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Disaster Report 4
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I can't wait to run away a ruined city as a cutie pie.

Is this coming west?
God I hope so.
I sure as fuck hope so.
I didn't even realize they made a 3...or a 2
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>only on PS4
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>Disaster Report is back
Thank you god, I was so fucking sad when the original 4th game got scrapped due to the Japan earthquake four years ago
I fucking hope you can be a giant fucking piece of shit again
2 was Raw Danger in the west, 3 was a PSP game that never came to the west
Maybe if Agetec is still localizing stuff.

You know I know they wanted to try and make it more western friendly by changing everyone's hair but looking that shit up everyone still looks SUUUUUUUPER Japanese
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>Raw danger emulates like shit
>Disaster report works fine

>a christmas cake OL
>a cutie pie

lol no
real talk the biggest blackest nigga in the game store walked me to the PS2 section and got me out Raw Danger for 5 buxs. Was the best shit ever playing it with friends
This reminds me of this game that was being made years ago that involved you surviving some kind of massive earthquake and having to survive in a city in ruins, with limited water, supplies, etc. and other hostile groups of people.

Can't for the life of me remember what it was called or what happened to its development.
What's dumb about that is the game is Japanese as fuck when it comes to the buildings and interiors so trying to make it Western without overhauling the entire game is pointless
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you're a knob
You might be thinking of I Am Alive, it came out a few years ago but it's pretty mediocre overall
I am Alive? It got scrapped and turned into a budget title.
The MC, boy or female is a job seeker. Hence the suit.
Yeah, that's it thanks.
found the faggot

he's probably just really intimidated easily due to having a small pecker
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>Physics based destruction
This is gonna be interesting considering that destruction in the last three games were completely scripted and still ended up suffering from glitches so how this game will handle it concerns me
>Running away from a ruined city

As a french people living in Paris, that is already what I do.
I never played any of this series.

What can I expect?

Assuming it comes to the West.
Tell me about it.

>tfw Chilean
>Big earthquakes every single month

I really want to play a game about earthquakes tho, is this game about that too?


I live in a wooden three story building in Japan.

Even the most minor earthquakes makes my room shake.

It happens like once a month and is terrifying.
I wonder how they'll skirt around the Fukushima issue? Previous games were mostly about artificial islands with poor planning choices but they all still featured Earthquakes and Water.
The first two are the only ones that came to the west, 1st game emulates well but the 2nd doesn't
They basically involve walking around rooms and collecting items and talking to people when you aren't in an action segment running for your life from disaster
Dialogue choices are surprisingly deep for a game like this, 2 especially allows you to be a piece of shit and can lead to different endings

Sorry anon, you know there are issues here with regards on how treat women in gaming industry :^)
Steam bot Chronicles 2 when?!?!
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>tfw Japanese, PS4 and PSN only

Bumpy Trot 2 was cancelled a long time ago.
According to an interview from Gematsu
>Set over the course of one week, Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories puts players in the role of a man or a woman newly arrived in a large city in search of a job. After disaster strikes, players will have to contend with the risks of starvation and disease. You’ll even need to make sure you make use of toilets regularly. Their actions during this week will have consequences for the city moving forward.
Fantastic, just what I'm looking for.
So did disaster report 4 dude
>Reach out and pull him up
>Smile at him
>Take his hat
Fuck me, *Famitsu
Other details include
>The main reason the game was originally cancelled was because they couldn’t get it to come together.
So basically we got another The Last Guardian
>Over the years since the game was cancelled, time has been devoted to upping the quality of the game system.
>Granzella’s new company Gz Studio is developing the game. It’s made up of staff from the Irem days.
>The “Plus” in the title signifies that the game is being rebuilt. The original version of the game is being used as a base, but everything is being completely revised from zero.
>It’s not that you escape a week after the earthquake, sometimes you go back to the same place two or three days later.
>Situations at the same locations will change as time progresses. (For example, when cranes begin reconstruction.)
>The degree of how the protagonist’s decisions influences post-development has greatly increased.
>If you eat expired foods or don’t use the toilet, it will impact your performance.
>Since it’s being developed for PlayStation 4, Kujo wants to put in an element that lets players feel like they’re connected somehow.
So cancelled one is coming back to ps4?
Is this the PS3 one they cancelled because the producer was a little bitch and left Irem shortly after?
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So was this, but now it's back.

So that means this could return as well. Though whether they'll scrap everything and start completely over is anyone's guess.
How is her back not a glass version of a hedgehog after that explosion?

I thought it was canned because the tsunami fucked Japan's shit up.
No, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan basically made the game a no go.
Yeah and the guy was like "Boohoo I can't possibly release this game after what happened, I'm gonna disappear from the face of the earth now" but in reality the game was a piece of shit as >>318021960 stated. Still, it's nice to see it back and I hope he doesn't pull the same shit again if another disaster happens just before they release it.

Well, it would have been kind of rude to release a game about DISASTERS IN JAPAN after they literally had one.

Oh sure, teach Billy a seminar about stranger danger AFTER he's been raped
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The development basically hit a brick wall with the PS3 not being powerful enough to run the game they wanted so the team quit and people left Irem to form Gz, the cancellation just coincided with the 2011 Earthquake in Japan
this and Steambot Chronicles 2
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I wonder if they'd apply these ideas to Bumpy Trot 2 if they can make it. Would be a welcome sight to see choices that weren't just in the moment like the original
I'm just bitter that he cancelled it for that reason when it actually wasn't why they decided not to release it. At least Sega just delayed Yakuza Dead Souls instead of outright cancelling it.

Preorders went way up though for Amazon Japan, it became number 1. It is a shame though because people have even stated that they did sort of see it as informative for natural disasters/earthquakes
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So it looks like this game will be more down to earth compared to the other three that were basically about how one disaster sends a city to complete shit and you have to escape but rather be about living in a city that just got hit with a disaster and experiencing the after effects first hand
I swear to Christ though, if this game ends with another scene of you being on top of a tower and a guy is trying to kill you for uncovering another fucking conspiracy I'm gonna be shanking some nips
I hope so! I love Bumpy trot!


So much hype that day. All of those potential activities
>Dock working
>Fire fighting
>Deep sea diving
>Downhill battles/races
>Fucking Fishing

Then that PS3 bit at the end.


Suddenly, new trailer and it's on PS3 with some revisions. Some cool details like the icicles on the trots.

Then it just fucking goes quiet and dies.
>tfw grew up on the san andreas fault
you'll get used to it

It had to be a bit of both. It's hard to imagine that they'd use a disaster as a coincidental excuse. But at least it's back in the running, so there's that.

To be honest there was a stong one when I was in Tokyo a few months.

I was outside on the sidewalk. That was even worse. A building shaking is bad, but he solid cement ground?

Fuck that.
Well, this game wont sell in India then
Can I be morally reprehensible?

You might be able to shit on people's floors, if the line about having ill-effects of not using the toilet on time.

>just an entire play through of shitting on NPCs floors for no reason
This needs to come out on the PC via steam. There is a market for this game on steam.
Indian simulator
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>shit outside of a designated shitting street
>cops come after you
>Cutie pie

What cops?
what's this game about
Reporting Disasters

A romantic tall of girls being attacked by exploding buildings during the summer.

Not a porn, though
tfw if it does come to the west, they will change the title to something MORE EXTREEEEEME for todays target audience, edit all hair color from black to blonde, fully dubbed without options to change voices, trailers will have hollywood movie "BWOOOONNGGG sound fade" action packed scenes montage too, also added in more michael bay explosions on all buildings every 5 seconds for good measure.

You do know the "EXTREEEME" craze hasn't been a thing for ages, right?
haha, very funny
is it kind of like I Am Alive?
Well it has been ages for a sequel.
Still don't fully comprehend why they changed the title back then, twice even, considering that "Danger Report" is already in english words and descriptive enough.

From the looks of it, probably. But likely not as grim.

And hopefully not a broken piece of shit
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They probably didn't think the name would make quite enough sense to the West. Steambot Chronicles was basically "Romantic Scrapmetal Adventure: Bump Trot"

There's also the fact that Tomm Hulett, you know, the BIGGEST SILENT HILL FAN, was involved in the game's translation. Though I can't say if that's the case with the DR games
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Man that was fucking awkward. Why are japanese games so shit nowadays?
That looks fucking awful.

Why do people want to pay for this garbage?
That looks awesome.
First thing the woman does in the video is knock off the high heels on her shoes.

Bravo. Will buy.
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We get it, you don't like it. But since it's not even done yet, you can't say if it'll be bad or not.
Weebs don't have any standards. It's no shocker why Japan is so irrelevant nowadays..

I feel sad for people actually wanting this.

>stop enjoying possible fun games!
for the first three games
for the fourth game
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I just hope they learned from the lackluster results this game had. Not that they were all disappointing. But for every great thing like pissing off Connie, or making Basil think you fucked Savory. You had WASTED opportunities like taking over TWO gangs
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Looks like shit
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It was PS2, go figure. And that's hardly a valid reason to dismiss it.
I was interested because of the OP post but that video looks fucking horrible.

Why do you guys love eating shit?
Which company would localise this normally?
Will they continue with Agetec tradition to westernize all the character in-game?

Also suprising it's not me and that other person that actually play and like this game and browse this hellhole.
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>One one hand, happy this game exists
>On the other, I know this won't feature a section of driving a taxi through collapsing buildings and flooding streets during the disaster on PS4 hardware
Nah, that practice died out last decade.
Is that thing from one of the prequels?
Looks good for a game from a company as small and shitty ex irem members.
Was this series the only games they were making before?
No, go cry somewhere else PCfag
>earth shakes a little, hardly dangerous, freak outs occur
>drive a car everday, vastly more likely to result in your violent horrific death, no problem
pretty weird how we can get used to some shit but not other things
>mission: acquire daily make up requirements
>mission: change tampon ( time limit 6 hours 43 minutes )
>bonus mission: shank the surviving members of that slut bitch student you hated, if any remain
Sounds pretty good, mate. Would play.
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How are the other Disaster Report games? I only played the first one but I consider it a hidden gem of sorts
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Played Raw Danger and the third one on PSP. It wasn't bad but I hope they don't run out of budget and make it look like shit.

I haven't driven a car in 3 years though.
You some kind of space commie?
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man, maybe I´ll have to buy a ps4 after all.

Just recently discovered the series and loved every second of it.
>I swear to Christ though, if this game ends with another scene of you being on top of a tower and a guy is trying to kill you for uncovering another fucking conspiracy I'm gonna be shanking some nips
don't fucking remind me
especially the sequel was one of the most technically and graphically impressive games on PS2
first one didn´t look bad either
Also the last few minutes where you have to run from a fucking tsunami was awesome
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>mfw the game lets me lick the knife of my brother's killer.

Seriously few things are satyisfing as act like an mega-slut on Amber's route.

Live in Japan.

Got my Japanese license, but have no need to use it.
if you live in japan, earthquakes are definitely something you should be used to

The area I am in isn't that earthquake prone. Maybe one every 3 or 4 months.

Small ones are fine, but the large ones are terrifying.
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