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ITT: Games women will NEVER understand
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ITT: Games women will NEVER understand
My wife has played and loved all the MGS games. She's pretty hardcore though.
She's likely a sub 6/10 too
>loved all the MGS games
So she didn't understand at least some of them?
Yeah I've seen her scenes, she's pretty hardcore
Goddamn, you guys are insecure. You're better than this, fellas.
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>you're better than this
I dated an autistic girl who was goddamn obsessed with Metal Gear
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What are you talking about? Literally all of the journo bitches always rave about MGS. Even Leigh Alexander likes it.
I wish I coukd get my fiance into Metal Gear. She thinks the story is shit and gameplay slow and boring.
She isnt entirely wrong though...
There are quite a few women who like MGS, or at least pretend to like it.
this is /v/. they're really not.
>loved all the MGS games
She's actually entirely right.
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