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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251
File: morphine administered.jpg (60 KB, 598x450) Image search: [Google]
morphine administered.jpg
60 KB, 598x450
Didn't see one, let's have another filename thread
File: duckduckgoose.webm (3 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 720x404
File: asgore.jpg (960 KB, 1115x1118) Image search: [Google]
960 KB, 1115x1118
File: Rated E for Everyone.jpg (172 KB, 982x656) Image search: [Google]
Rated E for Everyone.jpg
172 KB, 982x656
File: aww look at the face.jpg (94 KB, 599x799) Image search: [Google]
aww look at the face.jpg
94 KB, 599x799
File: JIDF.jpg (7 KB, 259x194) Image search: [Google]
7 KB, 259x194
File: Shocklord's big entrance.gif (2 MB, 320x239) Image search: [Google]
Shocklord's big entrance.gif
2 MB, 320x239
File: MY NAME IS BARRY ALLEN.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x540
File: Item Tekker.jpg (24 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
Item Tekker.jpg
24 KB, 480x360
what's with its eye?
they're lost
File: Major Theme of MGSV.png (172 KB, 506x374) Image search: [Google]
Major Theme of MGSV.png
172 KB, 506x374
File: installing oblivion mods.webm (3 MB, 700x394) Image search: [Google]
installing oblivion mods.webm
3 MB, 700x394
you don't need to do that
File: hl2.exe has stopped working.jpg (88 KB, 500x375) Image search: [Google]
hl2.exe has stopped working.jpg
88 KB, 500x375
File: BlackOps3.jpg (370 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
370 KB, 1024x768
File: locked out of diamond city.gif (2 MB, 352x354) Image search: [Google]
locked out of diamond city.gif
2 MB, 352x354
File: dante v. donte.png (69 KB, 262x250) Image search: [Google]
dante v. donte.png
69 KB, 262x250
File: Undertale Threads.jpg (321 KB, 1036x1500) Image search: [Google]
Undertale Threads.jpg
321 KB, 1036x1500
Alright I chuckled.
File: behold the guns of the patriots.gif (483 KB, 243x270) Image search: [Google]
behold the guns of the patriots.gif
483 KB, 243x270
10/10 not bad
File: undertale.png (184 KB, 540x318) Image search: [Google]
184 KB, 540x318
Holy shit.
File: Tulpa.jpg (50 KB, 611x423) Image search: [Google]
50 KB, 611x423
File: Staff morale increased.jpg (270 KB, 960x640) Image search: [Google]
Staff morale increased.jpg
270 KB, 960x640
File: undertale.jpg (165 KB, 1200x627) Image search: [Google]
165 KB, 1200x627
i had no idea turtles turned each other around like that

>other tortoise just walks off like nothing happened
Fuck that filename is more accurate than I thought
File: Metal Gear Excelsus.jpg (176 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Metal Gear Excelsus.jpg
176 KB, 640x480
That's pretty impressive.
Not funny but that really is his character.
File: THE UNENLIGHTENED MASSES.jpg (120 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
120 KB, 1366x768
File: .jpg (129 KB, 325x320) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 325x320
File: Huey's trial Exibit A.webm (3 MB, 812x1076) Image search: [Google]
Huey's trial Exibit A.webm
3 MB, 812x1076
>discussing celebrities on /tv/
File: make your own class.jpg (1 MB, 460x3770) Image search: [Google]
make your own class.jpg
1 MB, 460x3770
>/v/ before filters
File: hidden developer messages.png (961 KB, 1000x764) Image search: [Google]
hidden developer messages.png
961 KB, 1000x764
File: Donte tries to be CUH-RAZY.webm (965 KB, 720x540) Image search: [Google]
Donte tries to be CUH-RAZY.webm
965 KB, 720x540
I thought she was an amputee at first.
File: chaika.gif (1 MB, 194x284) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 194x284
>you will never have someone dress as a mech for you to pilot
I did not want this feel, anon.
Suppose I'll dump what I have
File: Welcome to Diamond Dogs.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
Welcome to Diamond Dogs.webm
2 MB, 640x360

I lost it at MILF commander
File: 3ds ports.gif (301 KB, 400x225) Image search: [Google]
3ds ports.gif
301 KB, 400x225
File: NASA training program.png (614 KB, 720x540) Image search: [Google]
NASA training program.png
614 KB, 720x540
File: superstar saga.gif (318 KB, 141x320) Image search: [Google]
superstar saga.gif
318 KB, 141x320
God this time limit is annoying
File: i'll just slowly lower its HP.gif (1 MB, 398x305) Image search: [Google]
i'll just slowly lower its HP.gif
1 MB, 398x305
File: that red dead redemption webm.gif (28 KB, 700x227) Image search: [Google]
that red dead redemption webm.gif
28 KB, 700x227
I've seen this before, but I just noticed how pleasant the art style and animation is. Not what I've come to expect from Russian animation. Anyone have a source?


stop the thread
I wish I knew man, I just realized it was russian.
File: max luck.webm (3 MB, 700x298) Image search: [Google]
max luck.webm
3 MB, 700x298

Jesus... Way to stomp on people's dreams, Biff.
File: Buffing your party members.jpg (30 KB, 403x312) Image search: [Google]
Buffing your party members.jpg
30 KB, 403x312
File: 1436885829431.jpg (520 KB, 1600x1600) Image search: [Google]
520 KB, 1600x1600
File: Gregor has joined the server.jpg (91 KB, 897x1495) Image search: [Google]
Gregor has joined the server.jpg
91 KB, 897x1495
File: Blowout soon, fellow Stalker.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Blowout soon, fellow Stalker.webm
3 MB, 1280x720
File: absoulute madman.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
absoulute madman.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
File: Blowout soon.webm (155 KB, 400x224) Image search: [Google]
Blowout soon.webm
155 KB, 400x224
>He actually did it
File: Dark Messiah in The Zone.webm (3 MB, 896x560) Image search: [Google]
Dark Messiah in The Zone.webm
3 MB, 896x560
File: Doom 32X recording session.jpg (17 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
Doom 32X recording session.jpg
17 KB, 480x360
File: Drop it.jpg (105 KB, 1274x704) Image search: [Google]
Drop it.jpg
105 KB, 1274x704
>not going with Mamdune Shazbot
File: Lex Luthor goes to Ardougne.jpg (42 KB, 640x326) Image search: [Google]
Lex Luthor goes to Ardougne.jpg
42 KB, 640x326
File: Fallout New Game.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
Fallout New Game.webm
2 MB, 640x360
File: 1446687640127.jpg (51 KB, 864x479) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 864x479
jesus christ
File: RO2_Gumrak.jpg (741 KB, 2264x1292) Image search: [Google]
741 KB, 2264x1292
File: fattywank thread.gif (3 MB, 463x326) Image search: [Google]
fattywank thread.gif
3 MB, 463x326

Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, and unlike carbon dioxide, death comes painlessly and happens without you noticing.
And they say there's no job prospects out there...
File: Reflex Mode.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Reflex Mode.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
File: 1438747034882.gif (57 KB, 74x98) Image search: [Google]
57 KB, 74x98
god damn anon, right in the feels
>scoring in rocket league
top lel
File: achievement lost.png (68 KB, 431x114) Image search: [Google]
achievement lost.png
68 KB, 431x114
File: beating star world.jpg (30 KB, 629x388) Image search: [Google]
beating star world.jpg
30 KB, 629x388
God Fucking Dammit.
File: Ratatouille alternate ending.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Ratatouille alternate ending.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
File: blank image.png (125 KB, 500x375) Image search: [Google]
blank image.png
125 KB, 500x375
I've only had morphine once in my life and that was the nicest feeling ever. I can see why that shit is addicting.
File: Ninja Theory does Gary Oak.jpg (51 KB, 500x499) Image search: [Google]
Ninja Theory does Gary Oak.jpg
51 KB, 500x499
File: jack_black_attacks_a_woman.gif (333 KB, 289x149) Image search: [Google]
333 KB, 289x149
the absolute madman
File: lost connection to the server.webm (3 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
lost connection to the server.webm
3 MB, 1920x1080
File: Dead layed down on the floor.gif (1 MB, 256x192) Image search: [Google]
Dead layed down on the floor.gif
1 MB, 256x192
File: thirty six...caliber.png (377 KB, 900x1280) Image search: [Google]
thirty six...caliber.png
377 KB, 900x1280
why is reality so horrible
File: fullmetal activist.png (35 KB, 174x196) Image search: [Google]
fullmetal activist.png
35 KB, 174x196
File: Bailey Jay simulator game.webm (3 MB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Bailey Jay simulator game.webm
3 MB, 640x480
She should break her eyes. She live 80ms in the past in permanence due to the delay of information between your eyes and brain processing.
What game? Google brings up nothing.
File: 1423981948309.png (900 KB, 1000x4093) Image search: [Google]
900 KB, 1000x4093

So we can appreciate the good times

I'm waiting on those good times

I have this game on my computer its ok to jack off to.
File: Amazon deal a critical hit.webm (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Amazon deal a critical hit.webm
1 MB, 1280x720
File: homer simpson at the rally.png (102 KB, 263x265) Image search: [Google]
homer simpson at the rally.png
102 KB, 263x265
What's it called? I need to play it for science.
Rondo Duo IIRC
File: Rondo Duo.webm (590 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Rondo Duo.webm
590 KB, 500x500
Rondo Duo. Its all futa so its not for everyone. Its mainly futa on girl though which is hot IMO
Source of the original
File: persona 3.gif (1 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
persona 3.gif
1 MB, 640x360
>80 ms latency
Bullshit. Where did you read this? Are you sure you're not thinking of reaction time?
File: 1446163747661.png (52 KB, 973x821) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 973x821
>Its all futa
Your brain mostly adapt by predicting movements and images. It knows that something falling will keep falling so it just make up an image of the thing falling. Kinda like a movie. If some part of the image do not move, it just assume it's there already.
That nigga looks like me
File: -v- Video Games.png (220 KB, 500x372) Image search: [Google]
-v- Video Games.png
220 KB, 500x372
a massive steel leviathan with blades covered in gore
Someone post the pic were the guy posts on /v/.
File: 1395483648789.png (98 KB, 476x321) Image search: [Google]
98 KB, 476x321
aint nothin wrong with it, senpai
File: Battlestation Threads.png (285 KB, 760x756) Image search: [Google]
Battlestation Threads.png
285 KB, 760x756
We should build a machine that is totally great.
File: charlotte_scared.jpg (102 KB, 847x715) Image search: [Google]
102 KB, 847x715
>As long as a hand-clapper is less than 30 meters away, you hear and see the clap happen together.
>But beyond this distance, the sound arrives more than 80 milliseconds later than the light, and the brain no longer matches sight and sound.
>What is weird is that the transition is abrupt: by taking a single step away from you, the hand-clapper goes from in sync to out of sync.
That's crazy. I'll have to test this someday.
play it in reverse and that turtle has telekinesis
File: v lies to itself.jpg (318 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
v lies to itself.jpg
318 KB, 1280x720
Chicks with dicks just ain't my thing.

Traps on the other hand...
File: battlestation threads.png (109 KB, 800x1044) Image search: [Google]
battlestation threads.png
109 KB, 800x1044
Beelzebub himself will fear
That guy is clearly an all END tank.
Well it's one chick that fuck other chicks and force them to grow dicks.
File: mu.jpg (28 KB, 476x476) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 476x476
File: Loss in Space.png (23 KB, 625x790) Image search: [Google]
Loss in Space.png
23 KB, 625x790
the bagger 288!
Is loss the most perfect joke ever to be conceived?
File: Kids can be cruel, Jack.jpg (553 KB, 1280x1280) Image search: [Google]
Kids can be cruel, Jack.jpg
553 KB, 1280x1280
File: nintendo direct.gif (610 KB, 470x350) Image search: [Google]
nintendo direct.gif
610 KB, 470x350
File: Trying to talk about a JRPG.jpg (109 KB, 630x441) Image search: [Google]
Trying to talk about a JRPG.jpg
109 KB, 630x441
L. Is for every edit that make me laugh.
O. Is for the original webcomic gaffe.
S is super shitty changed around to be more witty
S is Start a thread and oops, porn been dumped and now it's dead.
File: Gearbox Aquires Homeworld IP.gif (3 MB, 296x125) Image search: [Google]
Gearbox Aquires Homeworld IP.gif
3 MB, 296x125
File: Dex vs Str.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
Dex vs Str.webm
3 MB, 640x360
>The Batter tries to purify Enoch.webm
The hottest thing in the world is 2 futas impregnating each other
>the absolute madman
> I've seen this before, but I just noticed how pleasant the art style and animation is. Not what I've come to expect from Russian animation. Anyone have a source?
Russian version of Treasure Island. Absolutely fantastic movie / cartoon, can't recommend enough.

File: lucky for you.png (54 KB, 193x338) Image search: [Google]
lucky for you.png
54 KB, 193x338
thank you, anon, I'll give that a watch
File: TriHex plays Mario Kart.jpg (349 KB, 3000x1688) Image search: [Google]
TriHex plays Mario Kart.jpg
349 KB, 3000x1688
File: adjudicator.jpg (23 KB, 500x381) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 500x381
>holding shift while selecting in paint
File: Dirty Dan porn.png (18 KB, 304x224) Image search: [Google]
Dirty Dan porn.png
18 KB, 304x224
File: Hyrule Warriors.jpg (142 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Hyrule Warriors.jpg
142 KB, 1280x720
File: Nintendo threads.jpg (102 KB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
Nintendo threads.jpg
102 KB, 600x450
File: Ill never tell.jpg (180 KB, 681x605) Image search: [Google]
Ill never tell.jpg
180 KB, 681x605
I also have a manga like that on my computer a very good one at that.
What the fuck?? Why?
File: Allah, Head Ch'Allah.jpg (171 KB, 800x507) Image search: [Google]
Allah, Head Ch'Allah.jpg
171 KB, 800x507
File: tim buckley makes a doujin.png (1 MB, 1616x1197) Image search: [Google]
tim buckley makes a doujin.png
1 MB, 1616x1197
File: 14091249124.jpg (72 KB, 500x417) Image search: [Google]
72 KB, 500x417
>Not Teostra
best monster
am I glad he's in there
On point. kek'd
File: hold_the_fuck_up.jpg (30 KB, 400x384) Image search: [Google]
30 KB, 400x384
Isn't this that Japanese DJ Hero clone? Are they stealing from Nintendo now?
File: cabin in the woods.jpg (24 KB, 400x224) Image search: [Google]
cabin in the woods.jpg
24 KB, 400x224
what's the most meta filename you have /v/?
>peeing for a full minute and still going
holy shit is he okay?
File: explaining things to normals.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
explaining things to normals.webm
3 MB, 854x480
File: pol house invasion.webm (3 MB, 1258x514) Image search: [Google]
pol house invasion.webm
3 MB, 1258x514
Das romos waifu senpai
File: you've been here too long.png (36 KB, 1795x709) Image search: [Google]
you've been here too long.png
36 KB, 1795x709
probably this
what movie

This was already confirmed fake.
File: pol has arrived.webm (1 MB, 960x396) Image search: [Google]
pol has arrived.webm
1 MB, 960x396
Dead snow 2
>forgetting about the summon.webm
File: Hank Hill discusses Myspace.png (162 KB, 400x302) Image search: [Google]
Hank Hill discusses Myspace.png
162 KB, 400x302

Pretty sure it's Dead Snow
Fuck. Isn't this the one where the guy gets his laptop taken away because it has Linux on it and his sister's a drooling retard or some shit?
File: Homer's Rally.png (162 KB, 633x468) Image search: [Google]
Homer's Rally.png
162 KB, 633x468

The episode was referencing The Cask of Amontillado, that's just restating the joke.
File: kuroinu.gif (22 KB, 400x300) Image search: [Google]
22 KB, 400x300

File: linux.jpg (353 KB, 1795x709) Image search: [Google]
353 KB, 1795x709
File: jrpg party.jpg (97 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
jrpg party.jpg
97 KB, 800x600
File: Needs a Filename.jpg (61 KB, 408x408) Image search: [Google]
Needs a Filename.jpg
61 KB, 408x408
File: Traditional American kotatsu.jpg (81 KB, 565x376) Image search: [Google]
Traditional American kotatsu.jpg
81 KB, 565x376
fuck your "duplicate file" bullshit
https://i.imgur.com/P0woOr2.png "Okami soundrack.jpg"
File: 1394759110954.jpg (25 KB, 573x581) Image search: [Google]
25 KB, 573x581
>neo- /v/ hasn't even seen skooks
File: 1447235867221.gif (2 MB, 250x220) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 250x220
>not duck duck grey duck
The mother did nothing wrong. If you can't take care of your own shit, you don't deserve to keep it.
File: ben drowned.webm (2 MB, 500x400) Image search: [Google]
ben drowned.webm
2 MB, 500x400
don't remind me
File: dragon age 3.jpg (484 KB, 639x2518) Image search: [Google]
dragon age 3.jpg
484 KB, 639x2518
File: 1427717253464.png (509 KB, 829x515) Image search: [Google]
509 KB, 829x515
File: gained 5507 exp.jpg (267 KB, 1400x600) Image search: [Google]
gained 5507 exp.jpg
267 KB, 1400x600
Can you imagine that?

You're lonely. Miserable. You've given up on anyone ever caring about you. You start to think that you could just vanish from the world and nobody would notice.

Then you hear about it. A ray of light. You don't need to be afraid of people anymore. You don't have to be alone anymore. All you have to do is believe, and train yourself into projecting a mental image onto the world around you.

You labor at it for ages, like a man possessed, spending weeks if not months crafting a personality seperate from yourself, with values and an appearance entirely from your own imagination. It brings you out of your shell, and you start to think there may even be hope for you.

Then something breaks.

It's not the same. You can't control it anymore. It start taking on the parts of your mind you don't want, the parts you're afraid of. What once might have been a precious friend or lover becomes what you fear and loathe more than anything else.

You murder that person that you once held so dear.

You walk yourself to the authorities, ready to pay for your crimes, stricken with guilt that will never completely go away no matter how many people tell you you did nothing wrong.

Fuck tulpas.
File: Quads.png (511 KB, 3583x1917) Image search: [Google]
511 KB, 3583x1917
File: 1416944158950.jpg (125 KB, 800x778) Image search: [Google]
125 KB, 800x778
tulpafag here. It only works like that if you're fucked in the head already. It's kinda beautiful to me, actually. Maladjusted retards btfo their own brains while semi well-adjusted people like me get all the benefits of having a tulpa
I love this, it's too perfect
File: Roger Muirebe.jpg (97 KB, 849x582) Image search: [Google]
Roger Muirebe.jpg
97 KB, 849x582
I feel like I've seen this show before, but I forgot the name. Does anyone here know it?


You guys ever read the story where Poe rehashes this story, but with a cat?
what movie?
File: 12th of November 2015.jpg (42 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
12th of November 2015.jpg
42 KB, 480x270
File: agility vs strength build.webm (2 MB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
agility vs strength build.webm
2 MB, 600x338
I dunno, sorry man.
It's a currently airing show. So if this really is what you watched then damn your memory sucks.
File: 1418266088477.png (2 MB, 1600x5000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1600x5000

Fuck that shit.
File: Resident Evil 6.gif (4 MB, 240x180) Image search: [Google]
Resident Evil 6.gif
4 MB, 240x180
>Advisers vow to bobobobobobobo
File: 2cp8Lon[3].gif (359 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
359 KB, 500x281
>taking any of that seriously
>not finding it hilarious
anon, I...
too meta
Oh, I considered it. I just realized that I wouldn't be able to keep it up forever, and what you're doing is basically forcing yourself to develop extremely severe schizophrenia.

No fucking thanks. I'm glad you've made it work, I just hope you can purge it when the time comes.

In all honesty, I think that if you're really fucked in the head, you won't be able to create a solid, stable image and maintain it like that and keep it under control. It requires a level of mental fortitude that a person who'd actually try it simply doesn't have.

Probably untrue but still terrifying.
hilarious yet arousing
File: 1350353526867.jpg (121 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
121 KB, 800x800
File: THREE NIGGAS.png (273 KB, 696x356) Image search: [Google]
273 KB, 696x356
File: Meanwhile, in the FGC lobby.gif (2 MB, 720x425) Image search: [Google]
Meanwhile, in the FGC lobby.gif
2 MB, 720x425
>two pregnant women get into a fistfight
>evangelion music starts playing
I feel proud for getting it
attempting to resurrect a dead loved one.jpg
Are the hidden messages the words in quotations?
File: 1406038749557.jpg (29 KB, 405x344) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 405x344
Don't even man.
File: 1429223821266.jpg (37 KB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 250x250
>I also denied describing my job as "like being locked in a shed full of cretins" and pointed out, accurately, THAT MY RESIGNATION WOULD NOT BE NOTICED EVEN WHEN I SHOVED IT UNDER THEIR NOSES IN 32PT HEADLINE,
Fucking magnificent
File: sebald ponyfag.png (2 MB, 6584x1584) Image search: [Google]
sebald ponyfag.png
2 MB, 6584x1584
Ponyfags do get involved in some pretty spoopy shit
File: max BLUFF.png (209 KB, 500x464) Image search: [Google]
max BLUFF.png
209 KB, 500x464
File: Somebody once told me.webm (1 MB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
Somebody once told me.webm
1 MB, 720x480
File: C711ZN3.gif (2 MB, 250x188) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 250x188

>dead animals that smell like an odorless gas
File: waaa.png (192 KB, 284x656) Image search: [Google]
192 KB, 284x656
what is this skeleton shit-

Pretty good anon.
File: v right now.jpg (50 KB, 800x450) Image search: [Google]
v right now.jpg
50 KB, 800x450
File: Tidvs.webm (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x720
aw fuck that took me a couple times. Well done
File: Dota 2.png (887 KB, 753x648) Image search: [Google]
Dota 2.png
887 KB, 753x648
It's almost as if you were an oldfag
Good thinking!
What the actual fuck.
[spoilers]did he ever make another video? Did anyone ever send help? Pls respond[/spoilers]
>Lv99 Ranged.webm
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / biz / c / cgl / ck / cm / co / d / diy / e / fa / fit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mu / n / news / o / out / p / po / pol / qa / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Home]

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