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Today is my birthday, recommend me some games to escape reality
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Today is my birthday, recommend me some games to escape reality please.

Some good old RPG from the PS1 or PS2 era would be nice.

If they're on steam now it's okay too.
Just play your favourite game. It always works for me.

Today is my birthday as well. I plan on going through Ocarina of Time again.
Breath of Fire 3. Played it a few months ago and it jumped to my favorite RPG of all time.
Happy Birthday OP.
Xenogears if you already haven't.
Grandia® II Anniversary Edition
Mugen Souls
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

Enjoy & Happy Birthday OP :)
The ps2 SMT games they're all GOAT
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happy birthday!
it's my birthday too anon, happy birthday

sorry if people forget or clump your birthday with christmas since they're kinda close
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Dragon Quest V/VIII
Happy Birthday
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just watch this annon. he's coming back you know. C:

I have played my favorite game from hell and back, it isn't fun anymore

Happy birthday anon.

I replayed it not so long ago.

Thanks, already played Xenogears, it's been a while thought, i may play it.

Thanks, gonna check them out

I know, i'm actually playing them now.


Happy birthday anon.

>it isn't fun anymore
What a shame. Have you ever tried an Ace Combat game?
Play Suikoden series
Why are you sad anon.
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Happy birthday anon

It was my birthday a couple days ago but I played some MGSV, got the birthday cutscene and cried for a bit because the only people who cared were video game characters
Are action RPGs allowed?
Euro Truck Simulator
I recommended games that are only in steam but if you want games that really distract you try:

Final Fantasy IX (I don't care what anyone says about it. Really fun battle system with a nice feel good kinda story, will get you in a good mood. Square can suck it for not bringing it to steam)
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Shadow Hearts
Shadow Hearts II: Director's Cut
Grandia 1
Final Fantasy VIII

Although from the Mega Drive/Genesis this are REALLY good.
Phantasy Star IV
Shining Force 2
Happy late birthday anon.
End thyself, knave.
>having birthday so close to christmas

Sucks to be you.

Summer/Autumn is best time to be born.
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Happy birthday. I like crono trigger and smt nocturne dispite being overrated.
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Happy Birthday, anon.

Champions of Norrath
Crono Trigger
Diablo 1
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Hope you have a good one, anon. You seem like a decent enough guy and no one deserves to be miserable on their birthday. Even if only for a moment, I hope you find some semblance of happiness today.

Have a happy seal for your troubles.
Damn man, I thought I was sad having no one to be with during the holidays but this is soul-crushing.

Happy Belated Birthday, anon. I hope next year turns out better.
It's my birthday too today
>all these December 20th birthdays who happen to be browsing /v/ at 1 in the morning.

God dayum. You should all just play vidya together and shoot the shit about life.
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It's weirding me out a little bit to be honest.
I would, but I would rather not post my Steam ID on 4chan, and I plan to go to bed within the next hour.

That candle is four years too young for me.
I just turned 25 myself
I recommend blackguards 2. Forget yourself in the depths of...whatever that place is called. Get the GoG version with the patch.

happy birthday OP
Happy birthday you emo weeb go kill youself
Mana Khemia.
There are people that deserve death more than OP.
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I'll be your friend, OP. That's if you want a friend such as me, of course.
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