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Fallout 4 screenshots thread. Show off your shitty bases and
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Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 13
File: file.png (2 MB, 1462x790) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1462x790
Fallout 4 screenshots thread.

Show off your shitty bases and ugly characters.

Make fun of people's shit tastes.
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2 MB, 900x506
What the fuck did you do with that gun? Or are you using some survival difficulty changer mod?
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238 KB, 1920x1080
sieg heil kameraden
Why did the first shot glow green?
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Oh no, a popular game that was released recently is getting attention, how will I ever live my life?
Best hitler I've seen so far, and I've seen a few hitlers.
>2-shotting a Mega-boss with a modified legendary shotgun

How the fuck do you faggots play like that? Where is the fun and challenge? I am playing on survival difficulty currently and avoiding any overpowered/legendary weapons or perks/power armour, it is tons of fun.
I'd rather make fun of whatever graphing calculator you're using to run the game.
clap 4 u frend
prop ti-84, senpai consoles are looking better than that shit
>not using the cbbe bodyslide prototype
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My settings.

Not sure why you think it looks bad. It's just how the game is.
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my character + inspiration
No lawn chair hat? It makes my character look like an absolute mong, but gives great stats
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You guys probably sold Billy out.
FO4 Dialogue

This guy


is right.

On top of cropping your screenshot, the quality looks off. For example look at the tire

Who are you trying to fool? You resolution is also 1600x900 what the fuck did you change the presets but forgot to change the res?
Why is 1600x900 bad?
>posts tire from a different angle later at night

Great comparison.
>Hurr durr implying some people don't like to step back from the challenges for a bit and feel overpowered for fun.

>Not selling him, killing the slaver and then taking billy home.

Probably the quest with the most possible outcomes Beth put in.
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File: Fallout4 2015-12-10 18-28-11-63.jpg (520 KB, 3440x1440) Image search: [Google]
Fallout4 2015-12-10 18-28-11-63.jpg
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Th...thanks Brotherhood.
are you retarded? it's an old ass res that's why.

why play on the highest settings on such a shitty res, it's stupid.
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This is the character I'm currently playing as. I think I did an okay job creating her.
>depth of field on
>motion blur and lens flare on

You're not fooling anybody faggot.
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 13

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