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Why does /v/ hate the RIFT MMO?
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Why does /v/ hate the RIFT MMO?
Its like a really cheap edgy WoW. Feels Korean almost. The class choices are nice but thats it.
>/v/ is a hivemind meme
Because it's a shitty wow-clone.
Go back to the mmo thread with that shit >>320295026
My best MMO experience ever was Rift during the Storm Legion on Faeblight US. Don't hate it but Nightmare (Tide?) really disappointed me.
It's good actually
>eating shit and liking it
>without irony
Prove it
Google it, cuck.
>hacking past filters
>being a newcuck
The only mmo worth a shit in 2015 is eloa. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
i love maru
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