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>think the plot for MGSV is actually really good on paper
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File: MGSV-Online.jpg (217 KB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
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>think the plot for MGSV is actually really good on paper
>the execution of it however, is complete and total garbage
Why did this have to happen to us?
Too many side ops and too much effort put into FOBs. They should have had more and longer story missions.
Hell, I did one FOB and got sick of it.
I am fine with FOBs until I lose one then I lose all motivation.
What's the deal with such a focus on FOBs anyways? I have not done a single fucking thing with FOBs, because it contributes absolutely nothing to the story whatsoever.

>playing mgs for ridiculous micromanaging multiplayer bullshit
Alrighty then
I don't think anyone plays it for that reason, unless you are saying it was counter-intuitive for Konami to use FOBs as a main gameplay element of the game as we all know most people who play MGS play it for the pseudo-complex, glorified microtransaction multiplayer elements.
I had a blast with mgsv but I'll probably never play it again. So meticulous. Fuck FOBs too, what were these assholes thinking when they made this game? They're constantly pushing it and telling people to keep playing but they're so repetitive and boring.
Yeah, the worst part really is how they keep updating it. It's a real slap in the face to the true fans on the franchise, and now Konami is hinting really strongly at something happening when all the nukes get disarmed, which will just end up being that cutscene we've all already seen.
File: femSnake.jpg (196 KB, 450x636) Image search: [Google]
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>MGSV online
>male avatars
>Pre-release screen
>representative of current MGO community
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Rate her
Zero was right all along.
all the female characters in MGO look alike. Prove me wrong.
lookin' frisky

dudes too, tbqh
Because japs put too many children in their stories.

Children are annoying and always will be.

"Why the wince, Squinty McBoobs? Hungover from getting rekt last night?"
Dead game/10
Plot wasn't much worse than most other MGS's. It's just it was SO far between every single cutscene. Doing sideops through the same fucking mini bases up to ten times or more. I mean MGS is famous for backtracking but this is taking it to extremes, and using it as a cheap replacement for Kojima quality cutscenes. It was about five hours worth of game stretched out to about forty hours. Unfuckingbelievable.
yep, I'd say the open world meme killed phantom pain
I think the concept of FOB is interesting but was underdeveloped, just like the rest of motherbase.
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