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Did cod die after mw2?
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Did cod die after mw2?
CoD died after CoD 2, you underage fuck
No it did after black mops

MW2 barely came out 4 years after CoD2. They were on the same console and made by the same developer. Someone who enjoyed CoD2 would only be marginally older, if at all, than someone who enjoyed MW2 you worthless retard.
No, and thats its biggest problem

>the MW2babby calling someone else a retard

That reply at least put forth an argument unlike whatever insubstantial shitpost tripe you're peddling.

>am I fitting in yet?
1 > UO > 2 > 4 > WaW
I'd say they're all worth playing, but not the rest.
is it just me or does it feel like ALL games are getting worse these days. Nothing feels as good as it used to. Is it just me?

Just play older games.
>you will never go back to 2009 when games were still fun

why are we still alive
Yes, when the original creators stop working on it it is no longer the same thing.
WAW is the best because it is the last with bolt action.

Because it is the time.
what i mean is , old games no longer feel the way they used to, and new games don't bring the same levels of joy. its weird :/

also i actually have enjoyed all the cods, black ops 2 was my fav, got seriously competitive with snip
It's because you're getting older and games are getting shittier
CoD2 was shit. Worst of CoD 1 and CoD 4 combined.
There's a bolt action without scope in BO2 though.
Yes because Infinity Ward died after it
When you lose the original developers, you lose the soul of the game
COD is unrecognisable now
>Call of Duty
My fucking sides.
cod used to be great, whether you acknowledge it or not
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>its almost 2016
>theres no good games

Videogames were already pretty shit by 2009.

2007 is more of a reasonable cutoff point, I think.
Anyone else disappointed with BO3?

In the end I find BO2 better, an old game with some new futuristic gadgets. It feels like in BO3 they tried to change way too much than it needed. Especially specialists break the balance.
4 was the last good one. At least WaW had a decent PC port. It's all been downhill from there.
I feel like CoD4 and WaW were the last Call of Duty games I truly enjoyed.
The only games that didn't disappoint me were rereleases and ports of old games and TW3.

2012 Yakuza 5 may be this year's my favourite one if they really release it in last remaining 1 and half a month.
BO2 is the end. Everything after that is death.
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Hows B03?
Just bought CoD Ghosts PC retail how much did I fuck up.

I enjoyed Black Ops much more than MW2 desu.
Infinity Ward CODs died mid-way through MW2
A lot. You'd have had better chances with BO2 or even AW.
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>The Call of Duty series will die peacefully to stop the quality from suffering
>Your favorite game series is currently getting run into the ground or will in the future
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cod campaigns.png
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>playing COD for anything but the SP
The game would be pretty tuned without specialists.. maybe with some better maps as well.
big red one is shit, by far the worst game i had for ps2
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This, can someone share opinions?
>he didn't like MW2
just adapt
It was 1/3 the price of BO2 and I just wanted a newer game to enjoy, and I didn't see AW.

This is truth. MW2 was and will always be cancerous.
>It was 1/3 the price of BO2

Probably because it's one of the absolute worst CoDs to date.
Treyarch is the only one keeping COD alive, Sledgehammer and Infityward have pretty shit COD games
mw2 was the start of the decline of cod.
There are people in this thread think mw2 is shit. These people probably wear fedoras and post on reddit as well.
MW2 is shit.
This list is cock
Go play some indie games you fat nerd
CoD died after CoD 1

CoD 2 had regenerating health and all that garbage
>implying it isn't objective truth
There are people in this thread who doesn't think mw2 is shit. These people were probably 14 when it was released and part of the cancer that ruined vidya. They probably watched "le epic 360 noscope montages!" and followed Machinima on Youtube.
Yep, you dun fucked up.
Let me guess you play smart indie games for smart gamers?
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absolutely fucking this

>b-but anon, Halo is the one to blame for making health regen popular
Halo had SHIELD regen, you also had few HP and medpacks to pick up.
Next Halos got rid of HPs, so shield was essentially health, which is the same cancer as CoD 2.
There are at least 9 games in its series alone better than MW2.
>muh indies
I even have MW2 cup for preordering. Fuck this shit.

I haven't finished the campaign yet but its alright so far. A bit of a let down compared to BO2. I'm not completely sure how to feel about the multiplayer. I like all the guns and how the pretty much feel completely unique to each other but the three lane system for all the maps makes it a little dull and kills the potential of having standout maps. The time to kill as also a tiny bit to short for my liking.

Overall its pretty fun to fuck around in but nothing amazing.
>le kill urself meme
now i understand those ratings
MW2 killed CoD.
Multiplayer was garbage, after the great multiplayer set up by first Cod 2 then Cod 4: MW.
No, video games did
MW2 is the worst shit, awfull balance, the introduction of the awfull killstreaks
CoD 2 > CoD 4 > Blops 2 > WaW > Blops >>>>>>> the rest
CoD2 and 1 were nothing special multiplayer wise though
Is awful.
I'm not even that guy. Unless you give a good reason why the BRO campaign was bad, you're a faggot and should feel bad.
No it just got repeated
All these dumb fucks saying cod died after mw2. Just look at the sales and when they started dropping off. I don't know any of the hard numbers but I think it was either after Black Ops 1 or MW3.
That comma shouldn't be there.

Good job having worse grammar than the underage OP.
CoD died once it threw out the historical aspect of the game and gradually turned to multiplayer.
>first warning was WaW
>last good CoD game to engage in an actual war
>all this hypothetical war shit
>Black Ops 2 "future"
>drones being authorized by U.N.
>Black Ops 3 "continued future"
>treaty of drones and the "ALLOWED" use of an A.I. to monitor literally the minds of the public
>terrorism still existing in the Middle East in year 2090 (or sum shit)
>national "democratic"governments more like a military-driven totalitarian cease-fire
>Egypt being THAT advanced
>No unified Korea (regardless of who won)
>FUCKING WALKERS instead of tanks

i try to keep up with the stories, with Black Ops 1 being a good Cold War conspiracy story, but they went TOO far with "it's the future" shit. I get that too much technology would lead to devolution via tech evolution, but as humans we would NEVER allow fully (even semi-) aware drones/androids to even fight the frontlines of the war. this is depicted in the last scene in the first level of Black Ops 3, where the Player's arms and right leg are torn off by a robot. Drones don't necessarily know when to stop, they only know black and white; threat and ally. would a man literally rip a man apart to subdue him? Unless that person is a sadist or acting out of pure revenge/hate, they probably would subdue him/her in a "old-school" style (chokehold, full-nelson, etc.) not emotionlessly rip the man apart.
MW2 was the last CoD I enjoyed the fuck out of. I played some MW3 and BlOps but it wasnt the same.
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