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Thread replies: 255
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/tv/ BTFO

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nice try
Whelp, I guess it's time to admit you were wrong, /tv/. Apologize to Paul Feig and the poor women you've been harassing for months. Now.
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Based top critics always looking out for cinema
I will never understand critics undying love for linklater
BvS started at 90

The week is young.
Linklater made his most inoffensive movie possible.

It was deserved.
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What do the people that paid to see the film say?

Thats a shitty rating
Noone wil see this, we know, only a 85+ is a sign that a movie will overcome the common opinion on films.
GB2016 will tank
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Why are women just the worst?
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According to the children like >>71842132 when it came out it wasn't
>35 reviews counted now
it's dropping
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I am so sorry. What a fantastic piece of cinematic excellence and I am very, very sorry.

Thank you for listening.
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It's at 37 reviews, 71% now. Refresh
>PG-13 so not for kids
>non stop women being vulgar jokes so not for men in groups
>ghostbusters so not for the women in groups
>ghostbusters so not for people going on dates
who is the demographic of this film?
for no one
it was made launder money
Who else?

is /tv/ right about ANYTHING?

The movie is trash

In the end

Who really cares?
> Alison Willmore
> BuzzFeed News
> Top Critic

Why do people lie when things like this can be checked with one click on google?
Well, we were right about this being a shit movie that is going to bomb.
>Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Just a reminder
>he started posting in the last year/2
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it's 73% now
Did you check, dumbass?
>read the critics names
>most of them are females
>most of them say something along the lines of "it's it's own movie, has an underwhelming ending and has a few laughs"

This score is gonna drop hard, just wait.

It's OK bitch boy you'll have another chance
Looking up Ghostbusters on rottentomatoes, it has a user rating of >90% with nearly 70k people voting...

Now, seeing how this game only recently premiered and the official release is tomorrow evening in the UK and Friday in the US, who is supplying this score? Am I supposed to believe the premier was held in an NFL stadium with 70k watchers?
>almost every good review is from a woman or a jewish sounding name

Pure coincidence though.
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Are you retarded? What do RT scores have to do with box office numbers? A movie can have a 100% RT score and still be a bomb.
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>opening at 70%
It will be at 40% soon enough.
How do you get blown out by a 70%? That score basically means the movie exists and doesn't set people on fire as they watch it, good job. Do you really think a 70% will change anybody's mind about this movie who was on the fence for seeing it?
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>take a look at who gave fresh ratings to Ghostbusters
>first guy gave Star Wars Episode VII a 94%
VII was great.
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>Do you really think a 70% will change anybody's mind about this movie who was on the fence for seeing it?

What is this creature?
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>There’s been so much furor over this Ghostbusters reboot since it was announced, almost completely focused on the fact that all the leads are played by women.
Why even bother?
>it's a tourist post
>furshit meme movie image
shut the fuck up
>a tourist calling people tourist

>it's a butthurt post
Yeah and apparently a writer for BuzzFeed News is a "Top Critic"?

Also, is it normal to have a critic "consensus" when less than a third of total reviews are in?
Man, I told you guys people wouldn't be willing to be honest about this flick.
Agreed. It had problems but overall was well made with some fantastic casting. Boyega is a great find. I just wish they hadn't reused another goddamn Death Star.
Personally I will reserve judgement until I see the thing...

which won't be until that shit pops up on netflix
>/tv/ was wrong

VII is shit. theres a story about it but ill tell you later after another 14 bucks
That's from fanboys bombing it with 10s beforehand. If Ghostbusters stays stable that'll confirm DCucks are worse than feminists.
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Devin "Pacific Rim is this generation's Star Wars" Faraci loves it


Apparently it's mediocre but funny. /tv/ would never admit to it being better than shitty, then declare victory for "guessing" that it would be shitty.
I'm pretty sure SJW bloggers are trying to prop this thing up in the early stages too
I will never, ever see this movie, because it's a steaming pile of shit.

I can't believe they are actually releasing it. Holy fuck this is going to be bad. Very, very bad.
only sexist foreign audiences can save /tv/ now

Holy shit you total fucking simpleton. You complete goddamn idiot. Simply by virtue of posting an animal, he's a furry. he hasn't given you anything to work with. so what you're saying is, you fall to the other side of the spectrum but are so fucking prepubescent that you cannot see value in the other side. therefore he is "furshit" and thus everything wrong. Your emotion-driven blanket dismissal is everything wrong, shithead. You are unthinking dirt
a female, not that the baby men on /tv/ knows what they look like
I doubt it's going to bomb either.
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You male feminists sure seem really happy about a low 70% RT score, why is that? If you genuinely thought this movie was good, wouldn't a 70% score be kind of disappointing? Especially considering RT scores always trend downwards as time goes on.
Apparently not as the ratings started out lower and have been climbing.
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Reddit isn't too happy either


seems like they weren't expecting good reviews.
>this autistic spergout


My wife and wife's son beg to differ
>I hate this thing I haven't seen
Literal reverse SJW
We didn't guess, we saw the trailers...
>average rating

is this like how in bootcamp, the women recruits get feminism boxes to help them over all the obstacles?
Remember how you hated your baby enough to kill it before you've even seen it?
No shit
Can't you see them all complaining in these threads they keep making
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Usually I don't buy into the whole shill nonsense, but I believe it this time.


The discrepancy is telling
It's become a political statement to like or dislike the movie.
sorry. I won't ever talk to you or your wife's son again
Wait until the average movie goer is able to see it and judge it based on that. The movie was obviously going to strike a chord with a lot of critics too scared to give it a fair rating. Look at how many of the positive reviews also criticize it.
Alison Willmore
BuzzFeed News
Top Critic

>Top Critic
Sweet quads, but you're wrong, we are still in the early stages. There are under 40 reviews counted. There will probably be over 150 when they are all in. This is still prime shill territory, once the movie is released, the score will be lower
No shit, Reddit is just as full of woman-hating nerds as 4chan is, perhaps slightly less so
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."The message of female empowerment is more important then the faulty third act/climax."
>reviews are mostly negative
>weeks before a consensus

>reviews are middling
>positive consensus posted instantly

No? Even if I were a woman I'm not normalfag enough to get pregnant.
I saw that too. Does journalism even exist anymore?
It's the 'Gamers Are Dead' articles, but for film.

Compare the score (so far) of top critics vs bloggers and internet """personalities""". It drops sharply from fresh to rotten at the push of a button.
hasn't since fox launched it's 24 hour news channel.
The average will settle in the low 50s.

Trust me, my dad works for Rotten Tomatoes
Journalism has become something you do, not something you are. Since there is no license to practice it, anyone with an opinion, a keyboard and access to the internet can become a journalist.

Don't ever fucking speak for me again, you worthless piece of shit.
So BvS gets 30% but this shit gets 70%?

Where the fuck did objectivity go?
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something seems off here...
Gender Politics have been blown way out of proportion but the bigger problem is that nobody wants to actually challenge it.
Despite the fact that one of the progenitors of this whole movement is a fucking whore that used the death of Robin Williams to her own end.
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>It's currently at 75%
Why do these Sony movies all feel the same? Is it the cameras they use? I just can't shake how similar they look
Calm yourself, legbeard. No one ever speaks for you.
There's nothing to challenge. Identity politics in general are nothing but "my feelings."
Trailers undersell (and oversell) movies all the time.
>RLM hated it so we must too
its rotten tomatoes. the film itself has fuck all to do with the score when its trying to measure what a certain set of people thought.

might aswell get 9 christians and 1 atheist and ask what they think of god
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>Average Rating: 6.6/10
>muh feelings
How the fuck am I supposed to tell you why things "feel" certain ways to you?
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Delete this.
It's the lack of vision and passion for the medium.
Not really, Fred Topel said it's the movie of the summer.
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>mfw this thing finishes with a 92% from critics
Doesn't matter, if this thing gets a 70 or above sjws will celebrate it as a huge success.
No shit Reddit is where gamer goobers were spawned from misogahell.
Ghostbusters is a legitimately fun movie. So a ghost gets shot in the dick, who cares? Fucks sake guys, just because a group of women are badass in a movie doesn't mean you have to hate it. Fuck, I'm literally in tears over all of the misogyny
You're asking where objectivity went on subjective matters? Are you a child or just a moron?
>people are gonna 4 bait this weak
The point of trailers is literally to oversell the movie to create hype by putting together only the best, most interesting scenes. Trailers underselling a movie can happen once in a while when a studio puts out a really shitty trailer, but when they put out like 10 trailers and tv spots, it's fairly safe to assume if you think those looked like shit, you also won't like the movie much.
>Fucks sake guys, just because a group of women are badass in a movie doesn't mean you have to hate it.
I know that. I literally made a charlies angels thread hours ago.
think youre being sexist here.
That's one review by a retard who liked Home Alone 3.
kino kino
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probably with box office mojo.
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It's still going up.

>Fanboy ire can’t stifle the defiant energy – and frequent hilarity – of this terrifically inventive comedy starring Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig

I'm laughing so hard at the faggots who were saying the movie was going to be bad.
Box office numbers will determine whether or not it's a success. No one gives a shit about RT scores unless it's in the high 90s or low 40s.
You haven't even fucking watched ghostbusters for fucks sake
Why would they? Where do you think gamergate came from? /v/, /pol/ and reddit teamed up to launch a fight against SJWs. The sad thing is no one won the fight
>suddenly /tv/ cares about average rating
>implying anything above a 6 is bad

o i am laffin
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Give it some time the score will flat line.
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If Frozen can make $1.3bil, there is a sufficient market for this to easily make 2x-3x its budget and be considered a success.
>Step Brothers got a 55%
>Anchorman got 66%

Rotten Tomatoes never do comedy ratings correctly
They'll celebrate it as a huge success no matter what.
And with all the "reviewers", or as I've taken to calling them "nu-males and femenazis desperately trying to artificially inflate the movies score“, basically admiting it's bad in their reviews, but giving it a fresh score so as to not offend, it's clear that this movie will bomb, and not be well recived with actual critics, which is all that really matters.
I don't get it, you fags do nothing but shitpost and defend RT when people who liked BvS say RT is a ton of shit and most likely paid off, yet when something like this happens you scream JEWSJEWS PAID REVIEWS.

Make up your fuckin minds.
literally THE review
They actually make the movie look worse than it is all the goddamn time. Most recent example of this I can think of is Kingsmen. Often this is because they want to keep trailers E rated while most of the clever or entertaining stuff is in the PG13+ bits.
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>Sites like who supported with with bias on the movie are on it(Buzzfeed, New York times, etc)
>Most of them have it at a C or 3/5 range
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>Rating just jumped up to 82%

Jesus, this thing is going to get nominated for an oscar, isn't it?
By definition it isn't weak. Bait need only be strong enough to catch.
I care about RT scores, but the actual average score, not the Tomatometer.
no. rotten tomatoes does not dictate quality. fucking hell, when will people understand this
This is the best day, I'm so happy right now.

I just need it to make half a billion or above. Please god.
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Why does /tv/ hate fun?
The SJWs won the fight, the fuck are you talking about. Zoe and Anita are literally speaking on world platforms now.
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What did he mean by this?
TPM is critically panned.
>BvS didn't get a good rating so Rotten Tomatoes is Reddit.
What has that actually accomplished? I haven't been keeping up.
Big Fat Fucking WALLETS. Because of you shitlords.
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>Big brains
>Jones is a stereotypical angry loud black woman
but that's the problem. They don't think that, and if you try to say otherwise the entire faction tries their best to demonize you.
Ebert just saw the cunny potential in ScarJo when he watched Home Alone 3. I saw that same potential and recognized the greatness of Home Alone 3.
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I can't live in a world where this is a serious movie review.
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>Critics reviews now at 85%

So when will we see a transgender ghostbusters sequel?
Nu males and feminists. However these types don't see movies in theaters so it was a waste.
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yes. after they got all their heads out of their asses. it takes time
>giving a shit about what RT says
>when every MARVEL capeflick gets 90% +
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Is Rowan /tv/ incarnate?
fat women to buy concessions. they are the largest market
Well it took 12 years to make
How the hell should I know what it accomplished? All I know if they're getting flown places to speak in suits while GG is a pariah.
no its at 76 why are you making shit up?
>now you will be the bully!

Top tier dialouge
It hasn't updated for you yet. it's at 90% right now.
they came from reality
That was prepared weeks, maybe months, in advance.
>violent/sexist games still available
>more violent/sexist games on the horizon

So what did they actually accomplish?
They got rich and famous by doing nothing.
His response will probably be
>How the hell should I know what it accomplished?
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Reminder that critics can't not suck Paul Feig's dick.
>>more violent/sexist games on the horizon
Sexist games are on the decline, especially anything coming from Japan.
Violence ain't going anywhere, though.
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>None of it adds up to much more than an average summer entertainment - never bad enough to warrant the chauvinist hatred, rarely good enough to deserve the feminist support.
Spy was pretty good desu

>tell the truth
>get called a jew

Guess I'm kinda like jesus
>76% now

Anyone remember when internet was a geek thing?

Now internet is the same as fucking outdoor, every normie has a tablet and writes reviews, comment on everything.

Internet grew in size but the quality dropped below the lowest bar.
Boyega on the left looks like he's actually enjoying himself and likes making the kids happier.

Half the people on the right look like they're just awkwardly posing for a picture to get it over with, especially McCarthy.
> i took my wifes son and daughter to the movie

who wrote this?
>Fucking whities! you're all stormtroopers to me!
Now I kinda have to see this thing, right? Because otherwise people on facetwit will call me a sexist pig, if not worse.
The stench of lazy pervades it.
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would have been better if it was a serious movie with funny things in it
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>my wife's son and daughter
>mfw I have a gf
>mfw I'm taking her to see Ghostbusters on Friday
>mfw I'm white
>mfw I like the original Ghostbusters and want to see the reboot

This is gonna be way better than Ghostbusters II.
fieg was present at the screening
fieg did q and a after the screening
fag took a selfie with a fieg
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking sexism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet..
Just about at 80% now. Looks like there's plenty of crow to go around
So can we get a women centric Predator now?
Pretentious much? Oh wait thats right, PC nuts cant stop sucking their own metaphorical dicks
Suprise, Hardwick the cuck likes it

Look man, I'm a handsome 26 year old muscular guy who has had sexual relations with countless beautiful women. You're a lonely virgin message board psychologist who has zero experience with women. I win. Good night to you sir, I bet imagining me in a prison cell is the only thing that helps you sleep at night knowing there's a God cruel enough to put you on this earth with your body and your face, and then curse you by making a handsome beautiful man like me to have relations with all the women you go to bed fapping and fantasizing about. So I can understand why you're so upset at me, at God and at the world in general. I feel sympathy for you.
How about a reboot of Alien with Ripley played as a male character.
>Reviews counted: 41 (out of the usual 200+ for big budget popcorn flicks)
The increasing leftism of video games was marching forward regardless of Zoe, GG & Co, it's impossible to know how much it's "accelerated" as a result.

Any more sulky responses?
Right even though this guy with a handful of views somehow gets into this thing, never discussed Ghostbusters in his life, started the channel around the same time production did, and has marketing experience.
Can't blame them for their hustle.

Nah. Plenty of studios like Rockstar will continue to pump out sexually offensive (or whatever) games because it sells.

Money > approval of a fringe group.
>average ticket sales made up for by huge profit at the popcorn and candy booths
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it's literal ghostkino
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Neither do the Oscars. Just watch, BvS will win nothing and this tripe will win everything.

Lol nah
Scores usually remain pretty stable after this many
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Did people really think critics were gonna rate it as it deserves?

Every movie with a "progressive" leftist message is overrated there.

Barbershop 3 has 90%, while 13 hours has 50%
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How is this the world we live in?
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>The only success is instantaneous success
Are you developmentally disabled?
>average rating: 6/10
>reviews counted: 7
Not a good sign when even literal cucks are calling bullshit.
So they're taking away violent video games in the future? Some crystal ball you got there, nerd.
Already left my review, solid 10/10
>kek, living the meme
Lots of critics are giving it fair and negative reviews, which is actually much better than /tv/'s reaction to this movie.

>Barbershop 3
>progressive leftitst message

Have you even watched it?
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>would be faithful to the spirit (pun intended) of the original
I respect this person's opinions on comedy.
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Violence is a conservitard gripe, not an SJW one.
Does anyone know what the old ghostbusters cameo is?
I'm now convinced critics are bought out.
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>my wife's son and daughter
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Based Anon
It's both.
Only goober/v/ate thought that
Bought or afraid of the SJW backlash for hating it.
Sorry, I don't watch nigger diarrhea
violence against women triggers them
violence against men they don't care
>Egon is a bust
>Winston is black gorillas uncle
>Ray is a cab driver
>Peter is a ghostbuster-skeptic

non of them play their original roles but entirely new ones.
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Saw it.

Leslie Jones (the person of color) was FANTASTIC.

Can't wait to see her in many, many, many more films.
If this theory held any water, SONY would have easily boosted him by making deals with other big channels to boost him or just payed some established channels to promote this film.

You pointing out the low sub count is literally blowing your own theory to fucking shambles.
Sure, and how do you explain him looking just like feigh? Coincidence? I think not!
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Games are rolling in women more as grunts and mooks that you slaughter. Have SJWs complained about this?
why not launder money through a good film
>Peter is a ghostbuster-skeptic

well I guess that makes sense
I feel like this entire thing is an insult to Ramis
Well it is just a theory. But he wasnt obligated by the embargo and now has 12,000 views in the past 2 days. But yeah its probably a coincidence
>What has that actually accomplished?

More diversity of games.
You know Amy Pascal bought the rights to Zoe Quinn's book and plans to make an anti GG movie, right?
>citation needed
A handful of internet autists does not mean "panned"
Sarkeesian and her butt buddy McIntosh and their followers.
Because then you would actually have to hire """talent"""
With regards to what?
>Finding Dory
Naw man. I watched that opening night, Dory is a good example of a 70-80% film imo
posting again
Insurance. Have you never seen The Producers?
Don't worry. People will find something else to hate.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 76

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