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Just purchased and opened the case. What an amazing way to greet
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File: The Witcher 3.jpg (817 KB, 3718x2092) Image search: [Google]
The Witcher 3.jpg
817 KB, 3718x2092
Just purchased and opened the case. What an amazing way to greet players. My loyalty and respect were earned with one slip of paper.
File: 1429912971926.jpg (144 KB, 619x530) Image search: [Google]
144 KB, 619x530
>being loyal to a company
Yea such great developers, making the game on consoles run at 20FPS.

The message is good but your response is retarded and I dont see the point of your post
pube on the disc
shutup u fucking shill. also ur a dumb peasant
kek, don't worry, they'll lose it all once you start playing.
>blaming developers for consoles being underpowered shit
they could of lowered the settings further
>here's 16 day one DLCs that we should have included with the game in the first place!
Wow they're so generous.
File: ew.jpg (13 KB, 140x200) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 140x200
Lol so kawaii@!!!!!
lolololol go back to reddit nigger
W3 is horribly unoptimized on all hardware.
Do you really expect someone who purchased an Xbone to think logically?
>could of
Well they're clearly not a weeb so yeah
Thread replies: 18
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