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How do you pay for so much vidya guys
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How do you pay for so much vidya guys
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Why didn't the eagles just take you to piratebay?
aslong as its a good game i'll gladly pay up to 100 bucks
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My parents prioritized their jobs over raising me which left me a somewhat maladjusted child but never without bucks for vidya games

I regret nothing
With money

I have a job
I'm neet but I do chores for my grandmother once a week, she usually gives me $500 for it.
Holy shit, what kind of "chores" do you have to do?
jezes what are you fucking her?
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Are you Leatherface?
I suck her dick, sex her dog, sometimes mow her lawn. The usual grandma stuff.
ok pretty basic stuff then
By being important, and people paying me for content I'm not actually going to be releasing.

Because the FBI is watching it with their magic
I suck cock for a living
Try it sometime.
are you jerking off your grandma, dude.
There 1-2 games in season worth buying
Everything else I pirate
>no more Steam Flash sales
I buy everything on sales.
I have never bought a game at full price.
Why buy at all if you don't want to give the devs any money?
Because I want to give them some money, I just think they're asking too much.

Also, no matter how much money I spend on a game, owning a legit copy makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
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>PC games aren't physically sold in weird boxes anymore
>computer shows are all but dead
i get everything for free
That kinda makes me sad. Don't know if I'd ever take money from my grandmother in exchange for helping her around the house.
Different people, different relationships I guess.
Not video games.

also, either get a job, go neet or autismbux
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>they're gone and I didnt even realise it
I don't.
I can't afford many games so I just shitpost on /v/ and give opinions on games I haven't played.
By selling heroin
Seriously, junkies payed for my rig lel
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