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Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, king of Ding Dong Dell
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Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, king of Ding Dong Dell
I haven't played the first game, but someone in these thread mentioned that back then the king of Dong was a talking cat.

And this queen (male) has nekomimi, that's cat ears for you gaijins. Does that mean his mom get the cat D?

Serious question.
Evan is a pretty manly name for a queen
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Not sure if they've said whether there is any relation.

The king in the first game was a big cat though.
The King (Boy)
I wanna fuc
>Hey you, stop right there. You are Mr. Anon right?
>The Queen (male) Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum has request that Mr. Anon must come to his palace and... fulfill your duty as a citizen?
>Anyway, come with me and don't try to run, I'll catch you and break your legs if I have to.
>And remember, when you enter the queen's room, you must do anything the queen wants you to do or else.
Well anon, what would you do on this situation?
>cat D

He's wearing armor and i'm not
I can probably outrun him
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you're just asking to get overthrown with a gay ass name like that
Jesus Christ
Is that a trap?
you were warned so no
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>are you sure
Does she have a feminine ding dong?
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