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Have you ever cried after losing at a game?
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Have you ever cried after losing at a game?
Nnnnot really, no.

I guess the closest a game has ever got me into a breaking point would be EBA, but only because JJF on hardest mode is just too fucking much for me, but it was more boiling rage than anything else. Jesus fucking christ, it's been nine fucking years and I STILL can't go through that shit
When I was a young in elementary ,the jak games would get me frustrated as hell and I'd spaz out as quietly as I could and there would be tears of rage
Not crying, but tears did form due to the anger of losing hours of unsaved progress and grinding.
Only time I ever cried losing at vidya was trying to do mile high club on veteran in CoD4
It was such fucking impossible bullshit that I got so mad I actually started to tear up, which was strange because I don't really get pissed off normally
I was one match away from making top eight in a major fighting game tournament. I wasn't sobbing, but I teared up a little after the match.
The Brazilians did
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Was 10 and had rented pikmin from blockbuster. Made it to day 30 and had to watch as Olimar's body was taken and turned into a pikmin. Saddest shit I ever did see.
I was I think 12 yo and played Diablo 2 online, the only way to move your items between characters was to enter the game, drop it on the ground, then quit and enter with the other character and pick it up. I once did that with all the gear I've collected for over a year and the game crashed after I dropped it on the ground and I wasn't able to connect anymore.
I was furious and cried but it turned out the items went back to the 1st chracter's equipment
Great internet humour :^)
The last mission in Simpsons Hit and Run when I was a kid because I couldn't beat it.

To this day I still haven't
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