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Pan de Peace
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File: Pan de Peace! - 02.jpg (248 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Pan de Peace! - 02.jpg
248 KB, 1920x1080
Short cute girls doing cute things with bread show

The humor is pretty gay
File: Yuri no Hana Tankyuu Club.jpg (326 KB, 800x601) Image search: [Google]
Yuri no Hana Tankyuu Club.jpg
326 KB, 800x601
Mangaka is emily, who has done a bunch of doujin nukige in the past, including several yuri ones
File: 1460296095779.png (1 MB, 1160x1310) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1160x1310
File: She just took her loli and.jpg (84 KB, 1116x631) Image search: [Google]
She just took her loli and.jpg
84 KB, 1116x631
>all three girls imagined her as an oppai loli
Impressive. Few girls have that fetish.
File: 1460900459206.jpg (362 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
362 KB, 1280x720
Even after she was told in the first episode that her heart belongs to someone else.
Someone is jealous.
>How to ruin a show in less than 3 minutes: The Episode
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