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Independence Day Resurgence - What's the verdict /tv/?
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Independence Day Resurgence - What's the verdict /tv/?
Good setup but it's shit
7,5/10 popcorn flick/dumb but fun.
6/10 movie
2/10 kino.

It was fun. Nowhere near as bad as people claim it is.
It was a badly paced, CGI-fueled rollercoaster of nonsense and references to the first film.
How was based Bill Pullman in it?
>7,5/10 popcorn flick/dumb but fun.

Oh come on, even the oneliners were a failure.
It was no worse than the average marvel sequel.

Dumb fun, zero tension, 100% silly.
Why such low rating on imdb?
No worse than the original.
first movie was 2/10 already.
Pile of shit
One of the best things about the first one was how the invasion was built up (the low frequency pulse, the shadows, the ships just floating there doing nothing until the green zapping)
This just had a bigger CG version with some gay ball
>expecting anything other than a cgi shit fest with lots of action and death
why are people so dumb when it comes to movies. dont you know what youre going to see before you pay for it. how fucking dumb can you get, its a movie to see to fill time, its a different kind of idea, its just got explosions and fighting in it. why the fuck are you expecting a brilliant fucking story from it. my friends are like this, example
>hurr independence day is shit, story and character development is slow and gay and boring

>hurr why dont they have more action scenes in generation kill
I expected it to be garbage that lost sight of what made the original good and took itself way to seriously
In actually it kept the light, humorous atmosphere of the first and was an overall enjoyable watch
I thought it as pretty alright
Orkun being gay was interesting at first, then annoying and at end sad when his bearfu dies.
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