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>Maplestory Thread

Are you ready for Maplestory Reboot?

>What is this?
A new server rebalanced so it's harder like old maplestory with harder monsters and more evenly balanced classes. Monsters have increased EXP and Mesos, and they only drop equipment for your job.
>Who cares, cash whores and girls who get billions from their beta cukold friends are still going to outdamage everyone by 900%
Trading (at least trading enhanced stuff) is disabled. Cash advantages like potential cubes and gachapon are disabled
>Everyone is going to pick mechanic
Every class is rebalanced
>What does this mean?
Everyone has to train. If you don't train you don't get money or equipment. Hopefully this means much greater community interaction. Especially since happyville is returning
>Are any of these changes going to affect my existing character?
No. All of these changes ONLY apply to the new server which will open tomorrow. It is completely separate from other Maplestory balance/patches for now
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Who /dualblade/ here
When's Maple Global 2?
Is the patch out yet?
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December 2
Are Shadowers/Chief Bandits good?
>Every class is rebalanced
We're talking about Nexon here.
No one knows yet. No actual patch notes

> So far all old classes are still out damaged by new ones
>NL can't take more than 2 hits from end-game mobs unless you have like 5 other characters at high level

Yeah, Nexon wont get me back.
I figured someone played on the Korean Servers.
>no trading
this means i can't sell mesos to retards to fund my college education

fuck that, the only reason I've logged into maple in the past few years is to RMT

it's aged horribly compared to other mmos from that era
>tfw played this game for the first time in 2006 and still coming back to it once in a few months
feels bad man

but yeah I'll play, are all of the current classes available for that?

I think it is only for the new content items dumbass.
Will it have the original 4? or will it have those 30 new unnecessary shitty classes that only retards play?
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Cautious optimism
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>there's like 40 other classes now
>I will still probably make another regular-ass bowman despite having four Rangers/Snipers on different servers from years ago
I'd prefer the original 4 too, that would be noice

>you will never do old KPQ/LPQ with a really diverse party
Then fuck it, it's still the same.
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>tfw being a cleric in early MS
despite being a squishy fuck it was fun as hell
>tfw dealing damage with healing on undead mobs

>That A4 paper you had tracks for
>Always had a channel to PQ in
>tfw you outlevelled the PQ

Ludi PQ was my realm. It was literally the place I PQed the most while my autistic friend went past 60 before BB.
Are you guys going to play all together? I'll give this a shot out of boredom.
Well shit, if you guys want, you can expect a guild within the first couple hours of release if you want to play together.
>every single class is rebalanced
>its still the same

Nostalgiafags are the fucking worst.
Will that server have guilds at least? If yeah I'm up for it.

Steam group maybe?

I don't trust the whole "rebalanced" talk
New classes are clearly op when it comes to training, it doesnt matter if they rebalance the damage, their skills cover the entire map.
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So what will you be playing? Reminder that every class is viable now, including Cygnus Knights which were revamped a while back.

I might go back to the one true pirate
That's just how new classes in general work

>release new class
>it's OP as fuck to promote people playing it
>nerf it to shit a month later in preparation for the next new OP class
So if I make a new character will I even stand a chance on this server?

I can't remember my old login from high school.
fuck you thanks for the blast from the past
You know range and radius are values in skills that can be tweaked, or in other words, REBALANCED, right?

You also say this like the original 4 branches don't have all-over screen skills, remember Bishop? Not to mention some of the best trainers don't even have all over screen attacks in the new classes, at least, their all over attacks aren't as powerful as their others.
Isn't it supposedly gonna be a new server so everyones gonna start from 0?
Xenon with a Thunder Breaker secondary for that sweet shark-flowing combat

It's a brand new server. IF you're in the us you could make a new account. Maple holds your hand a lot and you can find out in game where to grind. 1-100 is pretty damn easy
I'm not sure what you're implying

enemies will be slightly more HP spongey than before but have higher payouts
It is a brand new server that isn't even up yet. Stay tuned and you'll be on the same exact playing field as everyone else.
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Xenon is the most interesting to me since it's literally the only true hybrid class in the game (Thief/Pirate), can equip both of their shit and doesn't have a derivative weapon from either of them (uses a whipblade)
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>be lvl 21 warrior
>join kpq for the first time
>tfw can't kill any crocs because missing all the time
Why are there penises in the background?
mushroom houses
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Rad. Thanks
They are going to reboot your asshole
Even hot Asians are still terrible at acting "sexy"
And don't forget that he can fly with his jetpacks and his main attack has 3 different attack modes.
I only got to 50 though but that was already really fun
Are parties going to be encouraged?
I made a cleric about a week ago and that was fun, so if parties are a thing I could have a use.
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There's no trading but the increased monster strength would promote it I think.

Clerics are almost kind of forgettable since Phantom can just steal Holy Symbol and use it himself while also actually contributing damage
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So will this be playable in higher resolutions? I can't remember if the base game allowed you to change the resolution or just upscale. Also do changing keybinds work?
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If they let me get the Phantom outfit in Reboot, I'll play him. Swag as fuck.

Otherwise, Thunder Breaker all day.
1366x768 max
You can rebind most keys. You've always been able to.
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>be archer
they increased the resolution to 1366x768 not too long ago so at the very least you can use the full screen.
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So how's Maplestory 2, anyway?
always behind
always shit
lower playerbase

also you can mostly keybind what you want but movement is still stuck on the arrow keys. No WASD.
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I was thinking how weird it would be if the server has none of those character specific clothes.
I've only been on Scania so I'm used to seeing them all so it'll be weird only having default equips.
I wouldn't mind going awhile without literally everyone wearing SAO, Madoka or Attack on Titan Shit anyways.
This actually sounds really fun.
I'm from South America, my bro just made an account on GMS a couple of days ago and he can play it, what gives? Thought we were blocked off GMS.
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Didn't even know they had that. I haven't played in so long.
I haven't played either, but apparently all of that exists.
Im amazed this game still lives.

Although I had some fun with it many years back, Im never touching this again.
so are we making a guild?
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who /hero/ here?
I may have stopped playing this game eons ago, but I always liked the art

I remember liking dawn warrior, but that was when they first came out.
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Dawn warrior was completely changed with the revamp and has a sun/moon stance theme where a move will have 2 different versions. if I remember, the sun stance will make most attacks powerful single hit moves focusing on AoEs while the moon stance is rapid hits and is more mobile.
i dont know any of the new classes, can someone give me a tl;dr rundown
>Maplestory Characters
>First link is to the Maplestory site
>2nd is to the Maplestory wiki
>Both give you varied TL;DRs on all the characters

I'm watching the videos and it still looks like every class does essentially the same thing
Who /oldschoolgunslinker/ here? Fuck I loved being so weak and attacking fast lmao
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I haven't touched this game in like 5 years or so last time I played cygnus was just being released.

Is it worth coming back to now?

Scratch this Kaiser looks pretty awesome
Yes, tomorrow after the patch drops, join the swarm of retards coming back.
Around what time does it come out tomorrow exactly?
can you use your old characters in the reboot?
They haven't said.
no, new characters only
i hate all the new classes

im just gonna make a sin
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What has always been.
Dual Blade: Assassin's with 2 knives
Cannoneer: Pirates with a cannon
Zen: Pirate with a thing
Jett: Pirate with another thing

Cygnus Knights:
Elemental adventurers, brought up to max level cap like every other class
Mihile/Mikhail: Play as the Dawn Warrior teacher

The legendary heroes from a hundred years ago
Aran: Combo and button mashing Warrior
Mercedes: Double crossbowgun Archer
Evan: Mage with a dragon
Phantom: Thief who can copy adventurer skills
Luminous: Cleric with light/dark edgelord shit
Shade: Pirate with spirit shit

Steampunk shit
Battlemage: a physical mage
Wild Hunter: Crossbowman on a panther
Mechanic: Pirate in a mech
Demon Slayer: Edgelord Warriors with a mace
Demon Avenger: Basically Final Fantasy Dark Knights

Sentai/magical girl themed dragon fuckers
Kaiser: Red dragon dude with a 2h sword
Angelic Buster: a slut with a megaman buster

Chingchong themed classes
Hayato: Warrior with a Katana
Kanna: Mage with a fan

Beast Tamer
Chase: A mage with 4 animal familiars that she fucks

Child of God
Zero: 2 characters in one, starts at level 100, is literally the child(ren) of the goddess of time.

Kinesis: some edgy school kid with psychic powers
>want to reset PIC
>doesn't work
Thanks I guess
My old EU account is worthless now
dual blades use throwing stars? or did you mean bandit?
I did mean bandit.
>been using an F/p archmage I've held since late 2005 until I finally quit around 2013/2014 ish because I fucking love fire mages
>also love the revamped thunder breaker because of their flow and lightning sharks

Shit, I don't know which to choose, I wanna relive the new old stuff as the wizard I once began with but love the pirate too
well are we?
Who /mihile/ here?
lmao maplestory has always sucked, it's cringey and absolutely embarrassing to play

do you people have any self respect at all?
Zero isn't available on Reboot btw, they are literally too broken to be balanced.
damn. are there other classes besides sins that use throwing stars?
Night Walker, the Cygnus Thief uses throwing stars, though I don't remember how the revamp affected them.

Their respective Cygnus Knight.
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you forgot xenon
is it free?
How are Battle Mage, Paladin, Thunder Breaker, Mechanic and Angelic Buster in Reboot?
any way to play there from yurop
fuck... I'm kind of excited. starting fresh with the entire community scrambling and learning the ropes and helping each other out is the best part of MMOs. really sucks when everyone already knows what to do and has their circles established and there are no noobs wandering around exploring.
no patch notes yet my dude
Only if you got an old account
So are all the classes available still or are those stupid limited time characters still around?

Anyone here part of the old NidoKings guild back during Big Bang?
>And for December only, Zero is coming back and will be available for character creation for a limited time!
Why would they say that if they'll remove them as soon as the update goes live?
Do we know if pets/pet items will be sold for NX?
I logged on to my GMS account for this but realized that it takes 2 years to loot each item and I can't use skills while I wait for the item to get to me.
No cash shop, everything is bought with mesos.
>Demon Avenger sounds fun as fuck
>It's the edgelord class

Goddamit man
>Useful items are designed to be available through gameplay, so some items will not be available in the Cash Shop, or will only be sold for mesos instead.

I don't think this implies what you're saying.
>implying it will be playable today
they'll fuck up the time again and it /may/ release in 2 days
I thought Zen was supposed to be the chinese Jett or something.

Like they are essentially the same class just different regions.
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oh fuck me then

guess I'll just yolo a Battle Mage and hope things turn out okay
okay I'll ask again
does this include cosmetics?
Because if I can buy clothes and shit with mesos, I am fucking sold
anyone wanna lmpq on mapleroyals
The listed changes for KMS though that may have changed by the time GMS gets it.

Battle Mage’s damage is high with good control. We adjusted some skills to balance them but we want to keep their damage potential where it is.

2nd Job

Drain Aura: maximum HP healed on enemy kill has been decreased from 3% to 1%

4th Job

Spell Boost: magic attack boost has been decreased from 30% to 20%
Battle Rage: cast delay has been removed


Battle King Bar: cooldown has been increased from 9 seconds to 13 seconds

Why don't we decide now? What will be the name? Nothing cancerous like Meme Army.

But I do want something with feels. Feel Formation. Yeah.
cool you can buy expressions with me
>available for 5 days
it's shit.
according to this >>318542629

probably. Shows emotes, so I assume cosmetics. Will probably be very expensive meso wise so get grinding
Of course not, they still need to make money
Who the fuck would wanna play games with /v/?
Oh please its harmless fun for a week then everyone quits, why be a shit about it?
>Angelic Buster: a slut with a megaman buster
I know what I'm gonna be
I don't need some stupid meme guild

Just something plain like /v/arriors

/v/arriors sounds dumb. I like Feel Formation
This sounds cool
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She's pretty terrible, it feels like you're shooting musical note bubbles with her.

Her transformed (normal) state into Angelic Buster overrides any sort of cosmetics you have.
mfw there's gonna be a bunch of /v/ guilds because no one could decide on a name
well, I like Megaman
is her rebalance gonna make her atleast viable?
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oh wait scratch that. She can only wear Cash shop items.

Her hair is totally unchangeable though which is shit
That's always the case. That and the various assholes will want to be the head honcho of the guild
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She also has a dragon inside of her
she is getting buffed in Reboot so probably yeah. I wouldn't worry too much about viable or not in Reboot so just pick what looks fun.
her main weakness was she had a pretty sucky amount of hits over time so they increased it by lowering the cast delay on a lot of her skills.

Who would want to be head of a /v/ guild? There's a reason one hasn't already been posted.

Someone make the Feel Formation
That IS a sucky name to be honest bro.
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>played MS a little after cygnus knights came out
>thought Buccaneer would be cool
>it's shit

I wonder if they'll be worthwhile this time around. Punching stuff is pretty fun, and I wouldn't want to throw sharks around with Thunder Breaker.
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>inside her
So which are the most broken classes after Zero currently?
Fuck it, gonna make a Dark Avenger.

Bring on the edge master jokes.
/v/alhalla, reporting in

I like /v/indicators

How's about

/v/ae /v/ictus
/v/eni /v/idi /v/ici
can you even put slashes in the name?

>Her hair is totally unchangeable though which is shit

That's a lie anon. Trust me, I have a level 185 one, you can freely change her face, eye color, and hair type/color of either form.
Never played MS before, does this look promising? Is it free?
No, yes in that order.
>no cowboy samurai class
fucking dropped
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Jetts are cowboys, and Hayatos are samurai so, uh, there's that
PLEASE no /v/. Just do a capital V or something.

shut up zoey
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>putting /v/ in the guild name
Why not just make a normal guild and invite people from the board?
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>tfw no Red Steel 2 class

if I redownload this do you still need the stupid points into like dex or whatever if you're a warrior to prevent you from missing every hit? I haven't played since fucking forever man shits probably all changed
Remember when all our guilds had Bro in the name? Good times.
I want to do this again. I never got my Cleric advancement since mage classes are usually my last pick, but I love supporting a team with heals.
No. There's a single giant button you click to just give you stats now. You only need one type
Every class now has enormous damage compared to old ms and only one stat matters
Jetts are ayylien cowboys
Let's just go with a guild named Basement Dwellers

Ooooooooooh, right in the feels.
What is this? The Binding of Isaac?
I'm fucking sick of this retarded shit, This game is fucking ancient, looks and plays like shit and they just keep defibrillating it's corpse. Maple Story 2 when?
MS2 is nothing that great
I'll just leave this here.
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>tfw only have 12kbps internet
>tfw it'll take a week for it to download
>update is in two days

Can someone at least tell me if I could even play the game with such a shit connection so its not so painful.
Fucker, you can't even use the fucking Internet on that speed.
Do you literally live in hell?
Xenon looks fun, are they fun? I wanna be a cute cyborg girl!

It's like the 2D version of Maplestory
No, that's the truth.

How did you even post about this? Don't you always arrive in already 404'd threads?


Where's the maybe/probably option, faggot?
Are you on satellite or dial-up?
Yes, its a living hell
I'm using tethering with my phone, and its on 2G internet. Every threat takes like, two minutes to load.
What the fuck is up with all these different classes that have backstories? Are they all different in some way?
Back when I played all they had were just basic classes like Thief or Warrior.
This is so confusing.

The basic guys are still there.

My issue is most of the new classes feel like reskins that do the exact same thing.
only murrifats and gooks are autistic enough to play this game, eu is busy dominating competitive scenes in other games
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why not just go to nexon.net
>get BTFO in Dota during 2015
>Everybody worth a name moving to NA
>Fucking Poland in CSGO
Is there a chance this game could run on an Intel Atom? I doubt it could, but if my little tablet could play Crysis (albeit at a low playable framerate) I think this game should run.
I like playing my games through steam though.
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People outside the US cannot play
Well, surprise.
Maplestory actually has lore and a backstory.

Unfortunately nobody wants to fucking compile it because nobody cares about story in MMOs.

Like god damn this game was a part of my life, I want to atleast know if they fucking kill the black mage before i move on to maplestory 2.

Last time i played every faction and class formed an alliance so they can fight the black mage.
Wow. Used to remember those specs being way lower back then. If I could play maple on 512mb ram and some shitty Phenom processor I think it'll work. I'll start downloading now.
Two questions:

I actually redownloaded the game last night and played on my zero a bit, i thought the patch already came out.

So is reboot ONLY only the reboot server? I play on Khaini, does this mean, if i want to gear up and be on the same level i have to play on the new server? (which i wouldnt mind i was just really enjoying zero and i like the hair i have on my khaini characters)
I am a literal spic and I can.
Stuff happens slowly
Yes, you need to make a new character on the reboot server and start from scratch.
Yes, retard. There would be no meaning to a reboot if it wasn't on a new server.
>tfw remembering the times when MS was under 1gb

Im just worried its going to be ded in a month like all new servers are.
It's been out for 4-5 months in KMS already and it's doing fine.
It's likely gonna be dead in month-two anyway
I might give this a go, are skills and stats still "pick what you want and pray it doesn't suck because you gotta pay earth dollars for respecs" or is it not quite that bad anymore?

Update not tomorrow.
Update postponed until further notice.
>New server
>Still has all of the classes and shit
>Everyobe just picks Zero and start off at level 100 to instantly get to high level content, completely fucking everything up

Wow, Nexon sure did think this through.
Maybe it's me but I think that if I get on a brief 2-month freebie MMO it scratches the itch enough that I don't, like, subscribe to anything.
Stats are basicly "press this big fucking button everytime you level instead of the small greyed out ones you idiot" and skills aren't a problem since most of the time you can easily see which ones are worth leveling first and which ones aren't.
Yeah, they did. Zero is banned on Reboot servers.
>i'm literally retarded
Besides, Zero is practically useless in Reboot.
fucking told you >>318542401
And what exactly does that hurt? It's not like they can corner a market since there's no trading, etc.
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>Besides, Zero is practically useless in Reboot.
you mean literally useless

cause, y'know you cant use them
You can in Korea.
And he's still practically useless. Every patch he has just been nerfed more and more, the only reason people level him is for the crossclass.
Best mage reporting in.
>There are people in the thread that can't beat up their enemies with staves
Fucking Nexon. Is there anything they won't fuck up?
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>tfw still playing old school mabi
maybe someday ;_;
>NL can't take more than 2 hits from end-game mobs unless you have like 5 other characters at high level
And? Before Big Bang you couldn't take more than one hit from end game enemies as a Night Lord or Archer unless you spent a silly amount of money to HP wash.
I won't fall for your fucking korean mmo trap again.
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Here to say Battle Mage is the best character
So like, i guess nobody is gonna make some kinda compilation or something of everything that happened up until this?

I'd love it if somebody could like give a quick summary of everyones story, and anything notable that happened after. I know this is everyones first MMO surely im not the only one whos kinda invested.
Not really a quick summary but here you go:
My man.

>back during Big Bang
>in that haunted house with voodoos and hoodoos
>running shit
>faggot archers and beast riders trying to push me out
>I'm zipping all over thanks to teleports and shredding enemies
>They ask me to cc despite me being there first
>"lol no."
>They say some filtered start swear and leave

Get dunked on, bowfaggots.
>Black mage woke up after big bang
>literally nothing for YEARS
>black wings (black mage supporters) started making androids like 3 years ago
>this year they ended up completing black heaven and made an army of androids to attack maple world
>the resistance army who was going to stop the black wings anyway decided now would probably be a good time
>They all load in to phantom (one of the heroes who sealed the black mage away, along with evan and aran back in the day)'s ship, the crystal garden
>they absolutely crush the enemy ship, only it was just a tiny little itty bitty babby ship
>big ship takes a big ship shit all over the crystal garden
>player character launches themselves on to the enemy ship and destroys it from within

The new major story content hitting KMS tomorrow, is all about the heroes, and a direct continuation from black heaven, starring Damien, the brother of the "Demon" class character(s), and the heroes of maplestory. Mercedes, Aran, Phantom, Luminous, and Evan. And then Eunwol/shade but he's a gay.

Spiegelmann is the black mage.
so we doin a steam group or wha

Make one.
that whole black heaven storyline is one of the most tedious and boring shit i've ever witnessed in mmos honestly
Literally only reason to play is because you can only ever get items relevant to your class. I don't need twenty fucking swords when i'm a ranger.
>Spiegelmann is the black mage.
fuck that are we doin a guild?
nigga pls

Obviously the group would be to organize a guild
Since they're delaying the update we won't make the guild today, and not tomorrow for sure so we need better organization

and we're still undecided on the name of it
>Speigelmann is the Black Mage


hold on, so all those pictures I found in the Battle Safari Park thing weren't jokes?
It's not that bad but you have to have been playing and know the storylines of all the classes involved otherwise a ton of shit is missed. Gelimer's been around for years, but never did anything outside of Xenon's story until black heaven. Lotus and Orchid never even appeared outside of random event shit and minor references in class storylines, and I guess evo lab but you don't really know it's lotus until the revamped evo lab which nobody bothers doing because it's ass.

The story is fine, it's a little bit cliche but maple is a genre-defining and thus now cliche so it's not that surprising. I dug it. classic tale of a brother and sister on opposite sides of a battle. Only they're both spirits that control the universe, tears of a god.

And the voice acting is fucking top tier in korean. A shame nexon NA employees do all the english voices for GMS. lel.

you couldn't make the guild today anyway. Guilds are exclusive to each world.
I meant doing the black haven storyline was boring and tedious because mobs were fucking damage sponges and it took a long time to finish, way too long
Is this only for Global or for the others as well?
>harder like old maplestory

KMS and global only for now I believe.
The mobs scaled to your level, so you had shit equips. git gud. If you can't handle that, wait 6 months, GMS will be getting a revamped black heaven with more efficiently balanced drop rates on items and less necessary monster kills to proceed in parts 1 and 2.

KMS has it, GMS is getting it in the next week or so, JMS is getting it on the 9th. EMS and SEA can suck a dick, they're even more dead than GMS is which is really saying something considering GMS is 95% bots.
Check orange mushroom's site. The reboot revamp essentially nerfs several op classes and buffs a few. Shadowers get buffed throughout the entire ordeal, as with Buccaneers.
>Spiegelmann is the black mage.
I-is that joke?

Thats fucking insane if thats true.
so how do i join it, just download normal global MS and wait till reboot launch? im down to guild as well, havent played since the engineer got introduced.
Do you happen to have those pictures? I can barely remember them
Who's this semen demon?i hope she does some crazy porn.
If you do the storyline you get to know that the White Mage turns into Black Mage after some shenanigans
I haven't tried in awhile, but does GMS still lock out non Americans?
SEA is indeed pretty dead and I want to play with a more active community.
File: spiegelmann-and-zakum.png (179 KB, 431x337) Image search: [Google]
179 KB, 431x337
It's not confirmed officially, but every time new content pops up, he's there. Korean Folk Town gets a renovation along with reboot (patch 2 or 3), and he opens up a new "ghost park". Monster park also gets revamped in the first patch of the new blockbuster Heroes of Maple.
Spiegelmann is everywhere.

Yes, reboot is a regular world in the world select list. Just pick it and you should be good to go.

pic related. I don't have the others though.

That's the grand athaneum storyline. It was a precursor to the major blockbuster content black heaven and the new one heroes of maple. Also a good story and gives some insight into the white/black mage.

yup, use a VPN though and you can get in fine. wtfast or mudfish.
I think it should be something that doesn't sound too "obvious" but also doesn't sound too much like an in-joke.
I think I remember a Spiral Knights guild having a decent name that I didn't find completely cringeworthy.
It does.
Thank god I still have my old account from before the IP block happened.
>tfw no good porn of MS
The sprite porn is funny, but not really noteworthy. The game has potential for great art but the chibi proportions kills part of it off.

Who /Bucc/ here? Useless class number 1.
Well shit, if i go on this reboot server, will i still have access to do all the story shit? Or did they do the mmo thing and make it so it was a "you had to be there" kinda thing?

This actually makes me want to start playing again.
>no good porn
I beg to differ
So if he's the BM, what's his sister?
More like:
>tfw no good fan art of MS

I swear it's non-existant.
You can do it all. Maple is far from a traditional MMO. They want you to play the game all the time, instead of just an hour a week so they can suck out $15 a month from your pocket.

they aim to suck out much much more every month.
>3 members

So no one gives a shit then.

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