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How is it pronounced, /v/?
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How is it pronounced, /v/?
Not this shit again.

It's just hydro-city. Two words, put together.
so hydro city
or hydrocity
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Hide-rock-it-y zone
High-dra-city because it sounds cooler.
It's obviously pronounced Hydrocity. Anyone who pronounces it Hydrocity is just stupid.
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Name a better platformer than S3&K.
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sonic 2
I actually always called it hy draw city as a kid. It literally never occurred to me to call it hydro city until seeing it on /v/
i like you.
Sonic Classic collection for the DS would be if it had S3&K instead of S3 and S&K
Hydro City

Also act 1 theme is better than act 2 theme
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>Flying Battery Zone
>Best Music
Pick two.
Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles starring Knuckles the Echidna.
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>Green Herb
I'm sorry, but I'm more of an Ice Cap Zone guy myself.
I know it's Hydro City now, but as a kid I always pronounced it High Draw City.
Marble zone you fags
Ice Cap is literal plebeian tier
>i see your marble zone and raise you doomsday zone
If they wanted it to be pronounced "hydro city" they would've put a space in it.

But since they broke the tradition of zones being named two words, they obviously want you to pronounce it "hy-DROSS-ity"
Flying Battery, Ice Cap, and Chemical Plant are the holy trinity of Sonic music.
time to go live in my pleb-shed with my ice cap zone. :(((
He's right

Also I fucking love carnival night theme, and death egg.

I really gotta play sonic 3 again.
But high-dra-city sounds cooler
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Richter is pretty.

who lava reef zone act 1/2
When I was a kid I would call it Hi-Draw-City Zone

But now I've grown up.
Its a city underwater.

A hydro city.
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before jackass mcnumbnuts posts the terrible version
Sonic 2 and Sonic CD
Is Mushroom Hill Zone the most underrated "first level" of 2D Sonic?
Mario 3, klonoa, banjo kazooie, jak and daxter, dkc2, yoshis island

The only reason pronunciation should be used, to make things sound cooler.
>mushroom hill
>first level
pham pls
>Flying Battery AND Ice Cap losing to Oil Ocean
4/10, I am somewhat bothered by your image
>ancient underground ruins
>"it's a city"
I can't

Sonic 1


so it's hi-dro-sity, got it
It does have S3&K you dumb fuck
but its not ancient ruins

its a hydro city
The fact Ice Cap didn't win makes that a terrible version as well
Ruins could be cities once. Though Hydrocity doesn't look anything like a ruin. If any zone looks like a ruin it's Marble Zone.

Sonic 2 a shit

too long
goes to shit after Mystic Caves

levels following it are just a chore

3&K better simply for having saves
1 better designed and better length
even CD better for advancing in new direction

Sonic 2 just a shit
Marbel Garden
High draw city
I'm tired, please forgive my error
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> Lava Reef knocked out first round
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What 2D sonic gayms should I play beside the following?

Sonic 1-3and Knuckles
Sonic CD
Sonic Advanced 2
Sonic Rush Adventure

these are all I've played

any good fan made/rom hacks or whatever?
I know it's probably pronounced Hydro-city, but I honestly have always preferred this pronunciation.
It's a small イ
I've always called it Hydro City, but now that you mentioned it OP, it's probably is supposed to sound like Hydracity (hydrasitty)
>Aquatic Ruin better than Lava Reef
>Oil Ocean better than Ice Cap
I'm perturbed
It isn't.
I highly recommend Sonic Spinball. Not really platformer but a fun take on the potential of casino night.
high dross itty
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
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Hydro Thunder PAL DC-front.jpg
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Like this, but with City instead of Thunder.
I loved this game
Super Mario Bros 3 & Knuckles.
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"high dross ity" is the correct pronunciation. The difference between pronunciations is a matter of accent. English speaking people who live within civilized borders should pronounce it something like this. Time is money, and even our accents reflect this, as we don't have time to waste with all those syllables.

Only bumpkins from out of town, or people who don't speak English as their first language bother pronouncing every single syllable in the name of a location.
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ice cap is the least interesting level in sonic 3, the only reason anyone ever thinks it was good was the music, and the music itself isnt nearly as good as any of the other tracks included in that game

obviously the hyper sonic glitch in oil ocean beats out ice crap.

>lava reef
the only cool thing about that level is the deathegg in the background, other than that even sandopolis is a more interesting level

you scums are the bane of the earth
Everything from Lava Reef on is still the best moments in any Sonic game.
As the die-hard'n'ist Sonic fan:
>Mario World
>Rayman Legends
I choose not to include 3D Platformers in this discussion since they are so very different from 2D.
The original Sonic Advance is the closest to a Sonic 4 we will likely ever get, in terms of level design and physics, so I'd say that.

if they wanted it to be "hydro city" they'dve made it 2 separate words
The mini boss theme from Sonic and Knuckles doesn't get the love it deserves.
Sounds like you're going to hit hard times

It's all one word. If it were "Hydro City" then it would be pronounced as hy-DRO SIT-ee
I have never once heard it pronounced Hy-dross-city before this thread. While that's a neat play on velocity, it's too late for me to call it anything but Hydro City.
When I was younger I was looking up about this zone on some website and my mum walked in and was like, 'Why are you looking at hydrocity?' thinking I was some kind of child genius
How old are you?
25 why
I started playing these Sanic games and I suck.

Yeah 2 fast 4 u but going fast is a good way to get yourself killed so what's the point?
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Who 3D Blast music here?

E-dro See-Tee
>no 'no blood for oil' zone
shit desu senpai
Aquavillage Zo-h-n
This, it sounds cooler
It's Japanese, so it's actually Haidrohseetai.
Genesis and Saturn soundtracks are both top notch.

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>i unironically REALLY like all of the music in Sonic R
im not even ashamed
Mother fuckin this.
rhymes with atrocity (even though it's a great stage)

No shame. It's a fine soundtrack.
>goes to shit after Mystic Caves
I'll agree with you on this 100%.

But 1's not better designed. Marble's better than I used to think as a kid, but Labyrinth is awful and Spring Yard is fun but kind of a mess. 2's got a better balance of speed and platforming than any stage in 1.
Doomsday is cool but it's such a gimmick level that it shouldn't have been counted, honestly. It doesn't play like Sonic.
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Anyone else miss the daily Sonic Archie dumps? Really could use that comfy feel.
As someone who likes both, how the fuck can anyone legitimately like 2 more than 3&K?
Because I was thinking you were underage b&.
The only downside of S3K is that there isn't any more of S3K. Same with Generations.
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It's pernounced "SE-COND-PLACE"
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Sonic 2 is an "in and out" arcade experience, while Sonic 3 and Knuckles is more of a console "comfy Sunday afternoon" affair. For the most part, neither game is objectively better than the other. It just boils down to personal preference. I like the long game experience more, so I gravitate more towards Sonic 3.

It's not really that difficult to see, anon. Lots of games are like this.
there is none
>Chemical Plant
plz anon
Aquatic Ruin>Chemical Plant

And not mentioning Quartz Quadrant Present JP or Quartz Quadrant Good Future JP or Stardust Speedway Present JP or Stardust Speedway Good Future JP
Are you kidding me?
Ice Cap Act 1 is the worst level in the game
Act 2 is better but still

Marbel Garden is the best level in Sonic 3K and in the whole franchise
Sonic 2 is better than CD
In CD you have fun while time traveling and going to kill the robot generator and stuff but as soon as you done that and you start running towards the goal post you realize how boring these levels are to run through

Agree with the rest tho
Fuck no
1 is definitely better designed

Labyrinth is a fucking water level
Whether you like it or not that's up to the player but you can't claim it's badly designed

There's nothing wrong with Spring Yard either

The only thing wrong with Sonic 1 is that Scrap Brain Act 3 is just Labyrinth Act 4
That's fucking it
>Sonic Advance 2
Anon...to take off that horrible taste in your mouth I suggest playing Sonic Advance 1 as it's the closest to the original trilogy

Also give Sonic Pocket Adventure for the Neo Geo Pocket Color a try(you can ofc emulate it)
git gud

>posting the genesis soundtrack
>not the superior saturn one
Not really
Sonic 2 is pretty long too

I can understand somebody saying Sonic 1 is an arcade experience(and even then it's a huge stretch) but Sonic 2? Nuh-uh
Most people who enjoy Sonic 2 better do so because it's likely their first Sonic game or even their first game ever...so it's because of Nostalgia
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