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>0-100 health (sometimes 200 with special pickup) >0-100
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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 9
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>0-100 health (sometimes 200 with special pickup)
>0-100 armor (sometimes 200 with special pickup)
>about a dozen unique weapons
>kill enemies for up to 20 hours

Am I the only one who is utterly bored with FPS and how simplistic and repetitive they are. I'm not talking about new FPS versus old FPS, they are fundamentally a boring genre with not enough features to hold an adult's attention unless they add RPG or other features.
RIP tactical FPS genre.
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I hate to be the guy saying this, but you're just not playing the right FPS games or shooters in general. Try out some of the indie shooters like Antichamber (Weird Mind-bending Puzzle Shit), Lovely Planet (Platforming Speed-Run), or Reciever (PDL with fucking complex/"annoying" reload-aiming system). There's the Talos Principle too. Shit, I could go on all day listing FPS that are doing different things that /v/ rags on because "lolindie" or because they don't get enough exposure. There's enough out there to keep you occupied for at least a few days through looking alone.
Problem with FPS is that they can either be true FPS. or FPS that relies on light features from other game types. Im surprised FPS-RPG hybrids are not more common considering FPS is good for gameplay and RPG is good to keep game longer-lived. (loot, replayable ect)

I've got to see this. Is there a trailer of sorts?
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Do you honestly believe there could be yuri?
It's been a long time since I saw this image.
Requesting Seni Pedang Atas Talian and Gadis Dan Kereta Kebal

Did they make a movie out of this or was it just a mock up poster?
>adult's attention
you're not an adult you fucking sperg
>0-100 health (sometimes 200 with special pickup)

Most FPS games haven't done that in years, though. When you actually had to worry about health was when vidya was relatively good.
all of the shit you listed are puzzle games, not shooters
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Cacodemon is not pleased.png
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>to hold an adult's attention
Just a poster brah. First I saw it at /a/ last 2 years ago I think when one of the /a/ mod suddenly converse in Malay.
Still have the thread save in my laptop
I remember that thread. Too bad its just a poster.
Yeah, isn't it it
>No ketchup on sceen
>Mild ketchup
>Moderate ketchup
>A lot of ketchup
Is this a lesbian porn parody?
No, it's like this:
>clear screen
>red screen
>shaking red screen
Is this a yuri thread?
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It can be
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I want a Madoka videogame.
dem thighs
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Devil Homura best Homura.
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wtf is PDL
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>Modern FPS
>Health and armor pickups
Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 9

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