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Persona 3 > Persona 4 Deal with it
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Persona 3 > Persona 4
Deal with it
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I prefer 3's characters, music and story but I'd rather do the gameplaying in 4.
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oh hey just posting best girl
I think that 3 does do certain things better, but over all 4 is better written and better designed. 3 is a bit too JRPG for me what with battle robots that look like teenage girls, a Persona using dog and a focus on an end of the world plot. I prefer 4's more relatable grounded story telling, the only problem I have with Persona 4's writing is Naoto.
>I prefer 4's more relatable grounded story telling

Come the fuck on anon. I loved P4 but it really is just Scooby Doo with everyone riding protag's dick non-stop. There's nothing 'grounded' about it.
I liked 3 better too.
This, I hate persona 3's system. It's completely janked. The AI is really inconsistent, I can't trust them to do anything. Press turns don't always happen for you, and the enemy , too many status conditions, and 3 types of physical hits is unnecessary. Persona 4's system is perfect. I never lost a battle because of some dumbass RNG.
Parroting /v/ memes doesn't do much to help your case. The Scooby Doo thing is an amusing joke but a genuine criticism it is not.
I never felt like so miserable
2 > 1 >>> 3 > 4
>/v/ memes

A zany bunch of teenagers teaming up to solve a mystery. I'm not even levelling it as a criticism either retard. but to say P4 sheds all of the typical JRPG tropes found earlier in the series like in 3 and that it's more relatable and 'grounded' is laughable. It's full of them.

Captcha: umadd
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Any other MegaTen > Persona.
Deal with it.
It really is. Watch Scooby Doo. Play Persona 4. If you can't see the comparison then... 39;aw?
And I don't think "grounded" is a term that can be applied when every relationship you take part in is so instantanious and ridiculous.

It's still a better game than P1 though, and I like that
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The best
The only problem with Naoto is that she isnt available till mid fall.
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>then... 39;aw
what did you mean to say?
The only problem with Naoto is that she exists at all.
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> then... 39;aw?

such a stupid eh so bee!! t(-_-t)
Persona 4 and Persona 3 are both equally shit and overall Persona is the worst Megaten franchise.

Deal with it.
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The only problem with Naoto is she isnt real ;_;
P4 made the gameplay changes that everyone already wanted in P3 and their absence just makes you question what the fuck they were thinking. Aside from gameplay though, P3 is superior in every way. Fucking hate the cheerful happy-go-lucky mood in P4.
>I never played any of them but I want to fit in
Great job
What's wrong with her? She's best girl.
And Persona 2 is still a more mature story than 3, 4, or any future Persona title will ever be

>muh sacrifice cause the world is gonna end

anime savior will never compare to taiwanese mafia and rampant murderers
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Can we just agree both games would be improved without the honorifics stuff?
>Muh SMT
Which nobody likes and will never sell more than Persona now. gg :^)
b-but anon-kun
Perhaps Anon-san
>shit storyline
>unattractive (guess that's because I'm not a faggot)
>autistic in social situations
>useless in P4 vanilla
Ehehehe sugoi
There's nothing particularly zany about them unless you count the terrible Golden version. It's a group of believable normal teenagers living in a believable rural town dealing with relatable problems such as bullying, sexuality, parental burden, personal identity etc. My only problem with the real world elements of Persona 4 is Naoto who is teenaged detective from a rich background who apparently carries a gun, that shit is pretty retarded. But other than Naoto the real world elements of Persona 4 are all pretty grounded and relatable. The supernatural element of the story is obviously not grounded by it's very nature but its a reality meets fantasy story which is kinda the point.

In Persona 3 you've got battle robots that look like teenaged girls build by humans, Persona suppressant pills, Persona using dogs, piles of orphans, a school club authorised by an adult whole aim is to kill monsters, complete with super sci-fi command centre equipped with giant displays, teched out motorbikes for hunting monsters. Persona 4's real world is grounded, Persona 3's real world is a bunch of silly ass anime shit. It's less interesting because it's not reality meets fantasy, it's just fantasy meets fantasy. Plus a simple murder mystery is more unique and compelling as a JRPG story than yet another fucking potential end of the world plot even if Persona 4 does itself go down that route right at the last minute.
I never finished her Slink but the story behind her dungeon was the best one in the game.

Her voice is audible sex
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People, People

/pg/ already proved this one

Oh wow. Next you gonna say SMT 3 is better than SMT IV.

Don't forget to take your fedora as you leave, sir.
A dead franchise
Naoto's original voice actor is anonymous, right?
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P4G > P4 > P3P > P3FES
Deal with it.
Fun is just a buzzwords for when you cant think of a way tge game is good

Dont use it
>believable normal teenagers

My sides. By your logic, the P3 cast are all just as 'grounded' as the P4 cast because at the end of the day they're all just teenagers with hidden potential and human struggles going to some kind of alternate dimension to battle shadows and save the day. P4 just tackled it in with a more upbeat tone but the results are the same, you even say as much with

>Plus a simple murder mystery is more unique and compelling as a JRPG story than yet another fucking potential end of the world plot even if Persona 4 does itself go down that route right at the last minute.


>In Persona 3 you've got battle robots that look like teenaged girls build by humans, Persona suppressant pills, Persona using dogs, piles of orphans, a school club authorised by an adult whole aim is to kill monsters, complete with super sci-fi command centre equipped with giant displays, teched out motorbikes for hunting monsters.

There wasn't a single fucking thing wrong with any of that. Playing a JRPG and criticising it because it's not something relatable is retarded.
>3 types of physical hits is unnecessary
What were they thinking when they added this shit?
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>dead franchise
>the last game released is not even 2 years old
>game that has Marie better than anything ever
But you're wrong.
Do people unironically think vanilla P4 is better than Golden?
Improvement isn't always a good thing.
Hard to believe with how much the smt-fags are crying about Atlus never making any games for them.
They didn't add. They subtracted. Minimalism like that is ruining RPGs.
If you've already played the game once before It's a decent way to replay it and get something different. But I would always recommend people play vanilla first before playing Golden since much of what it adds detracts from the base game.
The only thing I can think of that makes vanilla P4 worse than Golden is less events and lack of skill cards. Marie is fucking terrible, even winter trip doesn't make up for her shitty design and pointless role in the story.
Also being able to choose the skills you pass down. And, well, more purse owners and arcanas is pretty good, too.
>P3P > P3FES
How can that be true though?
Marie really is the only bad thing about golden.
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Why can't anyone on this board ever like two games in the same series?
Why can only one be good while all the others are shit?
I can see the replay factor. feMC's route was pretty robust and different enough to make replays fun

Still, FES is always for first playthroughs
FeMC social links are better, fite me.
P4G is best game. Call the cops I don't give a fuck.
Not him but I just got P3P yesterday for my vita, but havent ever played FES. Will it make a difference? Should I get a PS2 copy and play that first?
because then it wouldn't be /v/
P3P removes all of the 3D graphics outside of Tartarus, it makes the game into a menu driven visual novel instead of having in engine cutscenes and the ability to run around town and such. If you don't mind the visual novel style it's just better.
>They subtracted
In Persona 4, which made the game x100 times better.
I suggest it

I mean if you like playing portable and on the bus or whatever, P3P is still quite good. You miss out on character models for immersion, but that's really it.

I'd try out FES and see how you like the AI battling system, and if it's too hard switch to P3P for direct commands
>tfw I did the same thing
I really wish my PS2 wasn't busted.
People say that the lack of a 3D overworld kills immersion for them, but it doesn't matter much if you don't care about graphics
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You lost me there.
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3 wasn't balanced around being able to control your useless teammates and you lose out on a lot of little touches with the vn format.
Instead of the gif you get a still portrait and the audio guy clopping some coconut shells together to imply that someones running.
I'm definitely not forcing you or anything but I think p3p works better for a second playthrough / playing through the femc route after you've already played FES.
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I would highly reccomend FES over P3P for a first playthrough. You can always just emulate FES on a PS2 emulator if your computer isn't trash. It ran fine for me.
P4 has the better gameplay.
P3 has the better everything else

So I guess I consider them equals. It depends on if I'm in the mood for decent combat/dungeon crawling and better everything else or vice versa.
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P3P is the biggest piece of shit and is the worst Persona game. It takes everything that made P3 great and throws it out the window. All charm and atmosphere is gone. It's all replaced by still images and half ass writing. I completely regret playing it first before FES. I actually thought P3 was bad because I played this version. Playing FES is such a better experience. People underestimate how much the cutscenes and shit like this gif affect the game. Don't let anyone ever tell you to play P3P first. Play it after if you want to be a girl and be fucked by your husbandos. That game was pretty much made for being the girl. I will always regret this decision. The writing was actually so bad that I didn't even know the MC died at the end until I read it on /v/
>calls P4 fans autistic
>yet a P3fag took the time to make this to post on an internet image board

One side is more autistic than the other.
Would a Ps2 emulator run fine on a shitty laptop?
I'd love to have a talk on philosophy and morality with Mr Bale over beer and a game of pool.
From each game to the next, pretty much. Done to appeal to simpletons like you, I guess.
>better gameplay
>you can literally just breeze through a dungeon in a day and wait another month for the next one
>half ass writing
its the same writing mate
The Elizabeth dates were amazing.
Emulators are finicky things, especially ones for recent consoles. You'll have to try it and find out, but probably not if it's a shitty laptop.
P5 is going to divide everyone again.
>the writing is bad because I'm dumb
stupei pls
I'd rather have a hard copy.
Not when they're explaining shit that's happening because lack of character models
Alright, so do the icons to talk and interact in 3 normally disappear after a few days, or is my emulator just fucky?
>look up Persona 1 and 2
>all that useless shit
HAAH WAAW no wonder those game sold like shit and atlus decided to ignore them by rebooting.
>getting mad
found the p4 fag :^)
Depends how shitty, but I did manage to play on a 7 years old computer so I doubt you'll be having trouble playing this game.
Im going to play p3 as my first Persona because Yukari is so qt and the p4 girls dont do anything for me. Is this a bad idea?
>one fan of a weebshit game is better than a fan of another weebshit game
Even for a Personafag, you're retarded.
Because you couldn't notice all the fucking foreshadowing about the ending, then I highly doubt if FES was your first play through, you would have realized he died there

But nah, its P3P's fault
Yes play P3

And slowly start to discover how shitty Yukari is[

Get out or you'll get spoiled
See, you're confusing "good" with "better." I never said that P4 has good gameplay, just better.

Except for the horrible dialogue and voice acting, yeah, they were great.
Play both anyway.
>going into threads for games you hate
no anon, you are the retard, a very pathetic one at that

The script was changed for P3P?
Okay I downloaded the PCSX2 emulator and it say I need a bios file or something
What the fuck is that? please help
Why does /v/ constantly shit on everything they don't like?
just google ps2 bios, download whatever and put it in the bios folder

Everything > Persona
You gotta torrent those, it's very easy.
No, if anything more shit was added, even discounting the full feMC's route, they put more dialogue and sunday dates in the guys route as well

They do that shit anyway in P3 FES. It's dumb as hell.

I own and enjoy both games. P3 faggots are autistic.
B-but that's illegal. what if I'm the one faggot who gets v&
I played P4 first, and now i'm playing though P3. I personally like P3 more since you can play as a girl.
The dungeon visits and pacing was better in P3, i hated being able to just spend a day in the dungeon and just S.Link the rest of the month just waiting for the guy to recover
In P3 you had to do multiple visits and you had to manage your time to get best out of S.Link XP and request items
>hating on Elizabeth's voice
What a pleb
don't worry
no one will ever arrest you for pirating old videogames
That's only in P3P,
Nice projecting. I never said I hate the games. I'm just not deluded enough to think they're not obvious weebshit. They're fine, and can be fun, but holy shit are the social links a terrible thing.
You are trying to play a Ps2 game on your PC so I assumed you didn't care about it being Illegal.
Seriously though download it anyway. Nobody gives a fuck.
play undub
right. I'm trying to do it on a fairly new laptop though. I'll let you niggas know how it goes
Thank you all so much for the help. If this doesn't work I'll be stuck with p3p on my vita

For the love of fuck play the fucking undub and not the dubbed version.
I hope you can run it at 60 fps. If you do pls help and tell me how you did it
P3 girls are superior in both looks and personality. Yukari can be difficult at times but she has her reasons. P4 girls are just loud, obnoxious sluts, or boring
It's not easy, you'll need 2-3 hours to set it up and tweak it, but it's really simple
Persona 2 > Persona 3
I wanted to like Naoto so much. Why did she have to be such a boring mary sue?
I love 3's social links. They make the ending really matter. You feel like you've really left a mark on all of these people's lives.
P3P >>>>>>>> P3FES > P3
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What, no one mentioned Adachi being the killer in the whole thread?
Because P4 is shit at making characters grow
So much that it's optional to have them develop instead of them grow by themselves

This guy gets it
>But muh cutscenes!
>Muh artificial difficulty!


Good taste
Bios finished downloading but my computer blocked like 3 viruses that came with the rom.
I'm currently trying to find out what to do next
I'll keep you updated, anon
This fandom infighting is just as retarded as FF6 vs FF7. Except this series is more niche than FF.
>Rom with a virus
Huh, didn't really think that could happen but alright. Whats your anti-virus anyways?
don't listen to >>277569760
>no wonder those game sold like shit
I heard they sold well except Eternal Punishment.
It sold ok, but JRPGs in that era used to sell a lot better. It was a low tier series in terms of popularity. Even most P1 and P2 fans admit it can be a chore to play. Even the remakes.
Persona 1 and Debisama sold 300k copies, wasn't that a lot back then?
Ehhh, Avast is okay I guess, it has some decent detection but also occasionally false positives.

Should have gone with AVG, at least that's believable.
To the anon who was looking for updates. My laptop is too shitty to run the emulator. I failed
Haha time for p3p ;_;
I hope its not as bad as people say it is
You have to tweak the settings, you can't give up, anon
its still quite good, one of the best games in the psp library

have fun buddy
P3P is better anyways.
I think some moderately successful games averaged at around 600k.

Still, Persona did great. But it still seems it is not that vivid in Japanese fandom's memory.
Tweak the settings so that it can run, but only at an extremely low quality?
I'm a console/handheld pleb, but I have standards
I will, to be honest. having it on vita will help a lot with my 2 hour commute to school
No, anon, it's not necessarily in shit graphics
You need to play around with the video option so that yiu find the correct setup for your processor
Let me go fetch my settings, and if you can't do it with those, then you can give up
It's not bad at all. I've been playing P3P for my first run because I couldn't run FES either. It's really not bad, but you do have to get used to the Visual Novel style.
How shit is your laptop? If my phone can run it your REAL computer should, maybe your emulator is trying to x8 AA it or something.
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Try these settings if you can
If not then change it back to native and take off the HW hacks
What kind of phone do you have?
pffft..... Fuck that I'm gonna buy a PS2 copy on amazon and emulate it using my PA2.
*emulate using my PS3
Z3, it's a nice phone but still a phone.
>tfw never played a persona game and want to start

Play 4, then 3 FES.
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It still doesn't work
Thank you so much for trying to help an emulation dumbass, but my toaster is a lost cause
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Try moving the sliders a little for these and set up turbo mode
This is the setup i have for my 3 year old laptop and it runs fine
Play 3 FES, then 4.
What exactly is keeping you from playing?
Does it crash?
is it too slow?

That anon >>277572780 is trolling you. He's setting all the things to max.
Use the Lowest Direct3D version for your renderer, use native resolution, turn off texture and anisotropic filtering, FXAA, and go into configure and turn off any AA in there.
Play 3 FES then 4
FES first

Doesn't even matter.
You mean you dont like spending over 20 turns on a miniboss just to die from mudo because your homoculus ran out, or because he crits a regular attack?
crashing and freezing up my computer
SHIT you're right that's the wrong image, my bad

Try cha
There pretty similar actually probably doesn't matter, 4 is just very very slightly more hand-holdy when it comes to going into the dungeons.
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Huh, i didn't mean to post yet
Dunno what happened there
try these instead
fight me
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That's all the same shit
You've still got texture filtering, aniso filtering and some AA on.
But if it's using DX9 then he has better luck.
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Why does US have the worst covers?
Look at this garbage
Yeah, i got the images mixed up
I just want him to tell me if it crashes with those and if it still does then we move on
3 > 4 > Q > 2 > 1
How does Q play anyways, just similar to 3&4?
P3's story is still way better than P4's.
Anyone who disagrees is a retard.
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>tfw no cool box art
I think that both were great story's in their own way.
Etrian odyssey nigger
Etrian Odyssey with a Persona skin.
Y-You still there, buddy?
Persona 2 was a beautiful piece of fiction.

One of the few games I can unironically call deep.
yeah I'm just trying to tweak things
I'm getting tired of having to restart my computer when I keep the emulator open for too long so I'm gonna quit soon.
honestly, the Persona 3 vs 4 elitism is fucking hilarious
Alright, now I'm intrigued.
Are the majority of persona fans in /v/ play the game for the waifus/social life sim?

I bet it's a mix of both.
I play it for the dungeons
social links are a bonus
I tried to play Persona 3 but couldn't bother with the school and Tartarus. I just wanted some waifus man. Any games that just let you have fun with waifus?
They are nice but if they were removed from Persona 5 I wouldn't complain at all.
They won't though
The fanbases are different and have a constant clash
People who like the dark themes of P3 and people who like the Happy themes of P4
MT is notorious for it's dark and grim themes, P4 broke that streak and it sticks out like a sore thumb
And the fact that it was the easiest game in all of MT/persona and how it brought in so much casuals is another of the things that make people dislike P4

I like the gameplay, the Social aspect is a nice little bonus and serves as a feature that separates and makes it stand out it from the rest of the SMT
>implying I don't play for both the social and the rpg
By day I shamelessly flirt with my female colleagues, by night I fight evil. I'm batman with a posse.
I don't give a fuck about waifus, I play it for the overall experience. It's a cool game, basically jumping into the life of an alpha emo kid who's a superhero at night. I really love the music and overall aesthetic of tartarus too.

Yes, VNs
The waifus or the social links?
P4G is sounds more like you style
It's impossible to remove waifus unless every single person in the game is male.
I meant social links

I play for the story and pokeyman aspect, hanging with waifus and bros is nice too (except for Kenji, fuck him, he's terminally retarded).
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>there are people who actually want social links gone
Good for them?
I said that I wouldn't care if they were removed/replaced. Not that I want to see them gone
>implying there still wouldn't be gay overtones
Fucking P4.
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I don't play Persona for neither of those.
I like the atmosphere.
I like the dungeons in all of the games.
I love the soundtrack.
I love collecting personae and fusing tons of them.
I like the overall "experience" I guess.

The only thing I wish is that they gave more importance to the anthology plot,but welp.
>A Persona game
pick one
just because they put persona textures on an Etrian Odessy game doesn't make it persona
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I thought you said Kanji and was about to go OFF
I didn't know you can date people in persona games.
Can you? I never really focused on links.
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Can you post one of the protagonists being a dick?
I played 3 FES first, then 4.
It's more like a mix of EO and P4. It borrows enough elements from both games for it not to be just a "EO game with Persona paint"
Maxing out the link of a chika will get you some sweet pootang. Unless you turn her down, you monster.
Nah, he's coo. Kenji's s.link is the worst though. And the douchiest thing you can do to him is eat his food.
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>Can you? I never really focused on links.
Sorry, 4chan says I can't upload the ROM for P4.
I dislike how they make less attack options with every installment (rip guns, pierce and smash meele, gravity magic and much much more).
I never liked Junpei and he was killing P3 for me. Then characters in 4 had too big boner for McSwag all time.
Enjoyed both of them. For replaying value I'd pick P3:Portable every time.
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P3 wildcard.jpg
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You're a dumbass

Yup, you can

Here you go
here's a reply.
I still don't think it's close enough to warrant a direct comparison with mainline Persona
Except it has personas,and persona characters, and persona items and skills
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P3P = Q = IS > EP = FES = 4 > Golden = 1

I really like all the games though,none of them are bad.
Well I expected PQ to feel like a EO game but it's feeling more like a new Persona game to me. Fusing personaes, funky music, going all out in combat, tons of "social" events.
it also plays completely different than any other Persona game
What makes Golden worse than 4? Never played it, I hate Marie in PQ but more content should be good.
You can also laugh at him when you discover the teacher already has a boyfriend.
It's even easier
Same reason people don't like P3P, it's not the most "pure" adaptation of the canon.

The onyl "content" added was more Anime elements and events
It gave Adachi and S.Link
But in regards to combat, it's fucking easy as hell
The bosses are easier, Naoto got re-worked, which made the game even easier
It was made to lure in casuals and get more sales
It's not nice to lie, anon
A lot of the extra content has Marie in it
Oh alright. Yeah P3P was alright but direct control made that game easy as fuck. It didn't rebalance the game when it should have.

How does the Adachi social link work with him being the villain?
You get an extra ending if you did adachi's S.Link
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-Battle track
-Making Marie the canon lover for protag.
-I used to actually like Chie as a retarded character,but in Golden I just couldn't.Her new VA is THAT bad.
-Battles are a piece of cake,even on the hardest settings.

All the little things matter,anon.At least we got more personae and Adachi S.Link,but I don't think it holds up,really.The winter carnival or whatever isn't enjoyable.
>Game is easier
>Therefore is worse, even though it has more content.

Full retard
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Persona 3 the objectively better OST
>-Making Marie the canon lover for protag.
Nigga WHAT.
I'm kinda glad I've never played Golden in that case.

I might pick up vanilla P4 sometime and do the 100% ending with izanagi no pepperoni.
>-I used to actually like Chie as a retarded character,but in Golden I just couldn't.Her new VA is THAT bad.
I'm assuming PQ is using her Golden VA and yeah it's pretty bad. I thought her original VA in P4 was perfect. I hate it when people say her new VA is improved and her old is bad, most of the time they never even played the original and just heard a short clip on youtube.
So wait, is direct control the reason that everyone hates P3P?
P3 Social Links >>>>> P4 Social Links
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Well, they both used Wizardry's tile dungeon formula so there's that.
Chie's original VA sounded like an old woman. Why do people prefer that?
>most of the time they never even played the original and just heard a short clip on youtube.

This. They just took some bad line reading out of proportion. The old VA was pretty good.
No, it got gutted to be like a VN, since it's a psp port of a ps2 game, so all the cutscenes and shit are ten times worse. It ruins a lot of good moments.
Did you even play both Arenas and PQ?
I know this is bait, but there is no fun in it posing no challenge
I want to have something to challenge me, battles need to have risk in them
if i wanted to watch Slice of life anime i would watch slice of life anime

Because the new one is that bad
The VA is way too loud and can't do her lines
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No, I think it's usually because they removed 3D world exploration and made it feel even more like a visual novel. Personally I enjoyed P3P aside from it being easier but I think FES is the best experience by far.
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