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>Just got a Wii U >Pick up Splatoon >first 4 games >One
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Thread replies: 16
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>Just got a Wii U
>Pick up Splatoon
>first 4 games
>One guy keeps hiding behind corners and grabbing kills with the roller

Is there anything more pathetic than camping in a game made for small children?


Dying to the person who is camping in a game made for small children.
I've yet to not top my team as far as points in my first 5 games, so get fucked faggot.
>use blaster/use slosher/throw bomb/killer wail/ink strike
>if it doesnt kill him immediately it will force him to flee and they you can just shoot him

Sounds like you got a bad case of "I suck so much please rape my face"
Complaining about it
Came here to post this
>throw bombs

Yeah, I realized that works, still. That's some tryhard shit to just stay behind a corner.
>playing fair with randoms online

Playing a game made for small children
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Complaining about it on a Korean PowerPoint forum
I can't even imagine that could be fun though. The fun in Splatoon comes from going hard and running up
The Roller is actually pretty terrible now, low tier weapon in Ranked since everything else outranges it.
Playing games made for little children.
first kill is passable anytime after that is sad
how is camping a problem for you. the objective is to paint the map so the guy camping is activly hindering his team from getting more points and winning.
stop being a pussy and paint the map.
Thread replies: 16
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