
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He's been abducted by the Sonyggers
Good lucking paying 399 us dollars for a nogamestation 4 and a yearly subscription of $50 for peepee plus
>Ultraviolet Fighter
I can't figure this one out
He'll probably make a zone of the enders ripoff instead. I imagine he's pretty burnt out on metal gear and it really shows with garbage like peace walker and peace walker hd: the phantom game
>Huey took his glasses on that boat

Konami stole everything from him.
He's been bitching about not wanting to make another mgs since 2. If anything he would do that for "quiet plateaus" or whatever.
Iron Gear Solid.. That sounds rad, could play like gears of war. I'd love that
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>that shitty asian facial hair

Lol. Low test.
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Kojima ten years from now.jpg
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When he is 140, on his death bed, he will regain his love for gaming.
Inafune was a washed-up hack that had legions of autistic children who genuinely believed he was the father of an IP he didn't make even though Inafune himself had never even tried to trick them into believing so, he was well within his right to exploit them for shekels.

Hideo's hated working on MGS since 2 and during his last days at Konami he was more preoccupied with making Silent Hills than paying much attention to TPP. I imagine he'll either try to resurrect that or try something new entirely, maybe they'll even give that washed up cuck Hayter a bit part as a show of good faith or something.
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