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Monster hunter thread. Favourite armour, weapon and monster. Go.
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Monster hunter thread.

Favourite armour, weapon and monster.

File: chameleos28.jpg (187 KB, 911x570) Image search: [Google]
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That Ceanataur armour looks so hard to get.
Isn't it entirely trade only?
Guess sharpness is worth it.
Time to school all the kiddies in this board.

Monster Hunter is the single deepest, most challenging, most skill-based game ever created. There is not a single other game in any genre that comes close to the level of skill Monster Hunter requires.

This is why Monster Hunter threads are the best, most intelligent threads on GameFAQs. Only the smartest, brightest, and most patient people post in them. Essentially, the very best of humanity posts in them.

Conversely, the only people who don't like Monster Hunter clearly don't have the skills to handle its depth. It is too hardcore for them. That's okay though. Games like Halo exist for people like them. Monster Hunter fans are too good to hold grudges.
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Yes, it's trade only. Dunno which parts you use to get it, though.
Sick of seeing this pasta now
>Fail 3 times fighting the super fart ape
Fuck you and your damn instakill breath pounce combo.
Reminder that Pink Rathian has a super soft belly.
Just avoid the farts, ain't that hard.

You are talking about congalala right?
Even on the frenzy fight he was dead in under five minutes without carting.
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Haha, time for Normal Shot Lv. 3
>Just avoid the farts, ain't that hard.
Oh okay I didn't try that. Maybe I should.
I need some faggot to help me with the gogmazios urgent, i´m sick of helping out with it and then getting shit on when it´s my turn

Is it me or does it feel 4U has way more monsters that can combo you. Failed so many times because of just one mistake while 3U let you recover easier.
Literally no monster except Alatreon could combo you in 3rd gen.
It's why it was so easy and forgiving.
Thought so. I feel so bad at how I do because of the combos.
>told myself I wasn't going to diversify so early, stick with SnS/Lance until I get to HR
>do an expedition and get a 720 damage GS


Using the Tetsucabra armor with Type-1 Wyvernator.
>tfw selling all LR grindbits when reaching HR
feels good man
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