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Vidya Drawthread
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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 218
File: 1414333223797.jpg (38 KB, 611x800) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 611x800
-Post references
-Try not to bump requests
-Keep it vidya
-If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
-Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky:

NSFW Deliveries should be posted in

Drawfagging Guides:
File: 2712585-Amaterasu_image.jpg (495 KB, 1280x1007) Image search: [Google]
495 KB, 1280x1007
Requesting Ammy as a cat
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18 KB, 400x500
Draw your favorite video game character as if they were in a sports spin-off title.
A well endowed miqo'te pressing another miqo'te face first against her big breasts
Are there any drawfriends here that are good at drawing humans?
File: Hysterical.png (307 KB, 756x657) Image search: [Google]
307 KB, 756x657
>Requesting video game characters saying other characters names as logos.
what can I do you for
Requesting a drawing of any scene from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwEbUX38nmQ like very focused on playing her games in a dark unlit room on her PC/360, stretching her arms upwards, or a low-upwards angle of her wearing a small towel or taking it off.
For the latter, like http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2396786 and http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2389339 but also pulling off one side
I'm... passable. What's up?
do you have a request involving many humans?
Yeah, I think that does look better. Probably sucks that you had to sacrifice all those colors, though
File: fluffytail.jpg (2 MB, 3120x1972) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3120x1972
Symmetrical docking with Makoto and Tamamo, both with nice, soft, big titties with or without a dick between them and their tails touching.
Also, outfit swap.
I can draw humanoid shaped things.
File: hos.png (414 KB, 857x358) Image search: [Google]
414 KB, 857x358
Requesting these hos being cool
File: symmetricaldocking.png (250 KB, 1298x573) Image search: [Google]
250 KB, 1298x573
you must've missed it
File: Princess_Rosalina_concept.png (340 KB, 421x867) Image search: [Google]
340 KB, 421x867
Could either of you possibly draw the concept version of Rosalina please? I'm sorry if I have been requesting that recently
yeah. adding the colors is what made it like a fire demon, but i thought it was kind of boring with just shades of red and black like gigyas.
Requesting Female Morgan and Noire playing dress up in Dark Mage clothes and Tacticians robes respectively please
File: symmetrical docking.png (466 KB, 1296x1162) Image search: [Google]
symmetrical docking.png
466 KB, 1296x1162
File: Nina BoF2 cd.jpg (597 KB, 1200x1600) Image search: [Google]
Nina BoF2 cd.jpg
597 KB, 1200x1600
Requesting other Breath of Fire girls - like Katt, Lin, Ursula - re-designed like this! Basically, more detailed and ornate, and seeing as this looks pretty Asian it means a more realistic yet Asian outfit that sill resembles the outfit.
do you want the docking AND the outfit swap? or just one of the two
No, I ignored it last thread because I don't find it appealing.
File: Mustadio.jpg (478 KB, 801x1600) Image search: [Google]
478 KB, 801x1600
Requesting Mustadio with akimbo pistols, fighting off a group of guys, John Woo style.
File: Asuka sundae.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Asuka sundae.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
Asuka doing lewd things with the giant banana, like fucking herself with it
>No chicken/cock on the center of the dock
I guess he didn't set you up for it, but still
File: 11.jpg (8 KB, 295x325) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 295x325
File: aEKZyR1.gif (3 MB, 426x214) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 426x214

Just one, the outfit swap is it's own thing.
File: ending_fusion_e5.jpg (70 KB, 525x417) Image search: [Google]
70 KB, 525x417
/r/ Samus in Ripley's jumpsuit please
File: mbiorio.jpg (806 KB, 3300x2550) Image search: [Google]
806 KB, 3300x2550
Sheeit. I wouldn't mind a joke delivery for my Iori's symmetrical docking request. As long as the girls are sexy of course
File: Moonchildren.png (134 KB, 432x231) Image search: [Google]
134 KB, 432x231
More Halloween requests!

Requesting the moon children from Majora's Mask trick-or-treating at adult link's house and link being disgruntled, not wanting them to come inside his house.

If anyone wants to do this I thank you greatly.
File: Ninja Women.jpg (1 MB, 2944x3416) Image search: [Google]
Ninja Women.jpg
1 MB, 2944x3416
Top - Izuna (Unemployed Ninja)
Right - Sheena (Tales of Symphonia)
Left - Ayane (Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden)
File: Shadowrun8.png (1 MB, 1017x1611) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1017x1611
Requesting Glory slashing through her enemies, leaving behind a bloody mess.
File: samus and little mac.png (282 KB, 595x500) Image search: [Google]
samus and little mac.png
282 KB, 595x500
Samus holding the punch pads for training Little Mac, please.
Requesting Mildred wearing a sweater that is a bit small on her.
File: mario.png (961 KB, 1208x509) Image search: [Google]
961 KB, 1208x509
Requesting Mario dressed like Christian Weston Chandler, with a Toad medallion around his neck in place of the Sonichu one. In the background are various Mario-related toys/action figures.
Requesting Space Dandy dressed as Dante
>preferably in pose on the far right image, but not required
>preferably holding Ebony & Ivory, also not required
>accompanied by text "See you in Hell, baby."
Now it will never happen, good job melon head
File: space dante.jpg (458 KB, 1740x1436) Image search: [Google]
space dante.jpg
458 KB, 1740x1436
Forgot image.
Fucking 10/10
Ha, that's great man, THANKS
File: image.jpg (38 KB, 320x423) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 320x423
The witch Beatrice and Bayonetta exchanging gossip while eating at a coffe shop.
File: vlcsnap-2014-10-22-15h47m06s17.png (500 KB, 960x720) Image search: [Google]
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This with Ness.
File: Kina.png (122 KB, 172x582) Image search: [Google]
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Kina dressed in a pumpkin themed costume.
File: image.png (760 KB, 1054x398) Image search: [Google]
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Requesting WW Link out on the open sea, sailing towards Cthulhu, who is emerging up out of the water along with R'lyeh.
Oh shit, is this a delivery? Damn nice, I though it was the OR posting another reference
>Ness being anything like that moody bitch.
Fuck off.
File: 1414312530496.jpg (53 KB, 406x621) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 406x621
Requesting the healer from Disgaea sneaking/blending into the girls locker room, with him trying to hide his tiny shota-boner.
requesting vivian james with huge thighs
File: mother-daughters.jpg (528 KB, 1716x2048) Image search: [Google]
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I'd very much like some mother+daughters yuri of these three.
File: DD3_Two_Artwork.png (695 KB, 1082x867) Image search: [Google]
695 KB, 1082x867
Requesting Two from Drakengard 3 lifting/pulling her clothes in a pose like this, showing as much as you're willing to draw.

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331 KB, 1872x1280
Mario rose, sitting on shoulders of Rig
Rig has his faint smile, Mario being happy as fuck.

Cute shit, uno pedo nai.
Both love baseball and have psychic powers.
File: 1414209954400.jpg (114 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Big Boss circa MGS3 at home in his casual clothes trying to understand his own game and being confused by the future of vidya while para-medic is quivering in delight because she's basically a total nerd over this shit
Not videogames you tumblr shit
File: 12.jpg (97 KB, 746x1550) Image search: [Google]
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>Mario Rose
I'm not OR, but that looks very cute. Thanks a lot
File: Amma baron girls.jpg (243 KB, 960x1240) Image search: [Google]
Amma baron girls.jpg
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Requesting a pic of the Ammo Baron's girls.
Armed and ready to fight.
File: 5th_nigh_call.png (207 KB, 722x675) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 722x675

>Mario Rose
Fuck - Now I am worried
Marie tho.
>trying to understand his own game
The thing about MGS3 was that it had a stupidly easy-to-follow story. This makes no sense, retard
did you even watch FLCL?
Aside from the star shaped brooch being absent, you did a cute job
In *personality*, faggot.
Your'e wrong anyway.
File: ice_climbers.jpg (34 KB, 650x366) Image search: [Google]
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Dunno if the drawer from the last thread is still doing it but...

The ice climbers on an icy/snowy mountain warming up by a fire. Also, they could be eating vegetables; carrots, aubergines...
Naota had psychic powers?
File: 13.jpg (100 KB, 746x1550) Image search: [Google]
100 KB, 746x1550
i knew I forgot something
Are you telling me that someone from the 60's would be able to just jump straight into 3d polygonal vidya and grasp it straight away

You know there's more to vidya than just the story?
What a weird reference when their Brawl/Melee models are pretty good.

Khiuli drew Popo by a fire for me before
He used his psychic waves to summon robots.
I did it to leave some imagination for the artist.
File: Misha young and adult.jpg (470 KB, 1480x2044) Image search: [Google]
Misha young and adult.jpg
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young and adult Misha dressed as a cute and sexy witch respectively.
File: otogirls.jpg (510 KB, 1600x1518) Image search: [Google]
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Can I get the Otomedius girls re-done with their platforms as realistic power armour please?
I've included a few girls to help.
File: Ruin Sentinel.png (647 KB, 750x645) Image search: [Google]
Ruin Sentinel.png
647 KB, 750x645
Requesting the Ruin Sentinel, on a dakimakura.
On the left side, is the front of the ruin Sentinel, emphasis on the hips/breasts. (NOT TOO BIG OF BREASTS.) Right side, her back, same with hips and butt.
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File: BlancCG.jpg (189 KB, 1492x510) Image search: [Google]
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Blanc dressed as any girl(s) from Nintendo games, like Kid Icarus (any of Palutena`s three designs), Pandora`s Tower, Golden Sun, Lana from Hyrule Warriors, and so on.
File: Compa052.jpg (351 KB, 1200x1716) Image search: [Google]
351 KB, 1200x1716
Requesting Compa masturbating with like a decent sized (~6-12") syringe-looking toy
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117 KB, 570x558
File: BatmanSuperman_zps28d33f2a.png (1 MB, 1641x728) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1641x728
Requesting pic related with Captain Falcon and Black Shadow.
who the fuck cares is a parody
File: vertpunish.jpg (114 KB, 749x508) Image search: [Google]
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I'd like a drawing (in webcam view) of Vert doing this naked with a really big one, like a 'Naughty Wyvern' or "Awful Wyrm" brand. It's just a rip-off of Bad Dragon. And make her look like she's hurting but enjoying the sensation of something that big going in her.
File: rockyrodent.jpg (517 KB, 1474x1497) Image search: [Google]
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Taking Robot Master requests
what is that abomination
The reason Ness is awesome, is that he isn't a moody whiny cunt. It's a bad parody when you take this awesome trait, and throw it away. And for what? To satiate the autists need to match two kids kids with baseball bats and psi abilities? Yea, that sounds like a cool thing to draw...
Napalm Man exploding the final boss of the last game you played
Splash Woman KO-ing Megaman by pushing his face into her cleavage.
looks like some kind of granite gerbil
You need to be 18+ to be around here, anon
Galaxy Man playing a violin or your favorite instrument
Female Cutman scissoring with female Rockman.
>Google Rocky Rodent
>It's real
What the fuck? I thought I knew about all the old gaming mascot wannabes.
>old gaming mascot wannabes
Rocky Rodent is a great game, not a "gaming mascot wannabe"
File: Marv strip.jpg (442 KB, 2182x738) Image search: [Google]
Marv strip.jpg
442 KB, 2182x738
Marvelous in Neptune is mostly inspired by Senran Kagura, so I'd like if someone can draw her getting her clothing destroyed a lot, just like in SK and Akiba's Trip.
Can someone draw Pit and Palutena talking smack about all of the rejected Smash Bros characters please?
File: grapplerbattlegirl.png (541 KB, 1200x601) Image search: [Google]
541 KB, 1200x601
Requesting Grappler fighting Battle Girl from Pokemon X/Y
File: ArTonelico2 Shun.jpg (139 KB, 928x756) Image search: [Google]
ArTonelico2 Shun.jpg
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Shun as a robot master
File: tech ladies.jpg (585 KB, 2592x3200) Image search: [Google]
tech ladies.jpg
585 KB, 2592x3200
I'd like my fusion chart done, with Isara Gunther(Valkyria Chronicles) as Top, Cynthia (Ar Tonelico 2) as Left, and Shion Uzuki (Xenosaga I or III design) as right
File: leon2.jpg (225 KB, 1252x1251) Image search: [Google]
225 KB, 1252x1251
Requesting Leon from iDOLM@STER wearing Leon's jacket from Resident Evil 4, in the spirit of Halloween

(and maybe the black Kuroi dude wearing Ashley's clothes in the background, with annoyed body gesture.
He's canonically always looking like a silhoutte so you could draw an all-black dude with that kind of hair wearing Ashley's getup)
Brightman being nerdy and geeky with Astroman and Galaxyman
maybe them playing D&D together with Galaxyman being the Dungeon Master
File: DoA5A_Nyotengu_design.jpg (63 KB, 565x640) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 565x640
Tamamo(Caster/Extra) getting sexually assaulted and dominated by Nyotengu.
I-is NumberMan.EXE invited?
>The reason Ness is awesome, is that he isn't a moody whiny cunt
>get's home sick
File: planetrock.jpg (119 KB, 800x950) Image search: [Google]
119 KB, 800x950
Doing this

I'll consider this. It's an awesome idea but a lot of work
Oh, no. I just draw it
>tfw don't like MegaMan
he's a little kid the fuck do you expect
much better
File: ice climbers.jpg (138 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
ice climbers.jpg
138 KB, 500x500
here you go bra, took me a while to figure out a way to depict the icy/snowy mountain. Special points to you if you can tell who that mountain goat is supposed to be (hint : jrpg from the snes)
File: Zombie boobs.png (235 KB, 1072x504) Image search: [Google]
Zombie boobs.png
235 KB, 1072x504
Draw this pic, but with the Senran Kagura girls looking more normal proportioned
File: Puppet.png (27 KB, 996x530) Image search: [Google]
27 KB, 996x530
Megaman juggling power pellets while a robo master or Wily is using a puppet trying to be funny while the onlookers are booing them off stage
File: Emily a cute.jpg (96 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Emily a cute.jpg
96 KB, 1280x720
Requesting a sexy Emily. Maybe in her uniform. Maybe as a bunnygirl. Anything's appreciated
looks good anon
the goat is making me want to say terranigma, but the moon haning there and jagged rocks make me think otherwise
That is a really impressive picture. Fantastic composition, extra squeaky clean lines, really well done.
He gets homesick, but he still tries his best regardless. Naota is just cunty and negative.
>he's a little kid the fuck do you expect
>13 years old
>little kid
yeah right
Awesome choice, Anon. Reminds me of that MM9 Medley I listened to awhile ago.
Oh thanks, that looks great, better than I even expected. Sorry I don't know who the goat is.
Was it the Vegetable Mix? That one's awesome.
File: 14.jpg (21 KB, 401x741) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 401x741
didn't read the dressed as dante part sorry
Elec man doing stand up comedy.
Optional: dressed as jerry Seinfeld and saying an electricity pun
File: Mushihimesama Reco and Palm.jpg (814 KB, 1800x2240) Image search: [Google]
Mushihimesama Reco and Palm.jpg
814 KB, 1800x2240
/ss/ with Reco and Palm like http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46313986
No actually, it was some rock medley
>Tea cupping
That would look amazing in color.
File: Rallen dancing.png (332 KB, 1000x500) Image search: [Google]
Rallen dancing.png
332 KB, 1000x500
anything to draw in 30-45 minutes?
Do you have a gallery or site where I could see more of your artwork?
Captain Falcon as a sailor captain.
File: 1414301743067.jpg (568 KB, 1520x1450) Image search: [Google]
568 KB, 1520x1450
Sorry I missed the delivery. Thanks to the anon that did this. I appreciate it.
File: 1.png (269 KB, 600x434) Image search: [Google]
269 KB, 600x434
Draw the Starfox Crew as humans.
Krystal optional.
yeah that's it ! I kind of added him at the end so I didn't have that in mind while drawing the picture. Here is for people wanting to know about his story : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1W-h2cPFEM (from 18:30 onward)
And thanks to everyone else for their kind words
>Krystal optional

Bitch, you dun goofed. Krystal should be the main focus
Whoops. Disregard that image. I meant to post the complete version. But still thanks!
File: Gilgamesh 2.png (4 MB, 2417x1160) Image search: [Google]
Gilgamesh 2.png
4 MB, 2417x1160
Requesting Final Fantasy Gilgamesh with a harem of girls that are personified versions of all his weapons http://data.archive.moe/board/v/image/1412/70/1412702135424.png
File: 20091028235140!Shinryu-ffv.gif (6 KB, 172x232) Image search: [Google]
6 KB, 172x232
Shinryu dragon girl please!
File: 1413940777323.png (1 MB, 1000x814) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1000x814
This but with Yomi from Senran Kagura
>worst senran
File: grandia-lilly.jpg (53 KB, 455x720) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 455x720
Requesting Lily, the MILF in Grandia, being seductive.

By the powers of the book of Drawthread, I purify the anon who dares request this waifushit! Begone! Beeegoooone!
Can someone draw Yukiko Amagi and Rise Kujikawa sharing a toilet. With a person shrunk down inside the toilet. There doesn`t have to be visible scat if you don't want to draw it, but it should be implied that they're shitting and farting. pls respond
why does the dude have some chemical compound diagrams tattooed?
I'll explain if someone draws it.
No, we get it. It's your sexual fetish.
It's videogame related.

Sounds like weebshit.
Where do you think you are?
/v/, fucking weeaboo
I agree. This is /d/ type shit. Fuck off
What the fuck does scat even have to do with Japan, are you literally retarded?
File: 1383880496552.jpg (402 KB, 636x900) Image search: [Google]
402 KB, 636x900
Requesting Jungle Queen breathing heavily and sweating, saying "It's mating season..."
Fuck off
Must suck to be a normalfag.
File: 15.jpg (56 KB, 713x500) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 713x500
hows this? I'm not too familiar with the game
File: 1402943602766.jpg (28 KB, 380x250) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 380x250
Requesting a Metroid version of this, with Samus pointing her arm cannon at a crying Ridley.
Nigger, look at what fucking board you're on. Fuck off. Take your shit elsewhere. It's not up for arguing. This shit doesn't belong here.

File: 1387842155219.gif (3 MB, 240x180) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 240x180
>Yukiko Amagi and Rise Kujikawa

literally who you weebshit
I'm not the person requesting it, I'm just pointing out your stupidity. I hate scat as much as anyone else here but it has literally nothing to do with being a weeaboo.
Oh my god. Just shut up and let the guy request his weird ass toilet fetish. Stop pretending to be offended by shit we should all expect to see on this site.
That looks pretty damn good. I love the different attitudes and expressions. They look recognizable, which is not an easy feat
I'd expect to see that shit not on /v/, though. We already have /a/ faggots shitting up these threads. We shouldn't take this. He needs to fuck off
Draw Phosphora
You mean requesting a video game related picture just like everyone else in this thread? Are you that sheltered you get offended by a porn request on 4chan?
I haven't even played the game they're from and even I recognized their names due to it being a popular game on /v/

You're just showing your new.
File: twisted-sister.jpg (90 KB, 361x365) Image search: [Google]
90 KB, 361x365
>I don't expect video games on a video game board
calm down autist
As a drawfag I tend to stay away from:

-Requests that have been posted for weeks
-Requests with more than one option (Can I have x doing x, or maybe x doing x...)
-Obscure RPG character that no one knows being thrown into this weird scenario
-Lewd loli's
-Flavor of the month shit
-Piggybacking requests/reply to deliveries with requests
-gay ass weebshit

What I do like:
-Seasonal requests
-landscape requests
-funny requests
-relatively clever pop culture requests
Are you this dense? Guess what, dipshit, there's tons of porn requests on these threads. But that shit is more /d/ than /v/. Just because "muh muh persona gaems" isn't enough. Fuck. Off.
File: Dr. Wily approves.png (166 KB, 418x331) Image search: [Google]
Dr. Wily approves.png
166 KB, 418x331
Not OR, but good jorb anon!
File: Two girls.jpg (244 KB, 788x1688) Image search: [Google]
Two girls.jpg
244 KB, 788x1688
I'd like some smut of these two girls in something like any of http://imgur.com/XX009IW,V2KYu9m,Ap7QmZ6,72OzkIO,bJs2e0u,fJMCxgg

>Yukiko Amagi
>Rise Kujikawa

yeah, definitely video game related
He's not new, he's just trolling. Fucking report his ass so he'll go away already. Nobody is shocked by these characters and the fetish.
Taking pokegirl requests.
What about Peppy. Also can I color it in for you?
Wow. Great job. Those expressions are superb.
>-gay ass weebshit
oh boy
Cool it man, I don't sperg out over's requests, you shouldn't either. It's literally just one post, nothing to get pissy about.
Will you deliver them though
please do
I seriously hope you're just pretending.
>that slippy

If one post isn't worth shit, then why are you replying?

how new
Good job. But draw the old man rabbit. He's like 10x more important than the chick.
anyone want to color http://vidyart.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8915 and http://vidyart.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10371
Was the one from previous thread a pasta or is this on the way on becoming a pasta?
File: 1348122087004.gif (980 KB, 219x300) Image search: [Google]
980 KB, 219x300
OR here. Not bad! I like it.
File: shoko34.jpg (216 KB, 1249x685) Image search: [Google]
216 KB, 1249x685
Requesting Shoko from Liberation Maiden

>slapping her ass/having her ass slapped
>bent over in sexy panties
>anything else lewd involving her ass
Clair stroking Dragonair.
File: 1355683782012.jpg (696 KB, 1053x1070) Image search: [Google]
696 KB, 1053x1070

fucking retard
you're the one who originally sperged over a post
File: 20130701-kosuzu_in.jpg (44 KB, 350x437) Image search: [Google]
44 KB, 350x437
Kosuzu 4-way gangbang
File: Psyphers.jpg (287 KB, 1792x2164) Image search: [Google]
287 KB, 1792x2164
Not him but maybe I'll just do a May request or three today
You've shat this thread up with your asinine raging over one request.
File: Captain sailor.png (345 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Captain sailor.png
345 KB, 1280x720
How do I perspective
File: 0da.jpg (3 MB, 4300x4000) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 4300x4000
Draw one of these personifications of game companies.

I'm not, I'm only his supporter.
File: New Canvas96.png (84 KB, 400x600) Image search: [Google]
New Canvas96.png
84 KB, 400x600
File: Flannery.png (60 KB, 409x530) Image search: [Google]
60 KB, 409x530

Flannery with dat ass like that Crystal and Hilda picture by the one drawfag.
>shit and piss over a literal shit post
Gorgeus, someone color this please.
That's hilarious
Fucking brilliant.
File: that'ssoblastia.jpg (584 KB, 2008x1608) Image search: [Google]
584 KB, 2008x1608
Requesting http://i.imgur.com/ghW6ERF.jpg with, in order: Yuri, Judith, Raven and Karol or Corey in Karol's clothes.
I'll try one of these later

How about instead of May you actually pick a good pokegirl.
Now that the dust has settled. Is anyone going to draw this >>269346138 ?
OR here, I didn't realize that I actually got a delivery. Thanks to whoever delivered.
Chin's a bit wonky but i still love it.
HEY! Don't be a fickle prick. Fucking draw Peppy. He's part of the original cast, so it's a shame that he's left out.
Peppy a shit

>bumping a request that caused a shitstorm

Of course that weebfuck is a retard. Otherwise he would spend money on real games.
>buying games
It only caused a shitstorm because one guy is a sheltered normalfag.
Shut up you.
Why are the better artists always the non-communicative fickle ones? Son of a bitch goes and draws something amazing, but you can't even tell him to fix his shit, because he's probably off in his own fucking brain dead world.

I hate artists.
File: Newmmanv1as.jpg (532 KB, 1347x1551) Image search: [Google]
532 KB, 1347x1551
here. this is all i have time for now, but i might go back to it later
Really? Again? Fuck the fuck off. Read the goddamn rules. Or if you're that desperate for a delivery, why don't you fuck off back to /d/, where this shit belongs, dumbfuck
thanks for considering it

yes he is indeed invited
Looking very good.
>he's probably off in his own fucking brain dead world.
you should get one too, it's comfy in there
Woah, never thought id see that guys request get done, nice!
Also does anyone have another good pic of the Star Fox team together?
File: cthuluwaker.jpg (1 MB, 2000x1294) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2000x1294
Does photo bashing count or am I being lazy
Stay mad :^)
i was getting really tired of seeing it so i needed to do something

That's a /d/ request if I've ever heard one, try their draw thread.
Should have made the water less saturated to match the sky, but it looks pretty nice.

Not OR though
I love Numberman.exe
if you have a request involving him I'll certainly do it
I'll do nsfw as well
Fair enough I suppose. Kinda sucks that you resort to that because of the lack of anything better to do though.
How about him playing chess with Galaxy Man?
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75 KB, 800x450
Tales of Vesperia characters as Power Rangers, with Repede as a giant mecha like the Mechazord
Judith's suit being tight and revealing is good.
Requesting any lewds (like http://imgur.com/a/hMffE) of these two women together, as long as the white hair one is the more 'dominant' one.
That's looking fantastic so far, the finished one must be great.
File: galaxyman.jpg (87 KB, 800x708) Image search: [Google]
87 KB, 800x708
Here's a little progress
>yfw joke deliveries bring about real deliveries
hahah wow what retarded drawfags
Rin from KS
and Toph from Avatar

I dont even care what theyre doing, just have em together
Looks fine, that's good enough for me. Thanks anon.
I like the star guitar.
File: KKL.png (686 KB, 1500x800) Image search: [Google]
686 KB, 1500x800
Requesting GoW Kratos in Symphonia Kratos' clothes while standing proudly with his arms crossed and Lloyd next to him looking awkwardly in the other direction.
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138 KB, 631x346
Requesting lewd, Yagyuu getting the dick
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566 KB, 919x464
Requesting design/s of the children of the characters from Fire Emblem Awakening who doesn't have a son or a daughter "by default", such as the characters from the pic, for example.
I know that feel but looks good. OR here by the way.

Okay, this got a laugh out of me. Good work both of you
Thanks. Now I feel bad for badmouthing you. You're alright.
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23 KB, 288x366
Requesting this with Wario, Luigi or Waluigi.
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100 KB, 849x971
requesting nephenee as a cheerleader
File: 017_Senran_Kagura_Artbook_005.jpg (357 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
357 KB, 1920x1080
Haruka holding dragon dildos and her coat filled with them
Requesting Zelda girls interacting with/teasing young Link.
Just wanted to say thanks to the artist for these. I love them!
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 218

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