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https://youtu.be/X5XSiww9ZO4 I take it most that's left
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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

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File: star citizen.jpg (84 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
star citizen.jpg
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I take it most that's left to do is content?
File: 041.gif (2 MB, 345x258) Image search: [Google]
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common core.jpg
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>things /v/ is objectively wrong about this year:
>smash leaks
>indivisible is unfundable
>mighty 9 is shit
>star citizen is tortanic 2.0
Its getting embarrassing guys
/v/ is wrong about a lot of things
played 2.0 alpha

it's decent but they need FPS dungeons with AI that can shoot back at you

it's cool now but it disconnects and crashes a lot
File: 03bb7ac474eec1c2de9.jpg (508 KB, 1094x720) Image search: [Google]
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It does need a lot of work but the multicrew shit and the distance you can travel is pretty neat.
This picture causes me so much pain...
Thank allah for arabic numerals?
I hope the Freelancer and Constellation reworks are cool

I'm happy with the Avenger Titan, hopefully that fat cunt Ben wont go through with making them slow because they are too lazy to fix its damage states
It would help if 2.0 didn't crash, freeze and lag like a bitch.
They're planning on optimizing it eventually right? I tried it during the free weekend and I was getting like 20 fps on low in the universe mode
Yes, test out Arena Commander and see what your frames are there.
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