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All three of these people were nominated for an Emmy. How does
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All three of these people were nominated for an Emmy. How does this make you feel?
i saw one of them in the terminator movie, and now perhaps it makes me take the emmys less seriously.
Good lad, agreeing to take this pic with two downs syndrome fans
>no hoverhand
alpha as fuck

I feel good for them.
Maisie is a girl, anon.
why does he look so pissed.
Makes me feel like Television is in a rough spot
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Kit has his moments. Too bad about his size though.
Only Emilia didn't deserve it
Kits gonna be in the new Xaiver Dolan movie so he can stay the other two, especially Clarke, can fuck right off
Kelly c's nomination is a crime against television but none of them deserve an emmy
Maisie may be in the next Pacific Rim, if GDT has any say. That's decent enough.
I'd say that only Maisie deserves it. She acts pretty well. The others, not so much.
Considering the faggot from Big Bang Theory won like 5 years in a row, it could be much worst.
Basically Emilia Clarke has no talent and should be off at a soup kitchen somewhere
Yeah, Kit isn't that great, but if there was ever a season for him to be nominated, it was this one
Who in their right mind thinks Emilia Clarke can act?
mighty real
Television has never been a respectable or genuine form of media.
Maisie a cute. A CUTE!!!
Funnily enough, I thought Kit was pretty good this season. Maisie is the only one out of these three that maybe kinda sorta deserves a win, but Kit is actually learning to act, it looks like.
And yet the Daily Show didn't get a nomination.
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Stating the obvious, friend.
It doesn't.
People who stare at her tits?
full of rage. the shittest actors on the show are nominated just because their characters are popular:

>"le meme dwarf is funny huegh lets nominate peter again"
>"kelly c is stronk wymn badass and has dragons guys emilia has to be nominated"

while the true actors like liam cunningham and alfie allen are snubbed yet again.

then again, the emmys were a confirmed joke when the episode with 'bad pussy' won best writing. either the emmys are bought or the voters have succumbed to the normie-GoT-hype-train, watching it absent mindedly without a semblance of critical thought.
confused tbqh. either other shows are really horrible or the emmys only take into account popularity of the show.
To be fair, Dinklage is a phenomenal actor on GoT, and you're just jumping on the bandwagon if you can't see that.
The Emmy's are and have been a complete shit show for many years, it's all a popularity contest. They really represent that at one point, a lot of people watched you act, or somebody paid a hefty fine to have you nominated.
He actually improved a lot, which is admirable at least.
Why didn't Lena or Pryce get one, or even Nikolai?
But Arya/Maisie aren't even popular.
Meme dwarf is actually a good actor, even if you dislike his character. To be fair, his FINAL scene this season was quite good. But still, what a shitty season for him. Maybe 2 acceptable scenes and one good. The rest was shit

Not even his fault though, it was a writing flaw.
But seriously: how DID Liam and Alfie get skipped? I swore one of them was nominated for somethign recently.
They gave bazinga like three or four emmys, why would anyone take them seriously?
>All three of these people were nominated for an Emmy
Are you serious? I thought only Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage were. They're the only two - except arguably the guy who plays Tywin - who could possibly deserve it. I do think that Jon Snow could one day deserve it as the guy keeps getting better and the next two seasons are confirmed to be the Jon/Dany show.

This is how i feel about Emmys.
Their complete ignoring of Mr. Robot was the last straw for me.
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