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Is it just me or has this shit gotten patently hilarious?
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Is it just me or has this shit gotten patently hilarious?
Which part, relating exploration to Zelda or looking forward to anything from the people who made Torchlight?
The part relating to your mom and sister getting fucked by black people (highlighted in red).

Torchlight 1 and 2 were good games.

Or do you wanna fite me? I'll rek you.

The highlighted part just shows how much in meme words the industry has fallen. Its all about these catchphrases, it does not even matter if its true or not, if you use enough positive catchphrases for a product, it just has to be good right?
Well, I'll be.

I thought Runic was a dead dev when the founders sold it to some random korean publisher and bailed out to found a NEW dev studio using part of the money they got from selling their previous one.
It looks like they have just ripped off the setting straight from spiral knights.
Slavshits leave please.

H-how did you know?
Believe it or not, but sonyggers actually falls for this.

They literally buy video games only if they're exclusive or not despite the facts at hand.

It's bizarre.
I thought this game was getting a x bone port.what gives?
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I thought Sony had exclusives, what gives?
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The joke's on you pcfags considering Torchlight was initially a PC exclusive till it got ported over to the Xbox.
Yeah, so

How is this a joke on pcfags? I mean they got the game and could play it without issues. And i know for a fact that the game was pretty optimised on PC because i played it a shitton.
I don't see the problem. It appeases both parties as long as the PC isn't just a port of the console version. Consolecasuals get a game and PC doesn't have to wait years after the games dead for the company to release it.

The point op is making that they are calling a game that is released on 2 systems at once an exclusive.

Its not really exclusive if its released on PC at the same time now is it?
Don't mind him, just a console autist making up bullshit so he can feel better about spending $400 on a Netflix machine.
PC isn't a console so I don't see the problem.
*(Also on PC)

they called it sony console-exclusive

Which is a "nice" way to say "not on xbone".

Not that I give a shit, Torchlight was meh, Torchlight 2 was even worse, and these people were promising a Torchlight world which they could build an MMO upon

Fucking lol
Whats the problem OP?
Its still a console-exclusive as in it wont be available for Xbox and Wii users. PC is not a console.
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People like exclusives.
>a pc exclusive can't be lost to a console
What's it like having cognitive dissonance?

I bought Torchlight 2 and tried to enjoy it so many goddamn times but it's just impossible. The gameplay during the first 3 minutes is the same as the gameplay 15 hours later, just spam buttons until stuff is dead.

Then again, I also got bored with Diablo 3 in less than 20 hours. That genre is way too boring and repetitive.
You're the one treating video games like trading cards, kid. No one cares.
No one loses a game, you retard. Multiplats mean more people can enjoy more games.
>it's my toy and you can't play with it!
The argument has always been that all consoles have is exclusives because PC has them beat in every other regard. Therefore losing exclusive on console equals losing the only reason for owning it, whereas on PC the other pluses stay intact.

Feel free to disagree, but that's not cognitive dissonance.
From my recent experience:
Torchlight was kinda fun, but not enough to keep me playing after like 50 hours.
Torchlight 2 was garbage. So boring.
Diablo 3 was garbage at release, got a a bit better with patches, at least kept me playing, but that's also because I'm jew at heart and AH was like game in game for me.
Diablo 3 RoS is actually pretty damn good, still has issues, but I enjoy it and can easily clock 200-300 hours every season before I get a break.
Path of Exile has some good ideas, but couldn't get into it at all. May give it another go sometime.

Still need to check Grim Dawn, but for now RoS is an actual winner.
Do you realize that this is exactly why you see so many PC users scream "THANKS FOR BETA TESTING" or something like that?

You idiots act like you've literally lost a game when it's not an exclusive.

Which is fucking pathetic. Who the fuck wouldn't make fun of idiots like that.

Holy shit that's hilarious.
wtf why aren't they releasing on wii u?!
>Diablo 3 RoS is actually pretty damn good

It's not.
I'm pretty sure the bottom part is talking about rogue not unity.
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So are folks just retarded or do they not get it?

Common vernacular doesn't refer to a PC as a console, hence why the sentence "console exclusive PS4, also on PC" makes perfect sense.
They word it like on purpose so they can have their cake and eat it too. They can fall back on being "technically" accurate, but also attempt to play to people's expectations about the word "exclusive". People ridicule it because when interpreted in the first manner it's effectively a non-statement and it's an outright self-contradiction when interpreted in the second manner.
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You guys remember mythos? That game was awesome
Often the fanbase has 'lost' the game when it goes on PC because good fanbases invariably turn toxic and shit when PC gets to them.
Torchlight was a mediocre game. Torchlight 2 was a fucking terrible game. Not expecting anything.
i don't see anything wrong with it.
it's litterally the reason console past year 2000 exist and the way they operate.

everyone knows that sony is competing with Xbone, but not really with PC.they are different markets. if consoletards want a console(and they clearly don't want a PC due to mental health problems) they choose it between PS4 and XBONE and exclusives often play a good role in it.
so it makes sense to boast and buy exclusives for your consoles while leaving the developer free to push their game in different markets(this way they can even increase their budget).

Sony should be happy to put to shame its main enemy in the market and will do anything to keep pressing the advantage they have gained in the last 2 years.
There's no reason for sony anymore to moneyhat games since the majority of sales are on their platform.
All fanbases are toxic and shit no matter the platform.
>Goldface for months/years
>PC version gets announced
>Cry when you get payed back double
>Pretend it's PC that ruined the community and not your inability to share your toys

You literally do this to yourself.
Dark souls community is an example, after the PC version came out the community became incredibly cancerous. Not my fault PC players are retards, this isn't even console wars, I play on PC as much as I play on sony and nintendo consoles, but I can still say that it's true.
A game that gained massive mainstream popularity. But no it was PC players.
Well yeah it got shit right after the PC port came out, and this has happened with loads of other games.
And I bet your proof of this is google statistics for "artificial difficulty"
No, that would be quite funny to see though

The funniest part is that it's a shitty Netflix machine. When the PS4 streams, it fucking SUCKS UP so much bandwidth. I was using my laptop at a friend's house while his PS4 was streaming meditation music so he could sleep, and I couldn't load basic fucking webpages because the PS4 was stealing all the bandwidth.
>this has happened with loads of other games
Yeah, like what?
Pretty much any console exclusive that gets a PC port. Why so defensive?
Like, what exactly?
PCs are not consoles and have nothing to do with the console market, I don't know why this is so hard for /v/ to grasp.
So how does Hob look?
It's blatant confirmation bias.

>The NEVER EVER shitposting was fine!
>All the dumb memes before the PC port were A-Okay!
>I thought PC would ruin the community and I was proven right even though I am just as guilty!

I think it just means on the console platform, it's exclusive to PS4. It's basically just poorly worded.
There aren't really any dumb memes for bloodorne, never ever is the only one and that's not really a 'BB' meme, more of a 'PC not getting BB' meme

Anyway, BB isn't coming out on PC, so it doesn't matter

PS4 sales are over 30mil, the chance of having a "good community" on the most popular console of the gen are zero.

You mean that marketing is finding new ways to twist the word "exclusive"? Yeah, I wish that I could find that Assassin's creed poster from Gamestop that basically said it was exclusive to every single available platform *except* Wii U.

I like the Torchlight devs. I didn't really like Torchlight 2 but I think I was just super sour about Diablo 3 at the time.
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