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>smashes guy >blows up guy >breaks guy >stabs guy
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>smashes guy
>blows up guy
>breaks guy
>stabs guy
What did he mean by this /v/?
>put Punisher in a bat-suit
>call him Batman

What did Snyder mean by this?
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objectively shit movie.

let's move on.
Bale has a higher killcount.
maybe in American Psycho.

but not as Batman.
I wouldnt go so far as to call him The Punisher, more like instigated into using lethal force with the car, but yes its still rather weird for Batman. Its not the image you want to begin with when building a shared comic universe. Actually come to think of it hes a lot like Burton Batman: he murders the fuck out of people with vehicles.
>Car blows up chemical factory with thugs inside
>Batwing shoots thugs but somehow misses Joker

Burned down a huge dojo and everyone in it in Batman Begins.
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>rams car and smashes it
>grapples car, drags it, tosses it onto another car
>fires turret at people in truck
What did he mean by this?
he wasn't Batman then.
>superman never wondered why or who was trying to smear his image
>lex never took advantage of superman to increase batman's paranoia (as in making it seem like he was a hired hand to protect lex's cargo which is why he showed up to stop batman but let the henchmen go)
move was poorly written tbqh. Zynder was too preoccupied with creating imagery and symbolism and forgot about telling a coherent good story. Bruce Wayne/Batman was the closest thing he got right.
a single punch to the head can kill a guy
and batman is stronger than your average guy, how the hell does this meme come into play

batman would've killed lots of guys already from punching them in the head
Except that he's a master martial artist and knows exactly hos hard to punch and where.
Bateman never killed anyone though.
except if a guy is unconscious, that is already too strong
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>obliterates guy with Batmobile machine gun
what is with US comic books and
yet they idolize their army and police
That's not accurate at all, characters like The Punisher are all about killing people. It's just that someone like Batman or Superman has a code of ethics that goes against killing.
Sometimes. Other times they don't. But lots of people don't like those other times.
Anyone else have this train of thought during the car chase?
>Ok they could be o- and now he used the grapple hook. Theyre dead.
>Theyre crushed by his first victims
>Alright he didnt shoot the gattling guy...AND HE JUST DEMOLISHED THAT CAR INTO NOTHING
>Grazing the truck...........and now that one guy is gone.......hes stuck under the car isnt he?
I could watch this review a hundred times, it never gets old

He covers basically everything, his rambling is so interesting the time flies. At least for me.
>41 minutes
This better be good, anon.
After five minutes it becomes clear if you will like it or not. Its not an analysis video, he is just talking about it maybe like Red Letter Media would.
So Plinkett or just Mike/Jay rambling?
Yeah, exactly how I went through the movie.
>okay, MAYBE the turrets on his car aren't like TECHNICALLY guns or something
>shoots people with rifle later on in movie
Like Mike and Jay but he is very much a different person than them.
He does it immediately after refusing to kill a man.
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this desu
You cant count the dream/alternate future. But yes the car chase/plane is completely valid. You could even make the argument that Bats killed that one warehouse guy when throwing that box
I always thought Batman should be allowed to kill. I know him not killing is one of his defining traits, but considering most of his violent criminals keep busting out of Arkham Asylum I wouldn't hold it against him.

Especially the Joker. Most of Batman's problems would be solved if he just started killing people, though he'd probably have the police force against him too. He should be smart and rich enough to get away with it though.
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>still not as badass as Cap
That's why it's all such a maddening circle of events, especially with the Joker. It's the point of the story.
Not to mention the amount of internal conflict Batman has. He needs to have a code to control himself and separate himself from the bad guys, but he finds himself wanting to do it more and more, and often doesn't know what to do with himself.
He doesn't care about killing, he doesn't want to be an executioner.

There's also no proof anyone died, these are assumptions.
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The worst thing is that Batman's decision to kill Superman would've had so much more weight if Snyder hadn't already made him a casual mass murderer.

Awesome: Superman is such a threat to humanity that it actually drives Batman to break his #1 rule

Snyder: Superman is such a threat to humanity that Batman decides to add him to the body count

Haven't seen the movie. Why the fuck is batman wearing a trenchcoat over his batsuit and why is he holding an assault rifle?
it's a vision from an alternate future induced by flash time traveling.
meme sequence
This is how it was meant to be.
It's such a disappointment that Snyder did this.
What a guy.
this so much
don't forget the branding, OP
The idea of Batman going around branding people was hilarious.
Why did they think this made sense or could be taken seriously??
I was terrified at him in and out of the suit throughout the entire film. Batman was a complete "redpilled" mess. I loved how they made him the disturbing villain Superman needs to redeem. Really it felt fantastic to be truly frightened by Batman in a movie theater.

>waaaaah baby want batgod baby want bat sue

Really makes you think
not muh Batmanfags are the worst kind of plebs
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>There's a safe way to punch people until they pass out

>>71758876 gets it. Batman has at the very least put someone into a coma, probably several people, just from brutalizing them with his fists. What does it matter if he uses a gun or a fucking car. He kills people inadvertently.
>That's right! We have hospitals to treat the mentally ill with compassion, but that's not where you're going. I arranged for you to get a transfer to Arkham Asylum in Gotham. I have friend there. They're expecting you.
This bit gave me massive gooseflesh.
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Still less sadistic than Burton's Batman.
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Batman? BATMAN!? Heh, more like BADMAN!
Dream sequence/vision of the future where Darkseid takes over Earth and Superman turns evil.
Batman's reasoning made no sense though.

>LMAO this guy turned on his own kind to save us, and spends his days saving people from disasters and shit. He's clearly a threat to mankind.
Batman 89 was not a Batman movie, it was a Tim Burton movie.
>not part of a cinematic universe so it doesn't count!
Yes it does. It's the definitive Batman movie. Or at least was for 20 years until The Dark Knight.
Superman caused a lot of collateral damage. Also Lex's been messing with Bruce for 2+ years (according to that rooftop scene).
Also there is no contrast to their personalities, they are both stoic and pissed all the time.

>it WAS the definitive Batman movie until Nolan raised up from the earth like a god and showed the mortals was art is/was
IF Batmans just wanted to show Superman he could kill him, that humans could defend themselves without him, it would have made more sense.
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>Superman caused a lot of collateral damage.

Cause Batman didn't cause any damage when he was chasing that truck, right? Collateral damage has always been a dumb argument when the alternative was the death of every man, woman and child on the planet.
it's not a coincidence that keaton and affleck have been the best onscreen batmans
To be fair all of Batman's victims were criminals.
Superman's one (1) victim was a mass murderer.
God of bad direction, editing and exposition.
>nearly obliterated an entire city in Man of Steel
>1 victim
Yeah sure.
Oh, I thought we were talking about Superman, not Zod.
>nutted but she still suckin'
except that he also kills and marks for death, people outside of the batmobile
It's a horrible adaptation that ended up being a good movie.

Horrible, just awful as a Batman movie.
And in Batman Begins, the dude caused an horrific pile-up of cop cars by tossing explosives at them, for having the nerve to do their jobs and pursue him.
>greatest detective investigates Superman for 2 years
>can't figure out that he's Clark Kent

>reporter Clark Kent investigates Batman in the city next door
>doesn't recognize billionaire Bruce Wayne when he meets him

Movie was a fucking mess.
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>Metropolis is a few miles away from Gotham
You dumb

If Wayne figures out that Superman is Clark Kent then who fucking cares? He's fucking Superman. Is Batman going to sneak up on Superman?

His identity was meaningless to Batman's goal. Stop hating.
He never met Batman in person until the car chase. And there's nothing to suggest said that he DIDN'T recognize Bruce under the mask.
>Who's that?
>You live under a rock?
>That's Bruce Wayne. You call yourself a journalist who is human and was born on Earth?
If you're referring to the party, I meant his Batman persona.
Haha, epic Twitter meme friend. XD
You said there's nothing to suggest Clark didn't recognize Bruce under his mask.

When they met at the party they clearly had no idea who the other one was, despite the mental gymnastics necessary to believe that.
BvS is not a Batman movie. It is a Snyder KINO.
none of this is relevant to the movie
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Dont worry, it was just Tear-Gas ammo.
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Don't you mean rubber bullets?
fact is ,there are a few story arcs were batman kills. Or at least, he doesn't care if some criminal scum dies.
>fact is ,there are a few story arcs were batman kills.

Got any proof that's not from some gold or silver age comic?
>If Wayne figures out that Superman is Clark Kent then who fucking cares?

Well, if Batman figures out that Superman has actually been living among man this whole time, and in fact, had just met the guy a day or so ago, then the entire fight would have been unnecessary, as Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent could just talk it out

Which is another reason why this Batman was just Punisher in a bat-suit: Batman does very little actual detective work

Heck, if Batman had done like 5 minutes of research into Clark Kent(which of course he'd do, because he's FUCKING BATMAN, THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE, WHO HAS A FILE ON EVERYONE HE MEETS, even a nobody reporter), he'd have realized that Clark's mother is also named Martha, and instead of getting fucking triggered, he could put 2 and 2 together and deduce Superman's identity when Superman calls out Martha's name

you mean ones from alternate realities or literally 70 years ago?
How about he would find out that his mom's name is Martha.
you told them kid!
imho best batman
Don't remember that people liked this particular Batman either.
What the actual fuck is this? I thought people were just joking about it.

You should give it a watchm Ultimate cut obviously.
my nigga
literally Arkham knight: the movie
Batman's motives for fighting superman in this movie are more in line with Lex from the comics. it's really weird.
>Arkham knight: the movie
Ah yes, Arkham Knight. The game that took the great series and turned it into "you gotta drive the car now, because isn't it just awesome?".
i enjoyed all arkham games including arkham knight and batmobile, only thing i hated in last game was almost no boss fight and Fucking ps4 exclusive scarecrow dlc
>Riddler is now about driving the car
They took it too far with that. Also
>Arkham Knight is a new character
>really, it's pretty obvious he's Jason
>nah he's a new character
>it's still just Jason
Still mad.
im not a sperg
I dont care that much if batman kills people but then why does he go all melee on the guys holding MARTHA.
This is from the same comic where he grabs a machinegun and mows down a bunch of punks

Frank is a hack
Honestly hated the story line, and thought the dialogue was strangely bad.
The joker stuff was just way too silly, and I just wanted to be over and done with him, at least for this game, but it was just forced in.
Everything just seemed written badly.

Not to mention the anticlimactic Scarecrow ending.
And also I don't think the Joker would be afraid of being forgotten. Just seemed out of place and wrong.


My unpopular opinion would be having Arkham Origins as my favorite. I enjoyed that game's environment and story so much.
>My unpopular opinion would be having Arkham Origins as my favorite
Holy shit, I'm not alone?
Me 3. It's extremely buggy though on my new rig. Can't play it. My unpopular opinion is the guy that voiced Batman in that >>> Conroy. Conroy sounds fucking half asleep in Knight.
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Cold Cold Heart is the best thing an Arkham game has brought us thus far
It's basically a retelling of a Batman: Animated Series episode desu
I fail to see a flaw.
>This is from the same comic where he grabs a machinegun and mows down a bunch of punks

no he doesn't, he does shoot and kill a woman holding a gun to a child's head.
Snyder stopped pretending Batman smashing people's heads so hard that he knocks them out for hours doesn't mean he killed them.

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Ehhhck. Worse than MGS dialogue. Now I know why this is Manchild shit. Selling my comics for Camera and sound.
>MGS dialogue
Fun fact: Frank Miller is a massive weeb. It's only natural for him to write like the Japanese.
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Honestly my biggest issue with Western Comics are those fucking speech bubbles and boxes that describe the FUCKING PICTURE.

The few mangas I've read do it way better, it feels more natural.

and especially the art on Marvel-DC comics is so bad.. I don't know how people pay for that garbage.
What did he meant by this?
>superman comes to planet
>man comes after superman
>ensuing destruction of city
now whats the root of the problem there?

When did everybody start getting so bitter about thugs being knocked unconscious being "unrealistic"?

every thread I've seen discussing Batman always has at least one guy crying about how Batman must cause numerous concussions and internal brain hemorrhages and cerebral edemas and WHO THE FUCK CARES.
why because its not part of the horrible fumbling dc extended universe franchise that mashes all the characters together to make sure no story can stand on its own or have a hope of creative inspiration or integrity?
this. people have died from being punched once in the face by teenagers. let alone being graphically brutalized and thrown into metal, having their head smashed against the ground, etc. people seize up and die from blunt force trauma like that all the time. i know a guy who got drunk fell down and became a vegetable. the only definite way to not cause death is to not hit someone
It was completely fucking bizarre mental gymnastics to think he could fucking knock them down like he does in comics without any severe brain damage.

>Who the fuck cares
Surprised that the 'Batman doesn't le kill' crowd is of this opinion. Let see me smash your head to brick wall at a good speed and see if you care.
keaton was the best bat because it showed how fucked up and borderline delusional a guy wearing a batsuit and trying to be a vigilante would have to be
No as I'm not an autist unlike you.
>i know a guy who got drunk fell down and became a vegetable
My friend, damn. He was walking, fell backwards so the back of his head hit the ground and he was in coma for 1.5 years. He had to learn to walk, speech again.
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>bat of homicide
people who say batman killing is counter to his character
Wait, how does he throw that box?

>It was completely fucking bizarre mental gymnastics to think he could fucking knock them down like he does in comics without any severe brain damage.

or maybe Batman is a trained martial artist of umpteen disciplines that knows how to limit the damage? But nah that's not part of his background right?

You are bitches that want something, ANYTHING to bitch about to appear smart, when all you're doing is crying over comic book logic.



just fuck off to comblr
BvS was 99% dogshit, but that scene was fantastic.
But he called Batman "Bruce". Superman knew who he was, Batman was just a fucking retard who couldn't figure out Lex was behind everything.
or maybe Batman is a trained martial artist of umpteen disciplines that knows how to limit the damage?
its not possible to pick and choose how blunt force trauma to the head will affect a person you fucking idiot. jesus christ i know capeshit fans are literal retards, but i thought they were forrest gump retards. not i am sam full retards
got the bit where he like fucking kicks a hanging dude into some fag stupidly about to throw a grenade at everyone? that part made me laugh my ass off.
The man who comes after Superman, you fucking retard. And it's not like Superman chose to come to Earth.
>that describe the FUCKING PICTURE.
like the image you just posted?'
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Hey guys let's argue about comic books some more
Manga are as guilty of blatant exposition as Western comics.
Don't see why not
He does it immediately after refusing to execute an unarmed prisoner, you mean.
And again, he doesn't even do that. He takes the gun from one of the mutants and shoots the wall behind the other, which makes them drop their hostage.

he knew who batman was sperglord
I fucking hate this crowdy pages.
rarely as much as western shit ivr read desu
It feels more natural in the Berserk pic. Just three qts being shocked.

I hate how Marvel and DC comic have 2-3 boxes describing the fucking picture like 'THERE WAS A BEAM* when it is visible in the pic(non dialogue boxes)

They take me out of it.
>Honestly my biggest issue with Western Comics
> are those fucking speech bubbles and boxes that describe the FUCKING PICTURE.

Have you not read a comic since the 70s?
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I don't know man, the decades I mean. I'm trying to read some comics /tv/ recommended that are related to BVS and I'm at Red Son and these narration boxes just make me legitimate hate this stuff...

It breaks the flow of the image, the space between two images.. hard to explain but I can't jiggy with this.
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Can YOU bring comic book where Avengers OK with killing?
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And especially my issue with these non-European western comics is that they often feel like sad sorry attempts at making a screenplay.

I don't feel like I'm reading a comic, if you get what I mean.

There are lot of European comics I enjoy, and I feel want to be comics, and take advantage of comic nature.
I loved this movie but I thought that that stupid cunt (wondershit) showing up was horrible and they should be ashamed for advertising like that not just once but like 5 times throughout the movie. Not to mention she literally killed superman by cutting superorcs arm off
Burton Batman stapped a bombed to a guys chest and smiled at him before he blew up. Set a guy on fire with the Batmobile for no reason
I liked WW/Diana : / Wish there had been more of her and Bruce Wayne together doing stuff.
Yeah maybe fucking but then she disappears and they don't show her stupid, too skinny ass ever again. Also, I've never read her stupid comics but she seemed way too powerful. She seemed powerful enough to take on superman.
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Everyone that the Batman "actively" killed(not branded) in the lead-up to Fight Night was someone keeping him from what he needed to kill Superman, It's a pretty good illustration of the ends justifying any and all means. This was the inevitable conclusion to the career of a "hero" who uses fear as a weapon. Heroes aren't supposed to scare people into being good. They're supposed to inspire them to be better. That's why Bruce in full-on obsessive brutal mode is not a hero. He's just a vigilante.

What's better is that all those people were actively trying to kill him, too, which shows how far Lex was willing to go to provide Bats the illusion of control. Lex was willing to toss any number of goons at this killing machine, because it provided the Batman with the least reason to believe that he was getting played.

In the warehouse, we see Bruce again willing to do whatever it takes to rescue Martha, who in Bruce's mind has essentially become a stand-in for his own mother at that point - the ultimate victim to save. It's only after witnessing Clark's heroic sacrifice that he fully remembers what he once was and sees that his ideals, obscured by decades of disappointment and cynicism still have meaning.

In this incarnation of the Bat, we are shown a representation of the dark, gritty, morally ambiguous vigilante being inspired to be a better man by the sacrifice of a hero.
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Don't fucking bother anymore anon. Some people just want to hate the film. All I see is Snyder's (and Goyer's misguided) love for Superman, superheroes, Batman, the characters all around.

Do you per chance have mubi or letterboxd?
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Isn't this an alternate reality already?
But he killed people a lot in the comics. At least early comics.
Bat man is psychologically incapable of killing in the comics, excepting of course his super early appearance where he was a Shadow ripoff.

Superman doesn't kill unless it's a crazy powerful repeat offender immediately threatening life. Even then it's only a last resort. I don't think killing Zod was bad, but the execution and tone were shit.

All before throwing him out of a plane.
Good meme
Shooting a wall doesn't leave a stain.
He hated sups because MoS superman had no concern for collateral damage. He never thought to try to protect the innocent.
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We don't need accurate Batman movies, the Arkham games already nailed that shit perfectly.
This anon gets it. If Batman kills, Gotham should be a ghost town. The GCPD wouldn't work with him. Most villains would be dead or wouldn't exist and he'd just be a mob hitman except he does it for free
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I'm an oldfag. I don't even know what those are, but I'll look into them, superbro!
Why was his second blow able to know him down? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the bomb?

Burton is a hack
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What Batman or Superman comics would you recommend? I'm going down the comic list in this post right no because of MoS and BVS, but it could be anything really.
Were the truck guards just hired security for a (as far as they knew) legitimate company?

He didn't kill any petty thugs, only mercenaries trying to kill him.
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>what is character progression

Batman goes off the deep end after robin's death, then is brought back through his friendship with superman, it's not hard to understand. you literally have Alfred's commentary about it through the whole film.
They could have been random security personell.
You also have Wayne mansion trashed to reflect Bruce Wayne's mental state.
i really, really, really, really, like murder batman. i hope to see another snyder directed batman with lots of murder

also, you can really feel the impact of fight scenes in snyder films.. snyder murder goku dragon ball z when?

except it was stated they were mercenaries in the film.

>someone on reddit wrote that

Thats just willful ignorance on their part.
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I'm going to suggest something that's not a comic for a change. I'm a guy that's been reading comics since the 70s. My collection spans the late 60s up through the early 00s. I witnessed the tonal shift in mainstream comics that occurred in the mid-80s and if I were to suggest anything at all, it would be finding a history of comic books.

That would best help explain the metanarrative that's being presented in these films while also giving you an overview of major events in comics over the years.

As far as a comic that provides some of the same sort of commentary as I believe to be present in Snyder's films, I'd suggest "Planetary." The author's forward in the first few issues alone make them worth the read.
Batfleck will be directing the Batman movie. I doubt he will take as many risks as Snyder due to all the criticism for BvS
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>collecting since the 70s.
So that'd make you probably like near 50 year old?

Damn dude.

I will check out Planetary and try to find some history resource for them
sad dubs, though i do like ben's directing
Mercenaries hired to defend the payload, thus security guards. Just because they shoot at Batman when he attacks doesn't mean it's okay to kill them
Ben isn't a director that takes risks anyway. so if Batman film is safe it is not because of BVS criticism, it's just Ben's nature to be quite safe director if you've seen his films.
badass desu

Sure it does.

You sound like some comic faggot who can't handle Batman in a different light.
If you're operating a concealed 50-cal machine gun from the back of an unmarked civilian vehicle, it's a safe bet your employer's not on the up-and-up.
I don't mind Batman killing people. I mind him mowing down people with a minigun. Batman is not the Punisher.
>>smashes guy
He deserved it
>>blows up guy
He threw a grenade at him, he threw it back
>>breaks guy
>>stabs guy
He stabbed him in the shoulder
He shoots a tank containing gasoline that was about to burn an innocent to death, thus blocking travel to the flamethrower, saving said innocent
Yup! Legit oldfag here. Learned how to read from my dad reading me his old Superman comics. Great talking to you. I'm off to work.
See you around SuperManner
Its already been established that he has accepted to kill people, he just hates doing it himself from close up because seeing the face of the man, looking into the eyes of his victim kills him inside and forces him to accept that he is just a murderrer like the one he kills. He can't stand that, he can't face that sentence so inatead he brands them with his simbol so they get killed in prison so he can't tell himself that's not his doing, he didn't kill that man."ohh i just gave him a new tatoo, i just pushed his car a bit, i just shot his truck to stop it he's probably not dead". He knows he killed them, he just needs to tell himself these lies so he can sleep at night and keep up his holyer than fuck bullshit
Or perhaps he didn't think his actions through and didn't know he'd be blowing up all the other ninjas. The guilt from accidently killing them lead to his extreme anti murder views. That's why he could kill the Joker or Bane.
The men killed with the bat tattoos were orchestrated by lex to fuel Bruces rage, watch the 3 hour cut
If you want to get really technical, he knew the mask was keeping Bane alive and attacked it anyway

He also kills Talia
That's when Batman realizes that by not killing he was actually causing bigger problems. He basically gets over his guilt and decides to do what's necessary to save the city. The fact a nuke was about to explode kinda helped change his mind.
Snyder fuck up resolved
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You are Daredevil or have don't have other explanation how you could miss a spot on the wall. You literally made me go home and re-check my shelf pron, Matt.
nice focus lad
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Also I want to note that "no killing" line in context with TDKR means that he crossing it in rare moments, not that if he kills = he is not Batman anymore, same with guns and all other stuff.

And also by the question of those who wondering why he didn't killed Joker. Because he is directly responsible for his creation.
Why doesn't Batman kill people?
It fucking sucks, not realistic, not logical, it is completely stupid. Why would he care?
I tried it in technical way, tried capture whole panel, but 4chan said that picture is too "heavy", so I ended with this.

You can check original at this if you are interested (2 ch hk/v/res/1108167) (just roll down to the end of thread)
There's no proof that any of the thugs died in BvS either. I mean we can be reasonably sure that all of them were either crushed pretty bad and/or were on fire but, just like in the Nolan trilogy, we never see any bodies.

You idiot.
>"Superman is Clark Kent!"
>"Who the fuck is Clark Kent?"

It's the Dark Knight Returns-style Batman, who Frank Miller wrote like a Sin City character.
Although now that I think about it even TDKR Batman stopped just short of killing when he had a chance to kill Joker.
If serious, those guys in car on which was thrown another car could made pretty alive, as their mates (but with faaaaar less chances) from car that was thrown.
Since he's based on TDKR Batman, who I think said something like "He'll live" after being told he crippled a man, I don't think he gives a fuck
Not 89 but Returns.
Nah, they're fucking dead. Just like scores of ninjas died in Begins, just like the dump truck driver died in TDK. Batman has directly killed lots of people in the films. Why nerds are sperging out over it now is purely Snyder hate and nothing more. The difference between the Snyder/Goyer/Terrio Batman and Nolan's is that the current rendition actually has a clear reason why he went off the rails and gave up on his code. Beyond that, the movie hammers it in time and again that he's WRONG for doing it, and it's Superman's death that brings him back from the brink. In the Nolan films, criminals get murdered and the movies move on like it never happened at all. No one batted an eye.

>having a bone

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What'd happen with Superman.jpg
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>pinky ring

Super gangster.
Goku kills tho. He killed majin bu and old piccolo.
some parts of that scene were awesome though.
Batman looks like the fuckhuge powerhouse he is supposed to. But then he takes it too far and kills a good half of those people.
quality post
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>I have never read any Batman comics: the post

Metabarons is awesome, and luckily, impossible to adapt to the screen.
Batman isn't a logical being. He dresses like a bat and wages an endless one man war on crime.
Did Alfred do anything besides bitch and moan the whole time?
It's against his code, and Batman has honor and stays true to his code.
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it took over 200 comments for someone to finally end the thread.
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>I read comics over the age of 15
This was the most bizarre part for me. Why does everything have to be New York?
That's a problem with comics on the whole. Joker's escaped, what, over a hundred times now? In real life he would either be locked up forever or society would have murdered him at some point, either legally or otherwise

But lazy comics writers need to keep breaking him out of Arkham
You shouldn't try to think of them as continuous story like that dude. People just like concept of Joker and concept of Bat and keep writing stories about them.

Nobody has this issue with Scrooge/Donald DUck comics and The Beagle Boys... despite TBB fucking up Scrooge and his city far more than Joker
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