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Thread replies: 255
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White Wolf Paradox Obsidian.png
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Why aren't people talking about this ? Where are my VtM bros ?
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we've talked about it 100 times already
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Not enough.
Because it's like 5 days old news
Plus it's not eCelebs, twitch, youtube, twitter, and nothing we can shitpost about.
brb reinstalling
Because we already talked about it and now there's nothing left to talk about.

Is it really that good?
It's amazing. But you need unoffical patch that removes shitloads of bugs.
1. can i run it on a toaster?
2. are there nude mods?
I would play it if you could date one of the sluts.
Does it hold up?

I was going through my stupidly large piles of old PC games and I realized I have a copy of it but I've never played it. Is it worth giving it a go?

1. Pretty much.

2. You wont need them. No, really.
I still don't get why you faggots are happy. It's going to be a shit game.
At least white wolf not being owned by the pile of shit that CCP is, is some good news
Dayum, who... is... that... girl?
>literally posting rps

It isn't the prettiest these days but the answer is yes. It does hold up surprisingly well.
wat clan
Daughter of Janus.
Oh so this is why there have been so many VTM threads in the last couple days.
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It's still great, m8, have a look at this if you've never touched it.
It's going to take years to bear fruit.
I'll think about it when it does.
Depends. It's always been a horribly buggy, messy and somewhat unfinished game. But if you can look past that you'll find that it's a one of a kind RPG with a really rich world filled with memorable characters and situations, great dialogue, non-typical quests and a lot of replayability.
Tremere to be honest vam
Because your shitty homosexual series is NEVER EVER getting a new game.
If you play your cards right you can enjoy lovely fade-to-black implied sexy time with Jeanette.
this, the atmosphere wouldn't even be close if Obsidian makes it.
I love me some VTMB threads but I don't want to get my hopes up until they actually confirm they're making a vampire game.
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We'll have something to complain about although Obsidian getting in on the conversation that way is indeed grounds for loudly going HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHEHEHHEEMMEMMEEHEHHEHEMMM
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dont cut the full picture out, faggot
If it's made by Obsidian it'll be more broken than VTMB on release.
Not to mention the shitty gameplay if no funnerino sawyerino is allowed.
God I love it when a good IP is rescued from the depths of corporate purgatory.

i'd put some batter in her ass if you know what i mean
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>not cutting out the part where reaction image cancer ruined a perfectly good image
sure. It's your funeral after all ;)
>tfw stuck at the cemetery trying to stop the zombies at the gate but always fail during the last minute
What stuff from the VTMB wouldn't fly with current sawyerino crowd? Feeding on prostitutes, sucking Romero to avoid the zombie apocalypse, stripper vampire hunter, the Malkavian outfits and appropriation or mentally ill people?
Yeah but I don't like Jeanette
But isn't Tim Cain now in Obsidian ? He was in team for Pillars of Eternity.
I hope you will be able to play as a trigendered otherkin asexual vampire
Where do I find this patch?
see >>315311570
I don't even really care for Lacuna Coil but that credit sequence is easily my favourite and blew me away the first I finished the game. No other game has come close. I seriously jumped out of my chair possessed and started rocking out.
Not sure, if so then I'll have hope. Obsidian can write really well (at least compared to most studios) but so many of their games feel lacking in atmosphere while VMTB is full of it.
I wish Hollywood sewers weren't a thing in VtMB, they really drain my will to replay the game.
>Obsidian makes a WoD game
>Dementation is now only a speech check
>Thaumaturgy is now a per encounter single use ability
>max level is 8
>you can only have one discipline as more would unbalance the game
>you can only place one trap at a time

I'd seriously love to see Larian get a chance at it. I have the feeling they'd know how to make an atmospheric WoD game.
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Me neither. Their other stuff from the album of which that song came from was alright.

When I finished the game I came to thinking "This is the sort of content that I wish I'd gotten in 'Buffy' but never got"

Because it got almost every convention of what CWOD meant (or some interpretation of it) and maybe, I guess, some cues of the world that Buffy depicted and cranked it to 11.
if I had played this game when I was 14 I'd have gone full goth or something
> rps

Also, where the fuck have you been?
Hope they explore more of the White Wolf's World of Darkness IPs beyond Vampire. Werewolf, Mage, Hunter, and Changeling games would be cool too.
Well, Larian's main studio is working on OS:2, but they didn't tell what their new studio in Canada is working on.
that old game, despite constant shilling and porn spamming, was and is still an unplayable horrid pile of garbage. That's how the vampire lore is. Not salvageable.
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world of darkness is probably my favourite pnp and setting of all time and bloodlines is my favourite game of all time

that said there is no dev in the currect gaming development climate who could do justice to a full blown AAA WoD RPG

just thinking about how it will be filled with dlc, microtransactions and sjw shit makes me want to puke

who wants to bet with me a game like this would be filled with at least 5 possible gay romances and forced tranny characters to pander to the progressive diversity crowd?

i mean do u really think a character like janett would even be possible to be developed today? kotaku, polygon and all the other clickbait sites would shit all over this game and no publisher wants to risk it
So how's the Antitribu mod?
>was and is still an unplayable horrid pile of garbage
i can play it fine, senpai.
Changeling the Lost game when? I want to play some raped fairies.
Make sure to install the "plus" versioin.
It came out 2004 so probably

Larian would need to hire the writers first though. Doesn't have the writing chops.
Hopefully there will be NO romance options in a new Vampire game. Thirsty faggots completely miss the point of WoD vamps and muh slut vampire
been decent so far. In downtown havent seen a huge amount of changes. There was a cool fight with a mummy though
Just make sure to go there with full ammo for Spas and Anaconda.
>5 gay romances
>forced tranny

That'd be easy: just have Toreador sub-quests and an entire set of Tzimisce sub-quest that will require either heavy Vicissitude with permanent cosmetic and functional changes to stats.

WoD has built-in room to cater to any taste as far as I know
People talked about this situation.

They have both hopes and fears...with small emphasis on the latter.
True, but then again, their flagship Divinity isn't exactly a series known for, nor requires a 2deep4u story. They seem to focus on gameplay most of all
>romance questline with a qt npc
>in the end she reveals she was just using you and tries to get rid of you.
>Meanwhile on /v/
>R34 WHEN??
And there are also Exalted and Scion begging for a game.
It has some impressive animations for the new disciplines, and that's about the only compliment I'm willing to give. It fucks with the atmosphere of the game hard and not in a good way.
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>General Tips
>He's coming

Onto your face that is
He is there. I heard avellone and mitsoda want to work with them on it too
So I should just stick to clan quest or Cammie Edition?
only play antitribu if you want to do a combat heavy playthrough. pretty much all the additions are combat-related
>world of darkness is probably my favourite pnp and setting of all time and bloodlines is my favourite game of all time
Are you me ?
That's the thing, VtM was always about blood. Sexuality was used only as a tool. Race, gender, whatever doesn't matter, only vitae.
>that said there is no dev in the currect gaming development climate who could do justice to a full blown AAA WoD RPG
Obsidian or CDPR. Maybe InXile ? Wasteland 2 was awesome and had really good atmosphere.
Because VtM was okay and its now old and no one remembers or cares about it

Also because anything made now would suck and just be an attempt to cater to nostalgia fags, which would also suck.

Definitively. But, well, for a WoD game ? I'd be very hesitant.

Especially since they're not really good at making the narrative manipulation and other gameplay elements interact. At least I thought so from original Divinity - Original Sin (haven't played EE yet, bu given my experiences with past Larian games, I don't see it changing).
what do you mean fucks with the atmosphere? Im halfway through it and it doesnt seem all that different.
I have no doubt a 15 year old who see the meme as a drive to pretend to be a gamer would consume a plate of shit blindly. you are a confirmation, not a counter argument..
>not playing as a girl and fucking Mercurio
I managed to complete that quest with a stealth focused Nossie on my first playthrough and never managed to do it again, I hate it.

I always have to end up fucking him or using that glitch that if you stand behind the huge mausoleum zombies stop spawning
Thanks Anon. By any chance, have you tried the Arsenal Mod?
that's a lot of words to say that you are a pleb
>wanting a vtm sequel
you haven't learned anything at all from every franchise murdered raped and burned alive you loved in the past?
>That's the thing, VtM was always about blood. Sexuality was used only as a tool. Race, gender, whatever doesn't matter, only vitae.

At the same time, vitae very often was a metaphor for sex, pleasure, drugs, power play and dependencies.
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>think about reinstalling it for my yearly playthrough
>remember the sewers
The name on all the men's room walls.
>Forcing memes

Stop. Please not to Vampire.

I must be the only person in the world that didn't find the sewers terrible.

Then again, I do make a habit of maxing Obfuscation by that part so there's that. Wasn't that bad even on a Tremere run.
give me your save ill play through it for you
You can also skip a good chunk legitimately with the new patch
Ive never had an issue with in either. I think its just a meme

>not noclipping straight to gary

shortens the game but its far more enjoyable that way, fuck the sewers
Fuck off.
I want muh Hunet gaym.

I actually quite liked them myself, a few issues with the level design notwithstanding. And I played a mostly social character too.
*muh Hunter gaym
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You got it already

Is that even really Obsidian?

If so, those faggots need to get their twitter verified.

I didn't think they were that bad and I played as a fucking Ventrue my first time. If I can get through without being able to feed on rats you can too.
Yeah, go o their tweeter account and scroll down to 29.10. It's legit.
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doesn't mummies have god-like powers tho?
>open world WoD game
>absolutely giant city with some countryside
>full of content
>Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system, with blood bonds and blood hunts and all that
>expansive sewer system
>first person
>survival elements, have to feed and get out of the sun

Who could do it without fucking it up? CDPR?
So if Paradox bought out the rights to make White Wolf games...does this mean that one day we'll have an Exalted game?


obsidian is sjw and also doesn't know how to create atmosphere

inXile doesn't have the manpower to do a 3D RPG and isn't that good to be honest

cdpr would be a good choice but they are working on cyberpunk until the next decade or so

Time to decide on what clan I'll play as while I download the game again.
Pretty much, get CDPR to do it but the original VtM:B writers and maybe Avellone doing the scenario.
>Who could do it without fucking it up? CDPR?
We can only dream.
>obsidian is sjw
No currently existing studio, but a single autist working at it for a decade or two might.
Sawyer genuinely is, but since it doesn't come through in his writing it's completely irrelevant.
> Exalted game

As much as I wish to play as a Mary Sue OP as fuck Solar or any other Exalted, it would be impossible to recreate the CUUUHRAAAZY the RPG offers.

Not to mention filthy SJWs trying to ban it due to having the ability to sex up anyone and anything with you or with each other with the right charms.

Unless Platinum Games will do it...
KOTOR 2 is full on lesbian SJW shit and is unfinished as a game. A fucking mod had to finish it.
Oh goody, an IP I love will be hacked to bits, casualized, remade into a generic, forgettable experience that will fail to move a quarter of a million copies, declared dead because it didn't match the profits of CoD, and buried once again.

Cant wait.
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We need a Roll picture for this game
>lesbians are inherently SJW shit

Fuck off.
They tinkered with Witcher enough to say no, they'd fuck it up too.
Don't give sjw boogeyman shitposters attention. It derails threads absolutely every time. For fucks sake.

they removed the "rape" limerick reference on one of the tombstones in PoE
Premium bait.
KOTOR 2 came years before SJWs were even a thing.

Even that fate is better than to rot in CCP's basement.
>Paradox doing that

guess he had low sekhem
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How will this effect my ability to blob and remove Kebab?
It wasn't rape, it was about a man who accidentally had sex with a man and was deemed "transphobic".

Unless you mean to say that that's rape.
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Avellone doesn't work for Obsidian anymore though, so why care?
Sawyer is 100% guaranteed to fuck it up
It wasn't even rape though? The guy bangs a tranny and then kills himself from shame when he finds out. It was pretty funny.
It should be classed as rape for a trans to inebriate a man and fuck him without telling him they're actually trans.

Avellone responded to the tweets with a bunch of <3's when people asked for him to write the next Masquerade

no sorry you are right it wasn't rape it was transmysoginistic or some shit to sjw and obsidian caved in like faggots

how can you trust them to make a good vampire game knowing that they will censor themselves the second some feminist cunt cries foul on twitter
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I like your style friend
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Whoresbane Umber?
It's almost as if these people forget that the first NPC in VtM:B that offers unique dialogue options is gay, or how Jeanette will sleep with you regardless of your gender, or how Venus calls Boris "that fat misogynistic old man"
Vampire princes in Europe were pretty good kebab removers. If they will make Dark Ages setting it could be mainly about removing kebab and fighting Assamites.
CP2077 for 90% will also be open world.

I just No clip the sewers. FUCKING CHORE.

Only flaw aside from the bugs and glitches of course.

Thinking of running a Nosferatu playthrough.

That damn raptor made me curse like an Antediluvian
Saddly SJWs are on suicide watch and began fighting among themselves. in 2-3 years they will be just a bad memory. Like that fat chick you once fucked and shiver every time you think about it.
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He really was coming
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what we do in the shadows.jpg
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Essential vampire film tier, definitely could be a World of Darkness game:


Only torrent I could find is 12go or something. Too, bad would have given it a try.
What am i supposed to be looking for
Isn't the he referring to Cain and the start of Gehenna?
Is there a specific spot? I tried that but they kept spawning, always failed during the last 2 minutes.
What clan and what kind of playstyle should I choose for my next run? Is there any table so I can roll for a new character?
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forward slash v.gif
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>Activision buys Paradox Interactive
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So was he Andrei's ghoul?
Sewers are like 20 minutes long if you know what you are doing.
>implying there is a place on Earth where you can run away from Cain.
Antedeluvians have disciplines on 10 ... he has on 12 ... at least. Beside that you wouldn't even know it's Cain. I recommend reading Time of Judgement: Gehenna novel.
If you haven't played Malkavian, I would certainly recommend it.
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Who is that one guy who is one of the most powrrful mortals in existence, the puritian hunter that has a true faith level of 8
While those would be cool, they are not part of the World of Darkness, so not like Paradox has any access to them.
>get scared shitless by raptor on a release
>get scared shitless by raptor a year or two later
>get scared shitless by raptor 6-7 years later because i forgot that it was this game that had raptor

Rapor will probably give me a heart attack when i'm 50 or something.
what went wrong?
why is John Walker such a faggot?
Just run straight there and hide behind it, standing there between the building and the wall. I don't think there was a trick to it.

I love this movie
Paradox bought White Wolf outright. It has all of White Wolf's IP now
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The one gehanna ending were lilth exploits some loop hole to kill cain and god comes down an slaps her shit for breaking his rules.
"I keep hearing good things about VtM. I'll guess I'll get it."
>Won't work
>Forget about it
>Now, what's this about a patch?
who are you quoting?
Bad things happen to you because you're stupid.
Wesp's Unofficial. The basic version just fixes the game and lets you play it start to finish, the Plus version restores a lot of cut content. it's slightly recommended you play basic version first then move on to plus so you can truly release just how much troika never had a chance to put in
I'm still salty about the chinese vampires, it's like they cut a huge quest to give me a good reason to ally with them. No, chinese pussy is not a reason.
Does the cut content actually have substance to it?
Thanks, fella.
Man I remember that game being hard but difficult. Maybe it was just because I was a young fuck but every time I played with friends or dad we barely made it past the first boss fight.

It was KotOR 1 that had the unfinished lesbian subplot with Juhani and that was Bioware, not Obsidian.
Old news, but I am excited. My favorite publisher and my favorite developer are going to be working on an awesome IP. Good for everyone.
Quite a bit. 3 or 4 quests, some neat music, Jack giving you convo options after every main quest a few of the side ones, A way to save heather
I think he was just some serial killer, but that is an interesting theory
who /stillbummedthatworldofdarknessisnthappeningbutgladccpgaveupthefranchise/

i really think it was our last shot at a truly unique mmo
obsidian is the hero that we do not deserve.
Kotor II had three bitches begging you for a dicking.
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Who watched some of these for Halloween?
minimum humanity run for new dialogue options
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>no daybreakers
A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is one of the films I most want to watch
Why aren't both Nosferatu films here
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How would you guys adapt the other properties in WoD to vidya? Werewolf, Mage, Changeling, Promethean? They don't necessarily have to be an RPG.
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The Nosferatu from WoD aren't really like Schreck / Kinski at all

If you can run half life 2 you can run this. They use the same engine and came out around the same time.

Are you fucking kidding me...not even the series that is based on Vampire The Masquerade?
Series is pretty good desu.

If they were to make a new game, what music would you want to see in it besides an OST?

I think Massive Attack has the right atmosphere for a VTM game.

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Step it up, fag

I think it makes sense, but the world is built up so good that theories like this can exist and make sense while others can as well
Nigga they're so Schreck they use Schrecknet
Don't watch Carpenter's Vampires. One of the shittiest movies I've ever seen.
Last fucking thing Obsidian should do is get tied up in another licenced game. Just bang out PoE 2 and maybe a Dark Alliance type of game set in the PoE world
Near Dark feels like a WoD movie come to life.
Wasn't Massive Attack in Bloodlines?
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>A few days before the buyout
>I mention how everytime a new thread is made, I get sad that we will never get a sequel and so the threads will fall back into oblivion eventually
>The buyout happens and the hints of Obsidian developing it starts coming in
Fuck, that made me happy. I hope that mentioning this won't have it be jinxed.
Anyone like the new Fright Night? I thought it was fairly clever
He was a Nosferatu ghoul. There are boxes with Gimble written on them in the Nosferatu area
No they were not. The opening theme of the game sounds a lot like the song I posted though.
ever played new vegas?
every companion you have is some kind of LGBT trash
This was sampled in the start/menu screen
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What if he's Imalia's ghoul because she desperately wants to be beautiful again?
Dude it's obviously Angel cover.
u wot ?
The only connected to LGBT could be Arcade because CoA are fucking commies.
Except for that whole second half after the blood transfusion.
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The best song in VTM:B wasn't even used in the game
you can get a bitch you save to move in your apartment
Anything that offends. Basically; the whole game.
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vtm thread bingo
That's not the Prince's Dream or Come Around.
You're right, it's not
>The best song in VTM:B wasn't even used in the game
Damn right it isn't
>Downtown hub

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My kindred
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Imalia was actually pretty lucky as far as Nosferatu go, there are people that pay for that look.
Really half the Nossie could get in good with the Body Mod community if they felt like mingling with some Kine.
Sheeyit that's sick
I think that's just some Obsidian dude wanting to make that game since he loves it.

But yeah, Obsidian is far from desperate East Europe-tier enoug hto portray the desperation in a VTMB sequel.
I started VtM for the first time, and maybe I'm just not into vampires, but literally nothing about the game compelled me to keep playing.
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>want to play VTMB again
>remember this part

Sorry bros, easily top 10 games of all time, but not worth the nightmares again.
I remember always wanting to play that but when I got a Gamecube it was impossible to find and Wayward sucked because they changed the character designs. I hated the Priest in Wayward.
They used assets from everywhere else in the game for the warrens. i saw a sign for the sin bin down there. I guess that makes that guy a ghoul too!
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True Brujah.png
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There's a room in the observatory that's impossible for the werewolf to enter. Or maybe it was a glitch, but either way, once I found it, that part was easy
Yeah what the fuck was up with the nossy's costumes?
> not knowing Obsidian is mostly made up of the old Troika devs.
>He didn't kill the werewolf in his very first playthrough
What are you, a casual?
That's a pretty cool theory.
It think it must have been a Nosferatu that tipped off Gimble when you entered the tattoo parlor. So him being Gary's or Imalia's ghoul makes sense. Definitely not the hacker guy. He's a bro.
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I wouldn't call this lucky
There are unlabeled boxes throughout the game and in several warehouses. They purposely put poxes labeled Gimble there. Also the first time you enter the Nosferatu warrens, the door to the small room containing these boxes opens itself, similarly to the ocean hotel.
>There will never be a fully playable Exalted vidya
Biggest crime of humanity.
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Relative sense plus it's kinda hot. Would you rather end up like Betram? Hell most the Hollywood Nossies are pretty Pretty compared to him.
Half them could get by with a hat and some shades, Bert looks diseased.
Had this game installed abd patched to play for over a year. Cant pull the trigger and play it.

Same with pillars of eternity.
I would end myself if I was turned into a nosferatu desu
We did talk about it. No one is excited as Paradox isn't a very good developer.
Alright this is bugging the shit out of me, what is desu filtered for? Or is that a new thing everyones doing?
Nosferatu are bros to each other plus you get to be a neet.
Pretty sure it's t b h
Or maybe it's f am

Holy shit that works?

Also who played Redemption?

desu senpai baka
Alright thanks senpai.
What's Baka?
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>It'll probably be nWoD
I was checking to see if the filters work.

it's s. m. h, f. a. m, t. b. h

I hope not
>plus you get to be a neet.

Your ugly ass has to work for that blood.
Sempai is pretty obvious, is the only noun, the other two filters are for abbreviations
>open world

pls no
see the good open world has done to mgs
that art is pretty good

but why would a supernatural being like a vampire need glasses ?

Eh. I'll take it. It's not completely horrible though not nearly as good as oWoD.
File: 1416166076110.png (304 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
304 KB, 640x480
You mean Vampire The Requiem?
Oh hell no, Kain forbid that happens.
>the world’s second best-selling role-playing and is special because half of all players are women

Whats the first? DnD?

Get that pussy shit out of herr.
Real men play Geist.
I have it on Steam. Can it be patched? Does Steam apply any community patches?
Steam doesn't supply them, but you can install them. Steam won't deny you the right to patch it.
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