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Do you enjoy playing Civ, /v/?
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Do you enjoy playing Civ, /v/?
ye its pretty cool
What is up with all these Civ V threads lately?
I wish they used the VA from IV again
I figured this could be a thread for all Civ games, not just Civ 5. I just put Civ 5 in the OP because I thought Civ /v/ was funny
What DLC is worth buying?
I used to hate CIV V because I couldn't play it my way i.e. win through peace and culture
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it's shit but once i start i cant stop playing
hes fucking dead
Fuck yeah
Even funner with friends online, showing them your true evil side and everyone having they're own opinions on each other
I did, but beyond earth left me pretty booty-blasted, and I haven't played anything from the series or even the genre for a while. Still waiting for the expansion to be put on some crazy sale before I show interest again. 15% during the autumn sale is barely anything you kikes
Sure have. Even the vanilla wasn't too bad before I got the complete edition. I will say the AI can be obnoxious at times, if only because it gets ass blasted over you doing well even when you're nowhere near them, or they get aggressive when you're practically the good neighbor to every other nigga on the map.

Both of the expansions are greatly advised, since they add a lot of new options that make different victory strategies more viable than just going the space rocket shit all the time.
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