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Are they planning something for next thursday? Apparently Hideo's
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Are they planning something for next thursday? Apparently Hideo's NDA for Konami ends in december.
Is that Hideo or Kojima?
Yea, they are planning on him being part of the advisory board for the VGAs. If anything does get announced, it will be like a pack of DLC for MGO or some shit.
That's Hideo
Kojima is the more handsome one
Looks like Hideo.
that's kojima dudes.
Then who is Nojima?

You joke, but that's actually what he's going to pull at TGA. He's going to say something along the lines of his Phantom made MGSV and he is back to complete it. He never quit/got fired from Konami. It was another ruse. Prepare for Chapter 3 and Silent Hills. Screencap this
>being this blind
you can see it right in his eyes, definitely Hideo
You're not fooling anyone, Hideo.
Joakim Mogren
act 3
now that's a long face
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