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I just spent two hours reading a guide; then went 0/3 in arena.
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I just spent two hours reading a guide; then went 0/3 in arena. I actually tried so fucking hard...
The only winning move is not to play
>give ur sheckles to blizz
>get loads of cards
>make op deck

Not that hard poorfag
I have 6$ for the holidays. what the fuck am i supposed to get my family.
....and got so far, in the end, it didn't even maaa-aa-atter!
I'm not very good, but sometimes the arena draft can fuck you. I don't do it very much, but I think I've gotten to pick a legendary like one time.

I assumed, and it would make sense, for the draft to just have one guaranteed legendary pick
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No matter how many guides i read, i can never get the results i want.
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Arena is all about luck, you may have drafted a good deck but your opponent has a better starting hand, ur fokd, last week i went a 8-3 and three 0-3s, but 150g is still worth the investment, if u are lucky, it's gonna pay out so well
Arena is about luck. Guides can help you pick the best options out of what you're given but if you get only shit cards then there's nothing you can do.
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so wtf how is this competitive
Are you just now finding out that competitive gaming is a sham? League of Legends is one of the biggest Esprots for christ's sake
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>you should spend money if you want to win in arena
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here's how to get better at hearthstone

>100g left for the last wing to play through
>never paid a dime to blizz
>have dr. imbalanced

nah, some people only try too hard and fail

rng sucks most of the time, but still better than playing that virgin card game
Went 11\3 without guides.
This. I created a realistic minion build meant for offense and defense, yet somehow always pulled assist cards at the worst possible time.
teach me
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>not going at least 7+ win every arena

It's so easy.
Use heartharena to draft your deck until you learn the value of cards. Don't overcommit to the board. Use Mage, Paladin or Rogue where possible. The first few turns of each game are the most important and whoever gets tempo then will often win the game. Don't get upset if you lose because sometimes you do just get unlucky.
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>Rogue where possible

a 0/3 (new) arena player with rogue. That might backfire, despite how strong Rogue is. Would change it to Druid.
Same way poker is? It's ultimately luck of the draw, but you can still minimize risk and do the statistical best thing you can with what you have every turn.

yep, pretty much this
>I can easily go infinite
-every hearthstone player

yet if you watch top arena players they constantly have bad runs because hs is and will always be an rng fuckfest.

just keep trying. use a site to draft if you suck at that. getting a lot of wins is just a question of luck.
it is and it will be, but with some smart deck building and plays you can increase your chances. Sure a turn 4 Dr. Boom, the 4th Flamestrike or a Deathwing out of nowhere can fuck your shit up, but that's no excuse to have a shitty curve or use your fireball on a 2 mana minion.
That implies I have all those card anon. To even get a deck you either have to pay to get it or grind the game forever until you can get it.
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>go Druid
>get a decent deck
>get assblasted by some fucking strong decks to 0-2
>warlock opponent
>has removal for turn 2,3,4 and 5
>"its ok he'll run out of it eventually, I still have a decent curve going on here"
>He doesn't run out of removal
Mate, have you been in a Darkest Dungeon thread? /v/ doesnt get risk management. If there is a random component, its a no skill RNG fest fuck this game play Quake noob.
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Ho ho ho vey!
1) learn what Tempo is
2) learn what cards generate the most of it
3) learn what kind of curve you want senpai
4) just fuck that arena up
5) (optional) learn about card advantage too
>use heartharena

but then you'll never truly get good

the way to get good at hearthstone arena is to know your own deck, be good at the game, and make a statistical assumption for every opponent you come across as to the contents of their deck

in layman's terms: git gud
You masturbate with a condom too?
Hello Reddit
The only people who win at arena are Acti-Blizz and autistic Europoor streamers
Oh goy, what a saving, 50 cards for just 49,99 USD? Even probably 49,99 EURO TOO? WHAT A DEAL!

Blizzard is a fucking joke with their price.
I think 50 packs are 250 cards.
I meant packs not cards. The basic cards should be free by now since their jewing away with their adventures anyway.

That implies I've got gold or real money to spend anon.
More like they should implement some trading system. I'd be okay with having to "sacrifice" a card to trade a card, like each player putting 2 cards, one to trade and one to be destroyed or some such.

There are some passable basic decks out there, I have most of the cards in the game but I still mostly just do tavern brawls for dailies and an arena whenever I have the gold.
Tell me of these basic decks anon, because I literally can't build anything with the shit I have. I've got like 12 class cards at the most and all of the neutral ones are mostly "why would you ever play this card when you could play this one which is better in everyway".
>play arena
>against objectively superior cards
>guy plays badly but still wins
>well played i appreciate that well played im sorry well played

I am of the opinion that Blizzard's experiment against trash talk failed. These enrage me more than generic shit flinging in chat.
/v/ermin should stick to single player
funny how mtg players switch to hearthstone and never the other way around
Lots of good 2 and 3 drops will get you very far. Tempo is the name of the game.

Rogue is the greatest class in arena. Then mage and then paladin. They're all strong as fuck but sometimes Paladin will feel weak as fuck because you didn't get true silver champion.
only Kibler's doing it for shits and giggles and he still plays mtg
All the Hearthstone pros came from MTG.
Probably because casual RNG shit gets you more money for less effort
>make a claim
>get proven wrong
>shit out a bunch of buzzwords and insults

you haven't proven anything, and he's not the person who replied to you first
>not instantly squelching your opponents.

They should implement an option for auto-squelching but i read somewhere they wont because fuck you
>10 mana
>out of cards
>draw innervate
>next drawn card is the second innervate
80 bottles of water? hell yeah dude.
This game is 95% about building the right deck and its so tactically shallow that "the right deck" means putting the same 2-3 overpowered 50 dollar cards in your deck.

Even by tcg standards it is disgustingly and transparently pay to win. You are better off downloading crossy road or candy crush.
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Pick cheap cards that do something right the fuck now instead of expensive cards that essentially have you skip a turn and maybe do something next turn.
Which one of those strictly bad cards that only ever deliver when combined with other cards and circumstances I am unlikely to get should I pick?
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