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I prefer Guilty Gear Xrd over Blazblue Chronophantasma Extend.
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I prefer Guilty Gear Xrd over Blazblue Chronophantasma Extend. The styles are different and I prefer Guilty Gears.

I just wish the stories of either of them made any fucking sense and didn't take hours of reading to get. Why can't fighting game stories just keep it simple?

Pic unrelated
I didnt play xrd yet but the other GG games were just short skits between characters.
blazblue is a fucking visual novel.
fighting game stories do keep it simple
just not those from ASW, and you can pretty much just say they're making shit as they go along

I like GG more than BB, mostly because of how the characters play. I wish I was better at Millia in Xrd, but I also haven't put in remotely as much practice into that game as I should, so that's all me.
itt proving that people that play anime fighting games are huge weeaboo autist
I would recognize that pair of pants under a billion pair of pants.
>liking anime fighters
>liking anime fighters for the 'story'

die in a fire why don't ya, fag
I can understand that constraining a fighting games story to its game play can result in a shit story, (if the only thing you can do in a fighting game game play wise is fight, then the story is usually centered around that, like a fighting tournament.) but having it be a fucking zillion hour visual novel isn't really fun. Also, I bought BB last night and did the tutorial and am kinda pissed I can't play as the cat.
I've like dboth since their first games.
I'd suck Ishiwatari cock, no homo.
I fap to Flatinum.

That's all.

Whoa, why is this so lewd?
She's a pretty interesting character, I like her whole random items thing and having to grab people to recharge them, but in guilty gear, Faust is the only character that has random items but I think like 3 in Blazblue have random items.
BlazBlue has more little girls, girls in general and dumb shit.
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Try again.

They used to keep it simple, and people wanted more.

They tried dramatic modes, minimal dialogue insertion, quick between/start of match content, etc, and people said that's not enough, we want a real story.

So you start getting real stories, and now it's too complex too much to read keep it simple.

Having a problem, demanding a solution, getting your requested solution and then calling it a problem. Is this some kind of mobile gamer shit or something?
Cat will never be playable
Taokaka is the only other one I can think of with items and that's just with one move. Plat and Faust are really pretty different. Faust relies mostly on his pokes and big range to keep opponents out. Plat doesn't have much range at all.
I am so sad.
Fucking love Faust.

Also, I only recently saw the opening video for Guilty Gear Xrd and it's fucking badass.
Faust is great. I should learn his FD drill thing. Might help me win games.
Eh you mean the Revelator opening?
I meant the Xrd -Sign- Opening, but is the revelator opening badass?
It's alright, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMlOouloZoc

Think I'm more fond of Xrd's just because how cool it was getting a brand new GG game.
Why is it so difficult to have good Guilty Gear threads?
What an awful design
This is /v/, all threads are shit
in Guilty Gear's defense, the story is actually a lot simpler than Blazblue's, but we're just now getting back to it after so many years where Accent Core was the only relevant entry.
Not as badass. Also, I get that it makes fighting game companies shit loads of money but it pisses me off that they release a new game every other year, segment the player base and only add like 3 new characters. Also, fighting game dlc characters are bullshit. If you want to be competitively viable you HAVE to hey them. God dammit.
where can i buy these panties

I've had a problem with the way ASW been doing things ever since that Blazblue continuum shift extend. I think the only way we could ever see some progress is if they somehow felt the console version didn't threaten the arcade release. Sure would be nice for them to take cues from everyone else.

I don't really mind dlc characters, but I hate the preorder bonus ones. Wish they'd just make them free for the first month instead.
GG's story is pretty simple to follow though. I won't say it's "good", but it's incredibly easy to follow. There was just a huge gap between Xrd and the previous games so it was easy to get lost if you're not good at retaining information.

I don't mind BB's gameplay but the story is a mess. It uses time travel and living paradoxes as major plot points and it's hard to pull off coherent time travel plots in the first place. Combine that with the fact that Mori just isn't a good writer and things get convoluted as fuck really early in.
>women will never ever wear bloomers again
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That is truly a shame. Why did people stop wearing this?
girls are fat as fuck now -- and ugly. fat and ugly girls will look even fatter and uglier so companies don't make them anymore
Noel a cute.
Celica a shit.
Because they're cute.
Nowadays girls want to be slutty, not cute.
There's no place for subtlety anymore, just thongs, retarded shorts and yoga pants.
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