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So, I'm plannig on getting the PSX. Which is better to take,
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File: Ps_vs_psone.jpg (68 KB, 1000x730) Image search: [Google]
68 KB, 1000x730
So, I'm plannig on getting the PSX.
Which is better to take, original or PSone?
Oh, and are PS2 gamepads and memory cards compatible with PSX?
Just emulate them on PC with a microsoft controller
Really doesn't matter. PSone is just smaller and easier to carry.

But why not just get a PS2? It has a native backwards compatibility with PS1 games.

no, and no.
Even on PS2, you cannot save PS1 games on a PS2 card.
God I love the original PSX design so much. I would kill for Sony to make the PS4 slim a replica of it.
Get the original model. You'll need the Serial I/O port on the back to use PSIO when it's released.

the current PS4 is already so loud I can't imagine they could make anything smaller
As >>320861707 says, the PSOne lacks the I/O port. It's used for external modding chips needed for playing games written onto CD-Rs.
File: PSOne screen.jpg (24 KB, 425x425) Image search: [Google]
PSOne screen.jpg
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Depends on whether you're getting this.
>I'm plannig on getting the PSX.
I think you could drag them onto the PS2 card for plain storage though

i've never thought of it, but you're right, the PS1 is a beautiful design.
I pretty sure that PS2 (DualShock 2) controllers can be used on a PSX/PS1.
>But why not just get a PS2?
Already have, but it is needed to get modchipped or I have to find some license games to perform swap trick on it. After all, I'll need a PSX memory card.
Thus, it's simpler and doesn't make real financial difference to get an original Playstation for me.
>AUD $150
It looks nice but it's too expensive for me. Playstations here aren't more expensive than 50$ USD.
Play games?
Wonder if someone here has some experience with it.
What you're trying to say is, you got a bunch of pirated PS1 CDs laying around and want to play them.

Not sure why you wouldn't just emulate them.
actually yes and no
you can use ps2 controllers on ps1 but not memory cards. You can however backup ps1 save data onto a ps2 card (using the ps2) but its only a backup and can't be used for games.
This. PS1 and 2 controllers can be interchanged between consoles as the user wishes.

Source: Guy who owns 3 PS2 slims, 1 PS2 fat, and 2 PS1s both OG A/V outputs and the later combined cord port versions.
Its a pretty good screen. If you don't still happen to have a nice CRT lying around, its a huge improvement over playing on an HDTV.
How much does it usually cost?
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