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What does /v/ think about Ori and the Blind Forest?
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What does /v/ think about Ori and the Blind Forest?
Is this like Mario?
or Metroidvania?
It's my goty desu
Not cheap enough.
fantastic game, best platformer in years
It's a metroidvania. A pretty good one.

There are no boss fights in the game though.
The painstaking effort put into handpainting everything in the fucking game paid off, it's boner-inducing gorgeousness.

Ori a cute.
Fatguy best character
Found it annoying as fuck on just about every level. From the incredible cheap narrative direction to the completely uninspired and dull platforming and combat, it feels like an actually incredibly token game. The art direction is decent, I guess.

If you want a good story-driven metroidvanie-style game, you'll be better off playing Waking Mars or even Cave Story instead.
It's literally nothing like a Metroidvania, I wish retards like you would stop misusing the term and just die already.
it has giant evil fucking owl.
i think it counts as a boss.
Stop this.
When people say Metroidvania, is that like Mega Man & Bass where you pick one of 9 levels in arbitrary order, or is it something else?
When people like that retard above say Metroidvania they usually mean 2D

>Metroidvania games feature a large interconnected world map the player can explore, but access to parts of the world is limited by doors or other portals that can only be opened after the player has acquired special tools, weapons or abilities within the game.

pretty accurate.
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>The art direction is decent, I guess.
I'd love to know what kind of game you'd consider to have good art direction
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I've always thought this is what count towards it
good but overrated art direction
gameplay is really unengaging
well, genie. I loved Aladdin on sega genesis
also, pathway to glory is fucking glorious
i'm not the same dude you replied to, he's gay
>I'd love to know what kind of game you'd consider to have good art direction
Pathologic, Bastion, Half-life 2 for an instance.
Look, the art direction is well crafted. But it's incredibly cheap and generic in terms of ideas. The artists had undeniably fantastic, amazing SKILLS, but I question their inspiration. Because it really is a fucking kitsch half of the time, and the other is basically just shit stolen from ghibli movies and disney.
It's incredibly predictable and really, really kitschy. And considering how dull, predictable and clichéd the storyline is too, it really does not constitue amazing art direction in my book. The skills that are on display are in my opinion wasted on actually really generic and uninspired vision.
This, pretty much. Anyone who was"stunned" by Ori's art direction is subtly admitting that they haven't played a lot of games.
i wasn't stunned but i felt like kid watching really well made fantasy cartoon again
the animation was great
the art itself was pretty mediocre and uninspired, as was the gameplay
>But it's incredibly cheap and generic in terms of ideas.
Unlike Half-Life 2 ?.
Boring. I really wanted to like it, but it's not impressing me.
Yes, very much. HL2 had some of the most original and clever art directions of it's time. The game is very dated today, and the art direction in many way became so iconic and so frequently emulated that it does not really feel that amazing today, but it was, and in many ways still is, probably the best art direction ever featured in an FPS.
What this even means?
>But it's incredibly cheap and generic in terms of ideas

>Mentions Half-Life 2?



P. great shit. Felt like I was playing a Studio Ghibli game. The gameplay is fluid as fuck and always something I wanted in a Metroidvania game.
You retards either really don't know what the word "generic" means, or you are those american console-raised kiddies who never appreciated art direction of HL2.
how can a forest be blind?
>You retards either really don't know what the word "generic" means

"characteristic of or relating to a class or group of things; not specific"

What is: 1984, Neuromancer, dystopian literature et. al. Half-Life 2 is my most played video game, and you're gonna sit there and call Ori generic (which is true) but not Half-Life 2? Are you genuinely an imbecile or something?
>Appreciated the art direction of HL2
I'm fucking crying
What HL2 mostly is is eastern european post-socialistic aesthetics, which is something pretty much unique to western games, definitely not something we would ever anticipate from a first person shooter about an alien invasion. That in combination with absolutely BRILIANT mechanical design, the use of contrast of the run-down post-socialistic aesthetics with the stark, clean blue combine aesthetics gives it some of the most iconic, unique and original looks you'll find in FPS genre.
It sure as FUCK is not Neuromancer, only a tiny bit of 1984 which is a book, so there is nothing to speak about art direciton (the book, mind you, is set in UK) and it sure as FUCK is not unspecific, lacking in inspiration or character, vague, or relying on established or overused tropes.

You actually probably should be.
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I played this after playing undertale and shovelknight in that order.

Game felt flat as because of this. The first section with the "you mom is dieing please feel bad now" was terribly forced. The controls also felt floaty. Now it does look really nice though, but the style just seems to rely on the painterly effect and not an actual intersting style.

had to stop playing it when I managed to glitch down the wrong hallway for a good while until I got stuck on some green exploding guys.

I'm giving this game the benefit of the doubt and I'll finish it eventually, but I'm having far more fun replaying shovel knight.
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Cool little metroidvania I guess.
Personally, I felt like an adult experiencing the same cheesy story for the 1000th time only with worse storytelling. Any game that tries to make me feel sad about its characters from the get-to just feels incredibly cheesy and forced.
Half-Life 2's grey & brown art direction was utter shit because valve didn't give much of a fuck about it. HL2 itself is barely an engaging game, it's a playable benchmark to showoff the source engine.
>What HL2 mostly is is eastern european post-socialistic aesthetics, which is something pretty much unique to western games, definitely not something we would ever anticipate from a first person shooter about an alien invasion. That in combination with absolutely BRILIANT mechanical design, the use of contrast of the run-down post-socialistic aesthetics with the stark, clean blue combine aesthetics gives it some of the most iconic, unique and original looks you'll find in FPS genre.
>It sure as FUCK is not Neuromancer, only a tiny bit of 1984 which is a book, so there is nothing to speak about art direciton (the book, mind you, is set in UK) and it sure as FUCK is not unspecific, lacking in inspiration or character, vague, or relying on established or overused tropes.

Hmm, yeah alright. I concede and apologize for being a shit.
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The story is just melodramatic cliche shit, but thankfully past the long ass intro it doesn't get in the way of what really matters i.e. the gameplay
The visuals are pretty fucking good, I found the low framerate of the character/enemy animations a bit jarring though
The soundtrack is great and fits the game well, and I'm usually not very fond of orchestral shit in vidya
The platforming is extremely tight and fluid feeling and the bash ability is the greatest thing ever
The combat leaves a lot to be desired since your basic attack is a really unsatisfying autoaim pew pew and there's no real need to use most of your abilities since there aren't really any enemies with specific weaknesses or immunities, it's WAY more fun to just bash and glide through everything

I hope the expansion they're coming out with adds some sort of newgame+ and makes the combat less trivial

>implying that Half-Life 2 doesn't have absolutely fucking stellar art direction

Kill you'reselves
>The visuals are pretty fucking good, I found the low framerate of the character/enemy animations a bit jarring though
Is this a computer problem or just a game thing? it feels slimy to play and look at.

But who is correct?
A game thing, I really don't understand why they opted to animate the characters at like 20 FPS while the rest of the game is a constant silky smooth 60 FPS
The anon that clearly actually played the game
At first, I thought it'ld become one of my favorite game.
And then...
The Flooding Tree level happened and I stopped playing.
Look at all these people talk as if they are experts on Art Direction. "Another game had more of a effect on me so it has the best type of art direction" "it's more intelligent and thus better to have art direction that is more subtle and less fantasy". The game is great and looks great. I don't know why some people struggle so hard to find reasons to dislike games that are liked by the mass audience.
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>liking the laborous and slow ass beginning so much that you think it might be one of your favorite games ever
>stopping when the game has finally started to get really fucking good

What the fuck anon

The game does look really fucking pretty and might be one of the best looking 2D games ever, but it's pretty hard to deny that the art direction isn't extremely derivative.
This part is full of bugs and is QTE tier.
>QTE tier.

Do you call everything that's somewhat trial & error that?
GOTY for me tbqh
Definitely one of the better games that's come out this year. Gameplay is fantastic. Graphics are beautiful. Sound and music are crazy good.

While the story is pretty basic, it was simple and done well. I got some crazy feels during it, but your mileage, of course, will depend on your own experiences in life. It hit me like a smart bomb, though.

Pick it up or pirate it; I think it deserves to be played at the very least.
In a "Metroidvania", Yes.
I didn't want a trial and error dumbshit, I wanted an Exploration platformer.
What are illega downloads?
Some people are sick of clichés or kitsch. Personally, I was bored sick of the game, heavily due to it's art direction that just telegraphes ever point like a mad-man, and the fact that I simply had seen everything that it featured already, usually better, before.

I understand that a lot of people like it. A lot of people like kitsch. It's cheap and easy to understand. But as somebody who has grown weary of it: I DON'T FIND IT ENTERTAINING. It's as simple as fucking that. It's boring. It's predicatable. It's too easy to immediately see the entirety of the developers intentions, which is distracting.

It's just not fun for me to watch. Much less to play, because mechanically the game is pretty damn awful, but I'm actually one of those guys who can forgive a LOT for a good narrative.
Except this does not have a good narrative for anyone who has seen a handful or similarly themed works.
budget probably
Brilliant game OP

Absolutely loved it
The story really bothered me. It makes no sense at all and could/should just have been a lazy plotdevice to push the player into a direction, but NO the devs had to force a dramatic story about a retarded bird, who literally nested beneath a tree that seemed to be their species equivalent of a malfunctioning nuclear powerplant, and then gets mad when their children die...
Also fat guy in the beginning is a pointless lifeless character. I think it would have made more sense to develop him more and cut out the birds story.

But the gameplay is alright and art is pretty good.
The game got pretty tedious toward the end, but I really enjoyed it overall.
>glorious at 60fps
>escape sequences
>not pixilated
>dem feels
>owl mom
Worth the $20 I spent on it
I loved it, but they really needed new enemies to help flesh out what would have been an excellent combat system.
Decent gameplay, beautiful graphics, nice music.

Story is pretentious as all hell and the gameplay is not particularly deep - though the movement was satisfying so I suppose it had no reason to be challenging or complex.
The game really could've benefitted from some proper enemy types and actual bossfights that forced you to utilize all your different abilities
It's just that the game's no particularly deep, in that respect.

You get a new ability and there's probably one blue door with some energy behind it in the area you visited last.

There aren't many cases of voluntary exploration that are as rewarding - in terms of how you have to combine gameplay techniques - as the core level design.
It's a very fun game OP. Ignore the faggots arguing about "art direction" and whatnot.
Lack of narrative is very Soulsian, in design. Personally, I enjoyed many of the souls-like considerations that the designers made. The trend of games taking influence from Dark Souls, Demons Souls and Dark Souls 2 is ushering in a new, souls-driven, golden age of gaming.
The final level was the best part of the whole game. I thought the game was way too easy up to that point, clickclickclick non-targeting attacks, save point wherever you want, nothing too complicated in the way of puzzles or navigating platform mechanics, forgettable boss battles, levelup system is a series of upgrades necessary to succeed instead of being a true stylistic choice. Audio A-, Graphics A, Gameplay C+. Overall B
Have this on my wishlist.

So overall the game is decent and lack replay value?
Play it, enjoy it, then get Rayman Legends
It has the same emotional hook as bambi and the land before time. Avoiding it.
I'd hold off buying it since it's getting an expansion a couple of months from now
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