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Which Hunie would you Pop, /v/?
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Which Hunie would you Pop, /v/?
The one you posted, but I sort of have a thing for school uniforms.
I want to save Nikki.
Katawa Shoujo is miles better than this garbage.
If I was a slut fetishist I'd go get some 3dpd.


No it isn't.
They're both western made shit.
I want to sit on her bed and shitpost with her.
You can only pop Beli though
Beli, Lola and Tiff.
what if they had dicks?
audrey, I want a girl who will put cigarettes out on my dick
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You posted it.
beli > tiffany > kyuu > aiko > momo > celeste > lola > audrey > jessie (USED GOODS) > nikki > kyanna (USED GOODS)
Is this game any good? I was considering buying it on steam while it's on sale.

It's a dating sim with no story and shallow characters
Beli? Isn't Audrey the only virgin one?

And yeah, Nikki, Lola and Tiffany
It's a bejeweled clone with lewds. It's alright actually.
it's pretty shallow but the characters are cute and good for a wank

I bought it on sale and I'm pretty satisfied but I wouldn't have paid more
What's shakin, bacon?
>find huniepop on g-ehentai
>don't have to buy game

thank you, internet!
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But then you don't bond with the characters
The fun is fapping after you beat all those stages.
Beli and nikki are virgins, dunno about the rest. Audrey might be, i dont remember.
You miss out on Nikki's "aw fuck" though.


Nikki says she's "kinda new". Though maybe that's just a millennial way of speaking.
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You don't get to do that either way.

Answering quiz questions isn't bonding.
momo is because she's like two years old.
audrey is our queen
Did Woolie say that?
the brown girls are all shit
That's great
>Beli will never step on you

these feels
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all of them because i'm desperate
Kyu all the way
Aiko close second
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This desu senpaitachi

And also hold hands and impregnate of course.
Im planning on buying my gf a pair of thigh highs for xmas good idea or not?
buy tights instead you pleb
she already has lots
You have to size them really well else they just fucking fall down. Garter belts are a thing for a reason.
>thigh highs

Sounds like the dream to me anon

Nikki is basically the embodiment of /v/.
Even though she'd be the worst person I liked Audrey the best. Something about her just did it for me.
>Not wanting gigaslut Audrey

Beli fags are the worst
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Is that bad? I'd fug a femanon like Nikki if she was cute.


Yes and she's about to live a lonely and miserable life like most of us are doing unless she changes her attitude.
downy voice and filthy liberalism included
shes a little thicker and on the site im looking at the model is about the same size so i feel like theyll be okay
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no hearts version.jpg
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What does the original say?
I hope the pictures we get are as good as the ones in huniepop
Basically every 3rd and 4th picture was extremely fappable
HunieCam is just...

I can't express my dissatisfaction and dissapointment in an appropriate way desu, I'll just say I aint buying it for several reasons.
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I've got bad news.

I don't even hate that he wanted to try a different style, I hate that the new style is SHIT
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So that makes what, three fappable pictures?
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Idk I've never played this poopfest of a game but I like twin tails is tiffany a tsundere
>webcomic artstyle
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she's tsundere to her slutty nature

she wants to be a good, studious girl and hates her porn actress mom, but deep down, she has whore genetics and she can't change that.
Nah, redhead junkie is the tsundere

You should try it anyway anon, the puzzles are genuinely fun
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So I vaguely remember that people posted that the guy did a jab against the "audrey is pure" fags

What did he do, exactly? Did she reveal her whore self?
oh shit im sorry
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>oh fuuck~

can't believe this hentai gets more stale the more episodes you watch.
at least the footjob was a amusing
>Though maybe that's just a millennial way of speaking.

Kind of is, I guess.

Source - am a millennial.
Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our Hunies, especially since they're such whore as bitches and all.
>at least the footjob was a amusing

Wait, what is it?
She literally likes you less if you don't say you're a liberal.
>Likes you less if you don't blindly follow her opinions

Yeah, that's /v/.
onii chichi, hope you like long conversations from a girl that is getting fucked, i just watch it because is damn hilarious
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Dev basically said "suck it losers, I do what I want" and decided to go with the new art style anyways.
They put it up because they thought the majority would just tell them it was fine as it is. In the end they brushed it off and decided they'd keep the current one and maybe someday do another Pop style game.
I want Nikki to beat me at Street Fighter!
>the protagonist was douchebag Jesus all along
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i'm just glad Nikki accepted Jesus into her life.
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I thought Jesus was taking a vacation with Buddha in Japan.

I haven't got Venus yet
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They used all kinds of guys for the stand in of the protag. Check this one out, for example.
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Why the fuck was this not in the game? Game would literally be 20x if MC was Brock the whole time.
>Brock was actually Jesus
The plot thickens
What the fuck is this style called, I can't put a name on it but it's infecting fucking everything

It's like a facebook game artstyle
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fuck shit bitch.gif
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>last move
>its going to be an obvious win since the triple i had was the one she liked
> the moment i cleared it got a 6 chain of the block i wasn't supposed to hit
How the fuck do you even begin to get good at this shit, I refuse to sure this isn't luck based.
It's "generic little girl show animation" style, I guess.
I dont want hunies to die
Best way I can explain it is "Bratz"
A six chain of broken hearts? How many of those fell in new? The best you can do to avoid that is take care before you move, and use items that remove or change the tokens to ones you need. There's no real way to guess what's going to fall in fresh.
Strategic use of presents, nigga
My entire approach was to get passion to max ASAP
>gift that made sentiment matches add passion
>turn broken hearts into sentiment
>turn least fav match into bells, sentiment, or passion
>turn bells into moves
>final two gifts empty passion and sentiment to points
>always win because it usually covers half the bar
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Aiko is perfect.
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>Unironically liking Nikki the sjw or Beli the shitskin.

Get off my /v/

Also, Audrey is best girl and is the only canon pure virgin as stated by Kyu, when you give her Audrey's panties. Get fucked.
Here's a pastebin with links to clips a bunch of the VA girls did for /v/ in a thread some time ago. Don't know how many are still live but worth a shot.

Nikki is one of those "gaymer gurls" that only plays casual shit like Smash and pretends to like le old school classics.
>they're all ded
Please tell me some autist saved them all. I enjoyed most of those.
I- I did.

I can upload them somewhere?
Can I suck your dick
An .rar on Mega would be great if you don't mind.
The Mega link in the pastebin still seems to be good.

I'm retarded and didn't even notice that note at the top. Thank you, anon.
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i wanna shake that bacon.jpg
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Tiffany is pure, Audrey a virgin slut.
Anyone have the whole list?
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No, it's fine.

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Oh. Well now I feel dumb.

Well now you have your choice of filehost I guess.
Am I the only one who found the CGs completely shit?

The topless sprites during the sex gameplay were way more attractive to me.
>not knowing since the kickstarter began
Probably because the moans came with them anon. It was all very penis pleasing to me.
I don't think that's it. I just didn't find the art style of the CGs attractive. They seemed messy and unappealing, whereas the sprites weren't.
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>hold 3 polls asking between new a decent old art style
>all polls landslide for old style

It's like this asshole hates money
you need to notice this to even be able to figure out Tiffany's answers.
Yeah, weirdly I don't find these hot, yet I am into the standard topless sprites.
Topless sprites? I always saw them with underwear, even when having the uncensored patch.

Was there something I did wrong?
It came in a later patch.
>She has a poster of herself cheerleading
>before fucking them

You actually ARE fucking them during that puzzle, but yeah.
>Aiko rapping fresh prince
Jesus my sides
Masturbating girls is always the best

Lilly's last sex scene in Katawa Shoujo is the best as well
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>tfw shit at Puzzle and Dragons
Sell me on this /v/.
It's Puzzle Quest with tits, girls moaning in your ear, and good music.


Puzzle and Dragons is shit.
>buying this so your friends can judge you

Did I just get bullied by Audrey for buying a 3DS
Go for it. It has nice music, pretty good girls, a kind of lackluster gameplay but CGs of nude anime girls.
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-Entertaining/erotic voice acting depending on the situation
-Lewd animus
-A well varied selection of grils
-I'd be very suprised if it doesn't get you off
>a kind of lackluster gameplay
It's easily one of the best match 3 games out there.
Oh, and the incentive of lewd will probably make you git gud at match 3
No. She was bullying herself. Brittany Lauda, Audrey's VA, bought a 3DS and Audrey called her out for being a loser.
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>tfw you learn to play well and fap at the same time during the bedroom game
gotta git gud to git off
i have no friends
she's a crackhead now
Pirate it anyway, don't waste your money on a fap.
Just looked it up myself. They are fucking related. I guess Im late to the party.
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>buy the game
>3 of my steamfags message me
>witch hunie wuld u pop
>"I want to inseminate the ayy lmao"
>they all say I have great taste
might as well, I really don't get off to VN style CGs anyway. If the soundtrack is as good as people is making it out to be i'll buy the soundtrack.
Jessie is Tiffany's mother.
Torrent it. But get the new version, 1.2, I believe.
>having friends
I legitimately want to wife beli.

She's my soul mate
>being this much of a neckbeard
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>pumped for the devs new game.
>tycoon game. OMG OMG yes!!!
>see the art style
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Would you shit in the street with her?
Kyu has the best CGs
Prove me wrong
I could totally live with the new art style if they just released the game. Problem is they released the art like they were trying to generate hype, and it backfired, so now I have to stew over how shitty this game is going to look whenever they get around to finishing it.
Slut mom looks better desu
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>you will never embarrass yourself trying to do yoga with her
>you will never confess to Beli
>she'll never confess back
>you'll never live happily ever after
What friends
>Unironically liking le reddit XDD fairy
If only this game had more replayability. The girls need way more h-scenes.
gonna need that original version
Like a baws!

I fucked them all, even the secrets. Cat was the best. Pure innocence makes my dick hard.
I liked Not Palutena.
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>talking shit about best grill
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Cat girl best girl.
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>mfw based Aiko-chan talks shit about footfags.
At one point with her the question of kinks comes up, if you say feet her reaction is "UGH fucking gross!"
Never tried that, always went for the chained up thing, which is why she is the best
Tiff is the cutest

But Aiko gets some credit for this, footfags are almost as irritating as MLPfags and fartfags
And the worst part isn't the shit art, it's the shit story-lines they are giving to everyone.
I feel for you Audreyfags.
I dont, Audrey was shit teir to begin with.
She's also the only confirmed pure virgin in the game.

Enjoy your used goods.
These guys know what's up.
>you will never get to hide under Aikos desk and play with her pussy while she tries to hold it together during a lecture.

Why live?
>Why live?

For the next best thing.
So you can masturbate to anime girls
>cat is best girl
how predictable
>file blocked for violation
I got mine from GoG so no one can see when I play. I had to pay a whole $5 to get that luxury over the $3.39 from steam. It's well worth it!
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>tfw when your steam friends list is slowly filling up with people owning or playing Hunie Pop
>tfw wanna buy HuniePop but I don't wanna my friends and my family to see it in my library or activity
There is a hint 3 posts above you dipshit
calm down, I just got here and haven't read the thread yet
Sounds like your friends have taste.
Who /Momo/ here?
Her voice was annoying as shit.

I also can't into fugging girls with the mentality of a 4 year old. Maybe if she kept her mouth shut some more.
please post all the others
That girl who works at the coffee shop is the best.
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Which one of the voice actors was actually hot?
Yes and?
4chan has always been liberal you parroting pollack fuckwit.
>fug Momo
>that achievement unlocked
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Momo is cute! Cute! I want her to ask me kitty questions while I play with her kitty ears!
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Consider Suicide
Anything similar to HuniePop that isn't half CandyCrush?
Underage spotted.
You mean a shitty dating simulator? Yeah, the japs have a gorillion of them. Try Hatoful Boyfriend.
I too just finished playing this game.

Man I suck at Bejeweled games though. I could play on normal until I got to Venus, then I had to dumb it down to Easy. I was able to get her, and the other two secret gals on easy at least though.
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>tfw you can't fuck her pornstar mother while she watches
>tfw you can't get into her afterwards while her Mom sits on her face
>tfw this game will never have more CGs
>Wanting a disgusting Indian
Wait, never mind. I found a trainer.
So /v/ but girl
>that terror when I'm attracted to 15-17 year old girls but there's a real chance I may end up teaching for a while
There are reasons I never want/ed to teach
>needing a trainer
>not using cheat engine
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>tfw frustrated I keep failing a date and the genuine answers you want to give get shot down down
>by girls that aren't real
What is my life.
>love fairy tells you how to behave with each girl
>lol fuck that
You're just stupid m8 don't read too much into it
Aiko is literally the only girl who would be worth it.

Nikki was a huge problem for me.

Her attitude/voice doesn't match AT ALL what we see in that picture.

It's like the total opposite.
Some of those answers are MNF teir wrong though
none of them

cause they all filthy ass bejeweled hoes
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Thread images: 46

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