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3 vs NV DLC
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I've beaten both 3 and NV. Both had their flaws but were also fun in very different ways. I haven't played any of the DLC's though, since they're too expensive for the PS3. I want to try the complete edition on the PC.

Which one should I get? Which game's DLC's are better?
New Vegas.
Get both and install Tale of Two Wastelands
Most people I've come across are in agreement that Fallout 3 has 1 great DLC (Point Lookout), 1 decent DLC (The Pitt), 2 bland DLC (Operation: Anchorage / Broken Steel) and 1 shit-tier DLC (Mothership Zeta).

On the other hand, NV's DLC has massively varying opinions in the community. Dead Money is the case of love it or hate it. Honest Hearts is considered to be extremely average by most. Nobody really considers it to be bad, but people prefer the other DLC. Old World Blues is down to whether or not you like the 50s Sci-Fi B-movie appeal of it. Lonesome Road is much like DM.
Can't speak for NV DLC, but dont bother with zeta.
I played the games in release order, and when i got to Fallout 3 i thought it was the most boring piece of shit game i've ever played.
Is new vegas better than 3? Should i play it?
Kerberos dlc

i seriously do not get people who say they prefer HH, it was the worst of the four BY FAR in my opinion, just a big empty canyon with a couple of fetch quests to do. took me maybe an hour and a half
pls respond ;_;

Depends on what elements of the game bored you. They're different games, but fundamentally they come from the same place (engine, presentation, atmosphere).
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boths games are worth playing through, just dont get the alien dlc for fo3, and in NV all DLC are decent at least well except for ulyseus fuck that guy

its the main characters of HH anon, a lot of people liked them
The fact that the story started slow as hell killed me on the first place. After that, the wasteland was huge and i loved it, but there was so much nothing it was boring to walk from point A to point B. Most of the times i killed like 1 big bug or a couple of riders before getting to my destination but that was all

NV's story is more immersive since it basically guides you quickly from point A to point B. The rest is more or less the same.
If the story is better then it may make it up for me. Thanks man, i'll give it a try
Get new vegas, install project nevada, EVE, flora overhaul, and real time settlements.
Now you have a better fallout 4.
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