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Following the previous thread.
It's the final month to earn coins, and Wii Mini exploit is kill. If you haven't reached Platinum by now, get on it. Donate, trade, giveaway, etc.
I am personally accepting any VC shit for 3DS.
Ask an anon with around 100 platinum accounts and 25 accounts with 800+ coins anything.
It was good while it lasted...


It's about fucking time. We need a better rewards program ASAP.
Can you give me free shit please?
All those free games were awesome. The day before the exploit was everywhere on /v/, I was wrestling with myself for about an hour between SF64 and KI:U.

Now I know they're both decent. Thank you /v/
Well yes I certainly could, but then I wouldn't be able to sell it. There's no sense in that.
email is in the op, pls give me anything
(SM3L would be nice tho)
Still Playing SF64 3D. That shit has endless replay value.

Can you please give me 210 coins, so i can get Kid Icarus and Paper Mario?
I only have 1190 Coins. Thanks anyway
You bet!
I trade 1190 coins(chose game) for Kid Icarus and Paper Mario Download Codes
Ran out of codes to use, could any kind ol' Anon with coins to burn hit me up with Harmoknight?
Theres no way to give coins now that the exploit is over ya dingus
That's a shame, anyway, i still can trade my 1190 coins for Paper Mario SS and Kid Icarus for 3DS
I trade a 700coin game for a $20 eshop code
I need 10 coins so I can buy one more shitty game.
Could you give me Super Mario World for the Wii U please?
Now we are live again RULES
>post a pick of your 3ds/wiiu menu and the timespan
>the console and the reward game
>you must not have any cn reward to be eligible this giveaway is for the peps who miss the wiimini exploit
I have finally reached platinum, what now?
I don't live in the States, so physical rewards are out of the question.
Nice, still have a Wii Mini in my To-Do List

I have about 100 coins worth of surveys too
I am literally buying games just to get a few more points
the question is
posters OR tote bag
Minifag here. Just got Shipping confirmation for my CD
No physical rewards for Platinum or Gold, just digital

You can't use US codes outside the US anyways, right?
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All you faggots stealing Platinum means we're going to get shit prizes for Plat....
the cd reward has nothing to do with the wiimini exploit retards you all are going to get banned
Would you hang up the posters?

Frames are a little expensive, $20 or so for 2, if you look around. Amazon has bad reviews for them though.
What would Batman Arkham City get me?
most people were afraid that if you did it you wouldn't get the CD.
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Can any one give me a game? my 3ds is empty
All depends on your NNID's region.
Will you use the bag or will it just be hanging out in your closet?
Do you have space for the posters? Will you frame them?

Honestly, I only like the poster with Palutena and Link, and I'm sure I could get those at any Con or nerdy market; so I would go for the bag.
>jewing this much
I'll probably end up buying some fags code for SM3L for much cheaper.
6 hours game play before you get bored of it and realize it was a stupid purchase.
I have almost all of the other posters... I bought frames and haven't had a chance to hang em yet
I really just like the duck hunt one a lot
I don't really get your question, but you cannot use the Club Nintendo reward system if you don't have a zip code from US.
How do you register titles that wete bought digitally? Is it just supposed to do it automatically?
What about Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt for the NES?
I don't have a NES.
Legend of Zelda for GBA?
are you retard the game base is 12h long and not include the new game plus also you have challenges and thropies and the dlc, to follow the history you have to play the first batman who is also 12h
I have the LoZ port, AoL port, and the ALLTP port.

The length of the content of a game has nothing to do with when you quit from boredom. Plenty of RPGs are 80 hour games, that doesn't mean you won't quit after 10. Are you retard?
giving away the 3 fellows who post after this a game of the cn rewards i have 25acc with 800coins each enjoy
Yoshi's Island nigga
Kid Icarus Uprising only game no case?
How many of your fake accounts have been banned?
I haven't checked any of mine yet.
Also, if the accounts haven't been banned, you think that the platinum reward game will somehow lead to a ban on the console you redeem on?
No wait I change my mind I want Earthbound or meth.
no mail? ...
digital game .... blacklisted
pointless answer blacklisted

the 3 fellows fron now go! >>285474684
What a waste...
I actually already have the game no case, I'd only want the case at this point.
Dillon's Rolling Western
Dr. Luigi?
dong kong bro
>pointless answer blacklisted
what? why?
I just asked for any 3DS game, have preference for SM3L if you will. I missed the Wii Mini train and i am accepting anything if you're not willing to spend 600 coins on SM3L for me ):
no mail...
Paper Mario Sticker Star, please?
Looksey's Lineup
please and thank you
fine majora's mask
Don't get your hopes up anons.
Does anyone have any unused flipnote studio 3D codes?I tried to get mine but it didn't work. Unless someone can explain how to get it.
Any 3DS game please?
You realize you can't trade coins, and that you can easily buy one of those games, right? Considering Paper Mario Sticker Star is one of the worst games to have "Mario" in the title ever made, I'd lean toward Kid Icarus. And I fucking hate Kid Icarus.
Enter the code into the eshop.
So I have gotten an email saying they sent out my package, but there is nothing on the club nintendo website?
I'd like to know this too. How is everyone getting flipnote? I didn't know it was available for 3ds until like a week ago.
I have 30 coins left.
is there anything i can do with them?
This is for the Smash CD.
Majora's Maskw would be great.
please don't question my email address ;_;
Yeah but how do I get the code? I checked my to do list and saw that it was available, but then it made me put my mailing address in.
Maybe its the Smash Bros OST CD if you asked for it
you win
you win
dude a mail cant you follow a simple steps...

ok 1 more fellow after this post to get your game to the fellows who won please wait ill redeem the games
fzero x pls mr generous anon
No, i'm asking why I didn't have confirmation on the nintendo website, but I did get an email saying it was sent by them. It is for that CD.
You have to enter an address, real or fake, to redeem codes.
Majora's Mask please? ;_;
super mario 3d land
40 coins away from platinum, what's the cheapest I can get those 40 for, and is there even any benefit at this point?
How much do you have left can I get Metroid
How do you register titles that wete bought digitally? Is it just supposed to do it automatically?
It gave me a weird error code.
Why don't you post the codes here in the form of a puzzle to make it easier?
>Smash CD not shipped yet

Am I all done?
Just create another account, but meh, here you have: A079-6BEB-364L-QWYJ

You only need to have a Club Nintendo Acount, create one and you get Flipnote
Can anyone please give me Paper Mario Sticker Star or Kid Icarus Uprising?

I can also trade my SM3DL and Donkey Kong 3D for them
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Did some begging on a Facebook page I admin, and found someone who doesn't use CN and has no plans to, and had tons of codes to share. I've redeemed KIU already, and now this.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

New Super Mario Bros. 2
Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening DX
Thanks in advance if picked
Like a whole page of text.
I have the game
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

New Super Mario Bros. 2
Thanks bro
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Guys. I bought a jap gamecube controller (smash ver.) online and it came with this club nintendo paper with a code. I don't speak gook, but the code wouldn't work on club nintendo. I guess the code only works on the jap site or something. Does anybody here have a need for the jap club nintendo code?
>On Facebook
And now everybody knows you're a poor, shameful faggot.
Same guy, all I can offer is a flipnote code i have no use for
I'm assuming that you were trying to make that image a spoiler and you fucked up
Nigga I'm lookin to trade. I got one unused 3DS game code.
maybe it's a joke because he couldn't read Japanese and it could've said that?
Already been used, anyone else?
send me a mail the 3 of you to give you the games
this guy got it. A lazy joke, but I just wanted to post an image.
that was a totally awesome insult, dude. way to go.
If this is real I will sing of your godly email address to the heavens

It is a bit outdated but I hope I works

Little tip if you wanna won +50 coins with less than 10 bucks, sort of fast and 100% legal.

Some games in the eshop cost less than $1 and give you 5 coins. Others cost 3 to 2 dollars and give you 10 coins, even some games already had a price drop and cost even least.

For example, the last week I bought this pile of scum:
Darts Up 3D (3DS) - 5 coins $0.99
SKYPEACE (3DS) -5 coins $0.99
Bird Mania Christmas 3D (3DS) coins $0.99
Red Riding Hood (Wii U) -5 coins $1.00
TOSS N GO (Wii U) - 10 coins $0.99
BLOK DROP X TWISTED FUSION (Wii U) - 10 coins $0.99
Shut the Box (Wii U) - 5 coins $0.99
Spikey Walls (Wii U) - 5 coins $0.99

Games: 9. Coins: 55. Price: $8.92.

*Geom also cost $0.99 and gives you 5 coins but I only has $9 at time, with this in mind:
Games: 10. Coins: 60. Price: $9.91.
*Some prices may vary, last week "I've had to run" cost 0.99, but now it's 1.99, in other hand "Darts Up 3D" cost 1.99 and now it's 0.99. I'm not 100% sure but seems like every Thursday eshop prices update.
*Check the eshop from your game system, the webpage not always update the price drop.
*All the games gives you a 10 coin survey, so:

10 games = 100 coins

With this in mind, if all the games cost 0.99 and every game gives you 5 coins, you earn 50 coins at $9.9 (average)

Most of them has a more than a price drop, and some of them are temporal, you have to check price (use the eshop filters to find them inputting the price range between 1-2, but the price drop titles that originally cost +3 and now cost, per example, 0.99 only are show in the 2-4 range, try to check range like 0-1, 1-2, 2,3, etc.) and check if they appear in this list:


Hope this help you bros and sorry for my engrish. Would you mind to sharing and correcting it?
Questions: do I NEED the slip of paper from the box of my 3ds XL to register that system for coins?

I've linked my wii u and my 3ds XL but none of my downloaded titles are registering for coins. Wat do?
no one else donating?
** The New Nintendo 3DS XL and Wii mini cannot be registered with Club Nintendo.
It's not the new 3ds XL, it's the standard.
I am selling The Legend of Zelda for the GBA for coins
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It's OKAY when NINTENDO does it!!!
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