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>drink one small bottle of beer in a game >character staggers
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>drink one small bottle of beer in a game
>character staggers and blurred vision
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>Down three bottles of vodka
>Stat -1
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>drink 10000 bottles of moonshine in two seconds
>not instantly dead
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>drink one beer
>take a single sip of a glass of beer with ice in it, likely watered down
>start tripping the fuck out, colors everywhere, can't even talk to NPCs properly anymore, stats down
>get drunk after two bottles
>okay i am fine now
>drink vodka
>get bad end

What the fuck, Metro devs?
>murder a hobo
>bad end
>Charm 10+
Was your character Asian?
>Have a night of heavy drinking
>Can barely walk
>Fall over constantly
>Can't drive for shit
>Most likely going to die from stumbling into traffic
Did GTA 4 have the best drunk mechanics?
that's how alcoholism works fagot
It runs in the family, get with it anon
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>drink two beers
>character throws up

Didn't know Frank West was such a pansy.
What are good games to get drunk in while getting drunk in reality as well?
I can only think of Bulletstorm and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>drink a few shots of vodka
>stumble around, bumping into npcs and losing character abilities
>fall over
>get up perfectly sober

Thanks RDR
>be Duke Nukem
>could literally slam a bottle of whiskey and still be sober enough to save the world
>drink one in-game beer
>Duke is blurry vision and slurring words and drunk
>drink half a bottle of vodka in real life
>nothing interesting happens
>it just feels like I'm playing the game with input lag
>people talk to me about shit I said while drunk that I don't even remember saying
That's when I stopped drinking alcohol.
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