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Sad music
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Why is the entire soundtrack in this game melancholic?
Has any other game done something similar? It's kinda interesting.
Not exactly what you wanted but have it anyway:

The composer Ben Hogue has a page on his site where he talks about his work on the Arcanum soundtrack that's a really good read.

who's the elf in the cover? daughter of that elf queen?
I've heard all of them desu
I'm pretty sure it's the Queen of dark elves.
>tfw one of the best tracks in the game didn't even get implemented
I'm pretty sure it's in the game somewhere, I recognize it.

I recently replayed the game and can't say I stumbled upon that piece.
This is pretty wicked. Wish more game composers had this clear an idea of what they wanted and given the appropriate time, rather than coming into the project for a few weeks and working off vague suggestions by the lead designer
>Why is the entire soundtrack in this game melancholic?
Kinda fits the game, doesn't it? The entire game is pretty sad.
I mean, it definitely works. It's incredibly memorable and works to create a mood, but it can get a bit crushing in long stretches.
Fuck, I really need to reinstall this and play it again. Dig through the garbage bins of Tarant for parts so I can build myself an elephant gun.
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