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Explain this, consolefags
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Thread replies: 51
Thread images: 12
File: aZN9D4W_700b_v2[1].jpg (65 KB, 618x463) Image search: [Google]
65 KB, 618x463
Explain this, consolefags
Hey, it was 38 KB yesterday!
that ain't 283 you phony
Compression, procedural generation, and your addition of text.
but the text is white so it takes away pixels which means the image should be smaller
File: image.jpg (47 KB, 420x594) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 420x594
Why else do you think Mario can't go backwards, scrub?
artificial difficulty
It's 65 kilobytes
> via 9gag.com

There's your problem.
Good optimization
this shows how shitty jpg is.
A repost of the a repost of reddit thread on 9gag. Why is this allowed?
>65 kb


>65 KB
Back then games were optimized, if they remade Mario 1 now it would require 5Ghz 16core-CPU and 4 high-end GPU's to even boot up.
yeah but at least itd have hdr and bloom
this is some deep shit
File: image.jpg (95 KB, 680x989) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 680x989
>via 9gag.com
>reposting reddit content on /v/
Thanks. It's not enough that I'm constantly linked to that horrible website but I see the same linked content reposted here. Why?
File: NES_Super_Mario_Bros.png (3 KB, 256x224) Image search: [Google]
3 KB, 256x224
Here's the original size of the game. It's less than 4 kb
If 4 kb is the size of one screen, the game would have only 10 screens
File: mario meme.jpg (136 KB, 1353x726) Image search: [Google]
mario meme.jpg
136 KB, 1353x726
So then where do they keep all the code and extra levels then hmmm?
Answer me that mister computer gamer?
File: 1449930911337.png (15 KB, 240x200) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 240x200
being this retarded

for the fucking retarded:

1) I can code an exe of less than 2kb that creates a file of 9GiB. Do you understand this concept?

2) the "game" is not coded to generate an image, there's no "image" displayed, the code tells things like "this will go there" and that's it, it doesnt generate an image. The size of the game depends on the code+the sprite size. the sprite size will be less than that image size, because it use patterns for like the background etc.
it's all kept in THE CLOUD, obviously
thank you mr obvious
That's not how programming work... They make 1 brick and copy paste it. The brick is still x amount of bites and it does not take more.

They make the graphics and then say "Put this brick there and there and ....". They dont draw an individual brick, Mario, item box for every screen.
File: 1309917361879.jpg (50 KB, 576x416) Image search: [Google]
50 KB, 576x416
How do they fit it there? Can Mario really jump that high?

Ooooh the cloud.
I get it now.
Each frame isn't saved so it can sustain 4 kb forever.
of course they fit in there, silly anon
don't question technology
File: 378.gif (1 MB, 250x141) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 250x141
But Mario came out before final fantasy 7?
File: 14499372728966.png (2 KB, 256x224) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 256x224
step up senpai
File: image.gif (235 KB, 206x236) Image search: [Google]
235 KB, 206x236
>actually believing computers work that way
lrn2code, fuccboi
Are you going to refute anything or just call him aa fuccboi
File: 1449938164280.jpg (2 KB, 256x224) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 256x224
jpg the strongest
youre dumb if no image were displayed you wouldnt be able to see anything
Well, duh. They put it in the clouds since Mario can't jump that high. That way he can't mess with the code and make cheats.
that is one ratchet super mario brothers
atheist 0
christians 1
this was on le reddit yesterday
i know because i was on reddit yesterday
It'd seriously be several megabytes in size, just because if they remade Mario 1 now it'd be done in Gamemaker, and that converts all images to supermassive PNG files 10x the size of the original game.
he gets there by climbing a vine, have you even played the game?
nah man theyd be using unity
I don't play games
File: 1399373104207.png (174 KB, 386x328) Image search: [Google]
174 KB, 386x328
Thread replies: 51
Thread images: 12

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